Why is this listed as anonymous? The speaker identifies himself …

Comment on Joe Cooper: History and Importance of LSU conflict over “Evolution” by Wayne.

Why is this listed as anonymous? The speaker identifies himself at the beginning.

Kenneth, I’m not keen on the idea of a protest march because of how those are perceived. In America, protests marches are generally viewed (rightly or wrongly) as a group of lunatic extremests who don’t really have arguments but just try to get their way by making noise. Since LSU seems to be trying to paint us in that light we would only be serving to confirm their characterization of us to their students. It would not only do no good, it would end up being counter productive and probably drive people who are on the fence away from our side. The better solution is to continue to petition the leaders and provide accurate, unbiased, information about this issue. We should also support the leaders who are speaking out.

Recent Comments by Wayne

Two Adventist Universities Promote Six-Day Creation
Sean, I’m so glad to hear you highlight what has gone well in the area of Science in the Adventist Universities! At this point this sort of promotion of those who teach Biblically may do as much good, if not more, as exposing error (and I’m certainly not opposed to exposing error).

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation
With all this depressing news about our collages turning away from God’s word, I think its important to highlight the faithful schools.

I’m happy to say that as someone who knows most of the science department professors at Southwestern Adventist University (including Art Chadwick, who commented above), SWAU is solidly in line with the Bible and the literal 6 day creation (They recently got rid of some professors who were found to have strayed from those beliefs). In the science classes I’ve taken at SWAU the evolutionary point of view is fairly represented then solid answers are given for their claims. I think that’s the perfect balance.

If all the people on this site who oppose the promotion of evolution in Adventist schools would step forward and support those schools who are remaining true, think of the impact we could have.

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation
I think it’s time that all christian (as well as any other religious college) universities in the region pull together and sue WASC for discrimination. Either WASC is especially picking on LSU using a double standard, or ALL Christian colleges in the region already submit their theology to WASC (which I highly doubt), or WASC is setting a precedent which will make it impossible for any Christian college to hold to whatever religious standards they may have.

There are two issues at play here. One is how an Adventist College should uphold their teachings, that’s for the church to decide. The other is whether or not the WASC has any business interfering in religious issues.

Private: [Updated] Walter Veith visits La Sierra
There’s no doubt that Vieth has some good things to say about creation and evolution. However, it seems that he likes to stray into areas that he has little knowledge, primarily conspiracy theories. I have been saddened and alarmed to see many, if not most, of his “followers,” whom I know, fall away from a reliance and love for Jesus Christ and turn their attention toward pursuing and trying to defeat these conspiracy theories.

This is not one or two isolated cases, but the vast majority. That’s why I think we should be careful in how we promote this teacher. The broad fruit of his labor has led many toward conspiracy theories rather than to trust in God.

LSU Board says ‘we apologize’
While I agree that the problem isn’t solved with this letter and that the issue still needs to be monitored we must also appreciate this as an excellent first step.

It may seem a long time in coming but I’d like to point out that it hasn’t been very long since the GC new administration took over. Ted Wilson (GC President) and Lisa Beardsley (GC Dir. of Education) and Dan Jackson (NAD President) are new to this post and became actively involved in this situation as soon as they were appointed by the world church. If they got LSU to reverse its denials and actually directly apologize (Apologies almost never happen in these kinds of cases) then maybe with time and encouragement more changes will take place.

Take courage! God is still in control!