Liberty & Health Alliance – An Appeal for Action

On January 22nd, the Liberty & Health Alliance opened a website asking for signatures to support their “Appeal for Action, Unity and Healing Among Seventh-day Adventists“.  So far, almost 6,000 have signed. The Liberty and Health Alliance was started by Scott Ritsema and Dr. Lela Lewis (and others) during the COVID-19 pandemic in response to…

Conrad Vine: Silent Men

This past Sabbath (October 5th) Pastor Conrad Vine gave a sermon at “D’Sozo Camp 2024” in Denton, North Carolina entitled “Silent Men“.  This is, evidently, the sermon that Pastor Vine originally planned to present at the Village SDA Church (Religious Liberty weekend event) until the Michigan Conference leadership banned Vine from preaching in Michigan. I…

Pastor James Rafferty on Religious Liberty and Vaccines

Back in January (2024) Pastor James Rafferty gave a talk as part of the Religious Liberty Weekend of the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church in Michigan. He discussed the COVID-19 pandemic, the vaccines, government mandates that undermined religious liberty, and the complicity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in these illicit government actions (text of talk). He…

Review of “The Naked Emperor” by Pastor Conrad Vine

Pastor Conrad Vine is an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister. He serves as the President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. (AFM), based in Michigan ( However, since the vaccines against COVID-19 became available, Pastor Vine has become particularly well-known for his strong advocacy for those citing religious freedom as the basis for not wanting to be…