A video addressing the LSU conflict was anonymously posted online. The description says, “A summary of the discussion of the teaching of naturalistic macro-evolution at La Sierra University.” The speaker, Joe Cooper, highlights key quotations from select letters and articles that have been published within the last year, along with clips from LSU’s new Biology Seminar. A more complete list can be found in “The History.” The video concludes with an appeal to watchers to contact their leadership about this issue.
Thank you, thank you, Joe Cooper. I sent my letter to the GC a few days ago. I think it is time for the rest of us, the ordinary, every-day, behind the scenes church members to speak up. I am also sending my tithe to the Michigan Conference. If enough people from around the U.S did that, I believe our church officials could see their way clear to actually DO something!
View CommentI agree with Susie, it is time to speak up. The church as a whole needs to return to the origins of our fundamentals, which are purely based on scripture. Thank you Mr. Cooper, for listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and posting the video. It is time to Stand Firm.
May the Lord watch over all of us as we sincerely seek Him in prayer.
1 Thes. 5:16-17 Rejoice evermore, and pray without ceasing.
Kevin Manestar(Quote)
View CommentNice going Joe Cooper!
View CommentCan we assemble a very large group of “solid Adventists” to protest this open rebellion? (((march on LSU… signs and all))) The 2010-2011 school year should not begin with the current [professors] in place. We need school administrators and professors who believe and support our “true Biblical/Adventist belief” (six literal days) when it comes to the teaching of science and faith. I would be willing to fly to Southern CA to march for the truth of God. We could let the LSU administration know about it in advance and also let them know that we will be contacting the local media for coverage. Our Adventist young people need real leaders to stand up for Jesus and His wonderful truth.
View CommentIt would seem apparent since a correct understanding of the biblical account of creation will affect a person’s decision concerning the Sabbath, that any viable SDA would demand accountability of the church leadership on this issue.
Politics as usual will not fly in light of the importance of this present issue. We should realize that many smaller tests will preceed the final test. If we fail in the smaller issues, we will not be victories in the larger ones.
You don’t go to school and fail all the daily tests and quizes, and think you can pass the final examine at the end of the year. It would seem many SDA’s today think they can. The spirit of compromise and patronizing will simply continue when the final test comes.
The false gospel presented today in much of Adventism is gendering this false spirit and the prediction by EGW that many will abandon the faith when real persecution comes is more readily seen in our present church situation and its present spirituality.
[Edit: Again, this is not a forum for moral accusations regarding doctrinal positions – sp]
Jesus said, “By their fruits you will know them.”
And the present “fruits” of this false gospel are so evident in the SDA church you could wonder how any one could miss the point. The celebration movement has been embraced and advocated in huge portions of Adventism and the eccumenical movement is now ready to swallow up the SDA church.
A friend of mine has well said, “The worldly churches will not be content nor fully accept the SDA church until we abandon the Sabbath.” He went on to say, “And it does not matter how much we try to imitate and patronize the spirituality of these fallen churches, we will not find full acceptance until we do.”
Meaning, no matter how we try to explain the gospel to satisfy their false understanding, we will always be considered “legalists” until we abandon the Sabbath. He conclusion was, “Why not quite trying to patronize their false spirituality, and simply return to our true and historic positions as taught and advocated by our pioneers?”
And he is right, isn’t he? If our historic position is biblical, we need not try to win the favor of others and try to gain acceptance by compromising our faith for the sake of popularity.
Keep the faith
Bill Sorensen
Bill Sorensen(Quote)
View CommentWhy is this listed as anonymous? The speaker identifies himself at the beginning.
Kenneth, I’m not keen on the idea of a protest march because of how those are perceived. In America, protests marches are generally viewed (rightly or wrongly) as a group of lunatic extremests who don’t really have arguments but just try to get their way by making noise. Since LSU seems to be trying to paint us in that light we would only be serving to confirm their characterization of us to their students. It would not only do no good, it would end up being counter productive and probably drive people who are on the fence away from our side. The better solution is to continue to petition the leaders and provide accurate, unbiased, information about this issue. We should also support the leaders who are speaking out.
View CommentI know that a march is a little on the extreme side, but what can we do to make sure our young people are not taught lies in our Adventist schools. God will hold us accountable in the end if we stand by and do nothing. Why must we wait years to right a wrong when the wrong is so open and public. We (the Church) need to be able to act fast when open rebellion comes into light. Marching may not be the answer, but it sure worked to help bring about desegregation in America.
View CommentI agree that the time has come for some ACTION and not just words. What action? I won’t give my opinion, but encourage others to do so.
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentWith the way that LSU student Louie Bishop was treated by LSU officials when he tried to politely to let people know what was happening, you can be sure no one would get permission to come on campus for a march! Currently the entire campus is surrounded by a (prison style) fence and you wouldn’t be given permission to come through the guarded gate.
Even the recent constituency meeting was “card-checked” –only those on the official list were allowed inside. No, it is obvious on many fronts (and for obvious reasons) LSU officials don’t like the idea of transparency. If transparency had actually existed through the years, surely these deeply entrenched (non-Adventist) philosophies would never have become so intrinsic to La Sierra’s identity. That is also the reason that this site is an anathema to those who want LSU to remain exactly as it is. Exposure is not welcome.
However, now that some genuine exposure has occurred in ever widening circles–thanks in a large part to this web site–it appears that some corrective steps may occur. The fact that the Michigan Conference took such a significant action and now the Central California Conference is moving forward, I take as very good signs.
View CommentSusie, You’re exactly correct. LSU will do anything to barricade themselves against anyone or any group trying to educate on campus. They will continue to “hunker down” as they know the “handwriting is on the wall” for them!
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentI take exception to the comment of Brother Sorensen about the “spirituality of fallen churches”. I am a Sabbath observing Christian who belongs to the Adventist Church (56 years). My knowing and observing the “Sabbath truth” does not make me superior to my other Christian friends who live the REAL TRUTH- JESUS- in their lives everyday, in humility, and faithful service to God by loving their neighbors.
While on this earth, Jesus already commended many Gentiles to His kingdom purely based on their faith realtionship with Him. To the consternation of the church leaders who kept the Sabbath based on more thatn a thousand dos and don’ts. When I begin using my Sabbath observance as a test of true dsicipleship, then I am no better than the Pahrisees. Yes, I believe in the specialness of the Sabbath. Ultimately, the Lord of the Sabbath is also the Lord of everyday of the week. By His grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone, Sabbath keepers and non- Sabbath keepers will hold hands in heaven. Just heard a sermon in the GC session last Sunday: “It is cool to realize that we are not God”. LET’S BE KOOOL!
Fred Hosillos(Quote)
View CommentKen, it’s too bad about not being able to march. I agree it would not be a crowd pleaser, precisely the reason I think it would bring more attention to the problem. If done right, it would NOT be an exercise in futility. OTOH, if the protest can’t really be done ON CAMPUS, the effect would be minimal. Let’s get off our duffs and do something to aid the cause!
C Torres(Quote)
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