Conrad Vine Continues to Attack Church Leadership

Pastor Conrad Vine, who previously came out strongly against the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for statements supportive of vaccines (even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic: Link), continues his attack. Pastor Vine recently spoke at the Northern Maine Campmeeting, giving a series of talks. Here is the video of his “Broken Bride 3 –…

Is Christianity a Counterfeit Religion?

A fairly popular claim is that Christianity is a counterfeit religion since it has simply copied or plagiarized pretty much all of its key claims and doctrinal positions from ancient pagan religions.  Certainly, there are numerous striking parallels between Christianity and numerous ancient pagan religions, to include the trinity, the virgin birth, a divine death…

Dr. Robert Malone: From Vaccine Inventor to Conspiracy Theorist?

The Inventor of mRNA vaccines opposes them? If the mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna are so helpful in the fight against COVID-19, as I personally believe that they are and as I’ve personally been claiming for quite some time now, then how on Earth can the very inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology…

Natural vs. Vaccine-derived Immunity

When the terms “natural immunity” or “naturally-derived immunity” are used, this isn’t in reference to one’s “innate” immune system, but to one’s “adaptive” immune system that has been educated regarding what to attack in the future after being exposed to previous infection(s) – the COVID-19 virus in the case of the current pandemic. God designed…

Dr. Peter McCullough’s COVID-19 and Anti-Vaccine Theories

Last Update: 10/8/2021 This past weekend The Villiage Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Berrien Springs, Michigan hosted a “COVID Coercion and Conscience” weekend (August 20-21) “With Dr. Peter McCullough – A Nationally Recognized Leader in Early Treatment of COVID-19“. Dr. Peter McCullough is an American cardiologist. He is former Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor…