By Shane Hilde
Educate Truth has confirmed that a committee has been setup by the LSU Board of Trustees to “discipline,” or quite possibly kick out, three board members for sharing information with three church officials. LSU seems intent that no one, even at the division or general conference level, should know what is going on. This isn’t surprising given their track record since this controversy became public in April 2009. Through questionable advertising practices and harassment of a LSU student who played a significant part in publicizing this issue, they have continually attempted to cover up the problem. There is probably tremendous pressure on board members to keep silent. With this in mind, Educate Truth would like to make it perfectly clear that nothing that has been published here was passed on to us by a LSU Board member.
Finally, over one year later, the LSU Board has created a special committee to look into the problems within the biology department. Why this didn’t happen earlier is a mystery. No news on how many are on the committee or who is on it or how long they’ll take. This is the first action the board has taken to directly address the problems within LSU’s biology department that we know of.
The progress is much slower than some of us would like to have seen, however, in His time God will bring all into line with His perfect will. Aren’t we grateful that “the Lord is slow to anger”, and gives us each time to think things through while He gently prods and cajoles us toward His perfect ideal for us. If there is one thing that we ought to be very clear about is that God is far more merciful with each one of us, from the most guilty to the most pious, than we deserve. Grace and peace.
View CommentIt’s my observation that all too often when it comes to application of principles from EGW it’s a pick and choose situation. In this case you cited where is the transparency enjoined properly as follows: “Everything that Christians do should be as transparent as the sunlight. Truth is of God; deception, in every one of its myriad forms, is of Satan. . . . It is not a light or an easy thing to speak the exact truth.”MB 68.3
Whether church officials or you and I, all should follow this practice. I fully understand that there are sensitive situations which should not be open to the world. However, it is clear that membership and activities as described should meet the transparency rule.
View CommentWhy all the secrecy? What are these folks trying to hide? The faithfulness of educational personnel to the doctrines of the church is not a matter to be kept confidential! This is ridiculous.
I have seen this before, in my experience at Pacific Union College during the Desmond Ford controversy. This is what happens when institutions are left to themselves to handle such situations, without either church leaders or constituents demanding accountability on pain of dire consequences.
If this kind of behavior continues at La Sierra University or within its board of trustees, those perpetuating this travesty will not like the eventual consequences.
God bless!
Pastor Kevin Paulson
Kevin Paulson(Quote)
View CommentWhat about academic freedom and transparency?
I’d have more respect for LSU if they would simply own up to their beliefs and defend them. This “cover up” is what’s going to wreak havoc.
Jonathan Taylor(Quote)
View Comment@Patrick: Amen!
Deanna Cornor(Quote)
View CommentIt has been implied, by some of our Union and General Conference leaders, that they have “no authority” to do anything about the situation at La Sierra (or some other colleges as well). This seems appalling to me. I would think that they have significant influence which can be utilized in order to bring our educational institutions back into line with the Bible and the SOP. If not, they should not be in the position in which they find themselves.
Virgil Morris(Quote)
View Comment[Some] do not want anyone outside their group to know what’s up. As may be going on here, some on the Board may want transparency and truth to rule. The rest? Well, we’ll soon see!
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentI agree. Why don’t we invite the Bio Profs involved with this, as well as the Religion profs to publicly proclaim their side? Or, what about Wisbey and Geraty coming on and explaining their philosophy? [edit]
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentBILLIE(Quote)
View CommentWe seem surprised that action is just beginning. Could it be that the new slate of officers in the GC is viewed as more “threatening” to the status quo?
Praise God for His leadership and prayer-answering power.
Byron Comp(Quote)
View CommentIf there is punitive measures against any board member and it should be linked to their relating vital information to those who need to know then, excuse me, the chairman of that board needs to answer to someone. I had my head Deacon come to me and made a statement how the one student should have gone to the teachers privately instead of writing a letter and spreading it everywhere. He is an elderly gentlemen who is one of my valuable right hands. However when he said this I quickly indicated to him, that the story he was relating had some serious flaws in it. Evidently he was loosely quoting something that Elder Ricardo Grahm had written in “The Recorder” I did not read the article, but Louie Bishop served as a bible instructor in my district in 2008. I found him genuine, energetic, dedicated to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and it’s “28 Fundamental Beliefs” (including #6) (which seems to escape the progressives in the church!) trained by AFCOE to be a bible instructor, and a graduate from the “University of California at Davis” with high academic honors, and outstanding athletic recognition.
And then to be accused of not being forthright with his Professors and going to them privately is just plain a lie. It was David Asserick who I very much respect that sent the letter to Jan Paulsen, Don Schneider, and Ricardo Grahm, the letter that was distributed far and near. It was David not Louie that did that. So it’s time that there was honesty. When I told my Deacon the truth, he thanked me. He says, sometimes things are so confusing. Sad but true.
Pastor Brehms(Quote)
View CommentIf the South Pacific Division had acted immediately when told about Des Ford’s teachings instead of hiding behind a “I love him and can’t do that to him” attitude by our then President – we would not be in this mess today. I feel that action should have been taken immediately when that young student reported the matter – not wait for at least two years for the rot to set in and young minds left in doubt. Now it is going to a Committee and how much longer will this go on. If the Lord created the earth as set out in Genesis – then BELIEVE it! Otherwise those teaching the opposite in our schools and universities should not be there! We, as Seventh-day Adventists have high standards and unique doctrines – keep it that way – stay on the right track – and we will not be disappointed.
Una Turner (Lay person)(Quote)
View CommentFor those privileged to walk in the light, the descend into darkness is usually a very rapid one. One wrong step leads into another and pretty soon they are so lost they don’t know how to get back. Pride – the original SIN is still the key problem for repentance and reconcialation
TC Tan(Quote)
View CommentNoting that LSU’s President has been doing daily presentations on the NAD “Live” Exhibit Hall Stage, and one time I was there he was taking questions from the audience. I would be interested in listening in on a discussion with him if someone dared to do so. I have every confidence that my belief that he is the best of Adventist Educational Administrators will quickly be validated.
Adventist in High School(Quote)
View CommentWhy this agonizing, prolonged foot-dragging over this LSU issue? This situation again vividly illustrates the need for men who will be true to correct doctrine (the Bible truth)as the needle is to the north pole. Where are the leaders with some spiritual backbone? This problem should not still be festering after nearly a year without any reasonable resolution. Such delay says to all that we are not that resolute in our doctrine, or as we call it “the three angels message.” What kind of witness does this set before the world?
View CommentWith the recent change in the GC leadership, I think we will soon see a massive change at LSU. Praise God for the men and women who are taking a stand for truth in this age.
Jonathan Taylor(Quote)
View CommentWho are the three targeted board members?
Jonathan Taylor(Quote)
View Comment(Revision of my last message)
Who are these three targeted board members? Board members are an influential group and Ricardo Graham is the chair. Is he part of the targeting process? If three are targeted and kicked off the board, won’t their names be public knowledge, and won’t they be refreshed and renewed in their desire to see change at LSU?
LSU has made a number of strategic errors in its treatment of the “resistance.” To kick out 3 board members would be the piece de la resistance – the “mother of all” mistakes and miscalculations. Do they think that these three who have not stood silent to date will stand silent once they are off the board?
Bring it on, LSU! Kick the three off the board and see what happens when all that has gone in at the board meetings is laid bare for all to see by these three disaffected individuals. I don’t know who they are – but my guess is we’ll soon know when we compare this year’s roster with next year’s board roster.
The best thing LSU can do for Educate Truth is to continue to try to hide the ball. Even if they weren’t promoting an error, LSU should be boycotted for being completely out of touch with public perception.
The bulk of church members are concerned about what is happening there despite the few vocal voices in their defense.
Jonathan Taylor(Quote)
View CommentFYI – here is the list of trustees from
Compare this list with next year’s to find out who might have gotten the boot. I guarantee that it won’t be Ricardo Graham.
Ricardo Graham, Chair
(President, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Judy St. John, Vice Chair
(Certified Public Accountant)
Randal R. Wisbey, Secretary
(President, La Sierra University)
Tony Anobile
(President of the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventist)
Carla Lidner Baum
(Dentist and Community Volunteer)
Theodore Benson
(Treasurer, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Kelly Bock
(Director of Education, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Alvaro Bolivar
Larry L. Caviness
(President, Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Henry Coil, Jr.
Leonard Darnell
Karen Hansberger
Donald Kanen
Shelia Marshall-McLean
Gerald McIntosh
Brad Newton
(Secretary, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Douglas Nies
Gerald D. Penick, Sr.
(President, Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Kathryn Proffitt
(Businesswoman and former U.S. Ambassador to Malta)
Marta Tooma
(Dentist, Philanthropist)
Arnold Trujillo
(Vice President, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists)
Ronald Zane
(Retired Dentist)
Jonathan Taylor(Quote)
View CommentBoards do have a right to investigate sensitive matters in a confidential manner and to bind their members to confidentiality agreements in the process of handling an issue. This is not a matter of cover-up, but of standard operating procedure, especially when a personnel matter is involved. Furthermore, the way in which those pressing this matter have handled information, broadly disseminating it by means of the internet, makes confidentiality rules all the more important as a board handles allegations related to individuals. I am very disappointed in the methods employed by EducateTruth, especially your willingness to suggest that the administration of LSU is being purposefully deceptive and untruthful(hence,the picture of Pinocchio). I find your behavior to violate your own rules of civility. I’m sorry, but I feel I need to educate you in the truth about your own behavior.
Pastor Kris(Quote)
View Comment@Pastor Kris:
Dear Pastor Kris,
You wrote:
The administrators of LSU are fully aware that their own professors not only believe in mainstream evolutionary theories of life existing and evolving on this planet over many millions of years, but also promote such beliefs as the true story of origins in their classrooms.
This fact is no secret to LSU’s administrators who use slick language to cover up what they know is true. They say, “Everyone is a creationist here at LSU” when they know that most of their science professors do no believe nor do they promote the idea that God created life on this planet in six literal days according to the SDA understanding of origins. Yet, these same administrators say, “LSU is in full support of all of the SDA Fundamental Beliefs.” They say this because of what they consider to be a deliberate vagueness in the wording of FB#6 which allows them to interpret the “days” of creation to be symbolic days representative of indefinite periods of time.
Most recently the LSU administrators have been making an even more erroneous claim saying, “LSU professors only teach ‘about’ evolution, but don’t promote it”. This is an outright lie, and the LSU administrators know it. These public statements by LSU’s administrators are deliberately deceptive. If you have another word for it, or any information that suggest that I am mistaken here, by all means do let me know. I’d be very glad to see that I am in fact in error in this regard.
As the situation currently stands, the evidence as to what is really being promoted at LSU is overwhelming. Please refer to the following link for a few key details if you have not yet done your own research into this particular situation:
Given just this information (and there is much more listed in this forum), how is it that any school board at any SDA school would be within generally accepted practice to keep such information from the higher-level institution who’s name they bear? Two of LSU’s board members who “leaked” truthful information, not to EducateTruth, but to invited representatives of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, are being “disciplined” for this action – – Why?
To argue, as you do, that the GC does not have the right to know what is actually going on within its own schools is very hard to swallow. I don’t think many would agree with you within the SDA Church. Parents and the Church constituency at large have a right to know what our young people are being taught as “the truth” within our own schools. At the very least we deserve open and honest transparency in this regard. This isn’t some minor private issue. This is a serious problem that affects us all in one way or another…
Sean Pitman
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThe growing nose of Pinocchio is a very appropriate description of those who have been using deceit in these matters. I heartily support the Pinocchio cartoons […edit]
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentThank you for your “education” pastor, but as Sean has stated above, your comments are way off base. You may not want to lift a finger to correct the apostasy in our SDA Church, but many of us do and are doing so.
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentPastor Kris,
Thank you for your well-reasoned, well-balanced, and appropriate tone.
View CommentWell, it is “nice to be nice” isn’t it? And as Christians, we need to do our best to remember this thought. None the less, too many people are more than willing to patronize evil with a condescending attitude that is far less than biblical.
We could wonder what people like Becci would have thought of John the Baptist who said, “You generation of vipers, who warned you of the wrath to come.” And of course, we have the words of Jesus in Matt. 23 in scathing rebukes of the leaders of His day.
The prophets are not slow to communicate in a very dynamic way the rebuke God called for them to deliver. By the way, have you ever noticed how intense all the bible writers are in how they communicate their message?
No doubt, they fear the people will not take as seriously as necessary what they have to say unless they raise the level of intensity. Perhaps you have noticed how EGW follows this format as well. We tend to be spiritually deaf if not dead to the intensity of the issue between good and evil.
And now we ask, “What does the devil fear today?” The answer is “nothing”.
There was a time when he feared bible Adventism. Not today. Just like the Jews who were supposed to represent God and His kingdom, Satan so infiltrated the movement, its spiritual discernment was basically dead. The Jewish faith was tolerated and accepted through out the Roman empire.
There was always some concern about rebels, but for the most part, Judaism was no real threat to Rome.
Does the devil fear the presentation of the Sabbath, state of the dead, second coming….etc? Not much, if any. Even the conflict over creation is of little concern to Satan, he plays both ends against the middle.
While Satan was persecuting the early church, he was at one and the same time trying to incorporate Christianity into Judaism. Thus the Judizers followed Paul like a plague and the political elements worked earnestly to bring Christianity into the Jewish religion.
And today Satan persecutes and patronizes at one and the same time. He is a political master mind. Bicker and unite. All that we see in the political scene in our county is also reflected in the SDA church. We are not far from some unity in the government of our country. Dems and repubs are much closer in their ideal agenda than many suppose.
Socialism and capitalism are close to one and the same thing, depending on how you define and apply them. Glenn Beck had a group of religious leaders on his show tonight and apparently none of them saw any significant difference between themselves. Catholics and Protestants. Why is that?
I’ll tell you way. The bible is so “dumbed down” by Satan and his followers that few really see much dynamic in any differences that people may have about the scriptures. These spiritual leaders could not discern how church and state are separate while each acknowledging the function of the other.
Moral righteousness and civil righteousness are one and the same thing for these religious leaders. Are SDA leaders any better qualified to distinguish the issues? It seems doubtful. We seem to have a vague idea but no real definitive answer.
And this is true of most of the spiritual issues in the world and in the church of today. So we have creation vs. evolution. And for some, it is “So what?” And soon it will be Sabbath vs. Sunday and the same attitude will prevail. Once compromise begins, it has no stopping place, does it?
You must define and re-define every issue until it falls into place. It must somehow fit the agenda. And by all means, “Don’t rock the boat”. “Get in, sit down, shut up, and hang on.”
No, the devil does not fear Adventism today. Just as he did not fear Judaism when Jesus came. But he did fear Jesus, didn’t he?
He did not fear the Papacy. But he did fear Luther and Protestantism.
He did not fear apostate Protestantism, but he did fear Adventism when it came on the scene.
Today, he does not fear Adventism. But in the near future, he will fear the “straight testimony” when it is revived and advocated first in the church and finally in the world.
Jesus revived the “straight testimony” and it stirred the church, and finally the whole world. Just one more time we have the angel of Rev. 18 and it will be the final warning. How close are we? Pretty close I would think. And when it comes, it will surely be a “terrible ordeal” that none of us care to contemplate first in the church and finally in the world.
It can happen, it must happen and it will happen. And we must each ask ourselves, “Am I ready for it?” And the honest answer is, “I don’t know.” “But I do know that no one will be ready who is not preparing for it.” That number may be smaller than we generally think.
Keep the faith
Bill Sorensen
Bill Sorensen(Quote)
View CommentA most interesting stream of consciousness with very little coherence, Bill. But lots of vehemence and anger.
It is nice to be nice. You might try it some time.
View CommentYou’re so correct, Bill. When I joined the SDA Church over 40 years ago, I never would have imagined it would have deteriorated into the kind of denomination we see out here in California.
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentEasy solve let the supporters go to work in a Catholic College
Bob Roe(Quote)
View CommentSince I started subscribing Educate Truth, I found it hard to stomach the contents in it. Why can’t LSU be like other Adventist Universities? I am from the Philippines and the schools here will take swift action if any hint of deceit is being promoted as truth. The professors here teach about evolution but only as part of academic requirements of students. Never will the subject on evolution be promoted so as to dim the truth on the literal 6-day creation week.
Bill Ray(Quote)
View CommentThe number of “Adventists’ in Australia is around 100,000 in a nation of over 6.5 million.
This is the legacy of the Des Ford cover-up. Many are liberal, to say the least, and don’t really know what they believe. It sometimes seems that we stand alone, except for the faithful words of God, “I will never leave thee nor forsake you…”
Where the Truth is preached or studied, in the power of the Holy Spirit, without fear or favour, there are results, both in the presenters of the ‘Truth as it is in Jesus’ and in the life of the acceptors of that Truth, or the antagonism from satan and his followers.
Revelation reveals the character of those who will enter into the City of God … no guile. The devil is the father of lies, and his enmity against Jesus, the Creator, will lead him to deceive all who will put their trust in man and in his word.
Ps 118:8 Better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
The greatest want of the world today, is the want of men: men who will not be bought or sold; men who will be as true to duty as the needle to the pole: men who will not fear to call sin by it’s right name….
The 3 Angels Messages for this time includes the WORSHIP of the Creator. The one who spoke and it was so.
who commanded and it stood fast!
This is no time for deceit and cover-up.
The betrayers of their sacred trust should go, as did Judas!
“Fear God and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgement is come: and WORSHIP Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea and the fountains of waters.”
In the seat of ‘higher learning’ it’s worship of the scholar…
God calls for NO other gods before Him.
Janet Clarke(Quote)
View CommentYes Una and look what is Happening down under re Des Ford ..So Sad
carol stent(Quote)
View CommentDear Education Truth:
I have a question: Why have not Elder Tony Amoble of AZ, Elder Larry L. Caviness of Southern CA, and Elder Gerald D. Penick, Sr of South Eastern Calif not followed the leadership of the MI Conferece and stop all finacial support for students from their Conferences who attend LSU? Don’t you think that would help LSU speed up their resolution of the problem of their teaching evolution? I believe MI will lift their ban as soon as LSU solves its evolution teaching problem. Elder Ted N.C. Wilson, our new GC President, has made it very clear what his position is and I hope they don’t wait so long they are punished by higher authority for their foot draging. BB
Pastor Bruce Babienco(Quote)
View CommentThe “high standard” that was spoken of is NOT found in many places in the Pacific Union Conference. We have many leaders and church members who have a very LOW standard when it comes to believing God’s Word.
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View CommentI have not had the opportunity to read all comments and understand all there is about this issue but I would like to make a couple of general comments as I see it. First we must understand that there are two main principles to find and understand truth. (1) We must live up to all the light we have in order to receive more light or truth. John 7:17. (2) The unconverted will not understand and know what is truth. 1 Cor 2:14, See also Life Sketches 431. And unless we have a love for the truth we will believe a lie. 2 Thes 2:9-11. Those who deny the literal seven-day week of creation basically deny the power of God. “holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these†2 Tim 3:5. Clearly Psalm 33:6,9 state that God spoke our world into existence and Exodus 20:8-11 lets us know it was seven literal days. I have often wondered, why do philosophers want to give God more time to accomplish creation? apparently these men doubt the power of God’s Word in giving Him more time. If only they would realize that the very power they deny is the same power that could be theirs in experiencing a wonderful, personal conversion, giving them a life of joy, peace and freedom in Jesus. This same power also gives victory over every temptation. Why deny it? When it is the only way to freedom and happiness.
“Men who have not a daily experience in the things of God will not move wisely in dealing with sacred responsibilities; they will mistake light for error, and specious error they will pronounce light, mistaking phantoms for realities, and realities for phantoms, calling a world an atom, and an atom a world. They will fall into deceptions and delusions that Satan has prepared as concealed nets to entangle the feet of those who think they can walk in their human wisdom without the special grace of Christ. Jesus wants man to see not men as trees walking but all things clearly. There is only one remedy for the sinful soul, and unless it is received, men will accept one delusion after another until their senses are perverted.†–Manuscript 16, 1890. {Ev 593, 594}
Del Orser(Quote)
View CommentUna Turner (Lay person)(Quote)
View CommentYes, I understand that. The high standards Iwas referring to is our doctrines.
Una Turner (Lay person)(Quote)
View CommentYes, Una, you are correct. Our SDA Church does have high standards which President Wilson appears to also follow. However, the liberals fear Wilson because of that. They are afraid he will actually stand up for Truth and support our biblical beliefs.
Liberals, since they follow secular, humanistic standards more than God’s Truth, are boiling mad and angry (please see many posts on AT and Spectrum) that our Church will become more “retrograde” and the antiquated backwaters, such as some on this website, will prevail.
Many liberals, such as Ryan Bell, pastor of the Hollywood SDA Church, think that their best chance of taking over the Church is for all the “conservatives” (fundamentalists) to either retire or die off. Since this hasn’t happened yet, the liberals are getting restless!
Ron Stone M.D(Quote)
View CommentSomething that I cannot understand no matter how many ways I try to shuffle my thoughts, is WHY those who detest the fundamentalist views of the SDA church want to stay within the church? Do they have some sort of Catholic view that “ex-communication” automatically consigns someone to hell? The Book of Life and the SDA membership roles are not synonymous. Surely we all agree on that. At least Dale Ratzlaff has the integrity to launch his “enlightenment” onslaughts from outside the church.
Church membership is much more than one person’s “wish” to be part of a particular organization. It is much more than one person’s private decision. It is a commitment and responsibility to a much larger audience than even one’s own local congregation. Each person who wears the name of Seventh-day Adventist church member and blatantly disregards the church’s stated standards is changing the character of the church for everyone else–for those who joined the church because of what it stands for, and those looking on wondering what it stands for.
It is precisely because the church is comprised of frail, faulty human beings who cannot read the recesses of anyone’s heart, that the church has to follow basic, externally obvious standards and guidelines for defining church membership–and especially paying a person to represent the church as a teacher or pastor. My personal membership and/or employment (or anyone’s personal membership or employment)is not nearly as important as retaining the integrity of the organization. Like Gideon’s army, God doesn’t need numbers, in fact a multitude of uncommitted bodies is a positive hindrance. La Sierra’s increasing enrollment with very high non-adventist numbers is not a fair barometer of La Sierra’s adherence to high principles.
Fundamentalism has it’s dangers, just like marriage! A bad case of it is positively detrimental to one’s health. All good principles, causes and institutions are subject to corruption by the master deceiver. But the fact remains that the intent of those principles–the intent of the law–is just and pure and good and should never be thrown out merely because of misuse; substituting lawlessness only hastens utter destruction.
If we stay on this downhill ride of anything-goes-everything-is-acceptable-in-God’s sight, we are merely a social club with a church label stuck on the outside. Gordon Bietz many years ago in a sermon on May 16, 1987, stated, “no discipline–no church.” Wherever Gordon Bietz stands now, those prophetic words of truth still resound. If La Sierra continues tossing out SDA standards, it is certain it will not be an SDA school. Labels have no magical powers to transform content.
View CommentSusie, Sam Pipim explains this question well in his book, “Receiving the Word” pp. 25-26. Those like Ratzlaff usually leave the Church,or are forced out (like Desmond Ford) and then attack it externally. Those who are liberals and who want to make the Church more worldly (more secular humanism) usually want to stay IN the Church, while criticizing it and attacking it from inside.
Witness those at Adventist Today and Spectrum. Most are attending SDA churches and may be teaching SS lessons or teaching in our schools. A number are denominational employees! They want to stay IN the SDA Church because they want to “change” it into a more “inclusive” and wider spectrum group.
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View Comment@Pastor Bruce Babienco:
Elder Penick and the Southeastern Ca Conference iniated the removal of Dan Smith at the La Sierra University Church so the powers at LSU could install their choice Pastor Chris Oberg. Interestingly, it is Pastor Oberg
interviewing President Wisbey defending LSU for the Southestern’s Viewpoints. Who owns who?
View CommentMLB, That Oberg and Wisbey are “partners in crime” is easy to see from Oberg’s “interview” which was no more than a propaganda piece for LSU.
BTW, was Dan Smith “too conservative” for the liberals at LSU? Just wondering why they would give him the boot!
Ron Stone M.D.(Quote)
View Comment“….a committee has been setup by the LSU Board of Trustees to “discipline,†or quite possibly kick out, three board members for sharing information with three church officials.”
Board members have a responsibility under law to their constituency. They can be held liable for not doing what they know to be right. What we have heard from the president of La Sierra and the faculty senate places a great responsibility upon the board of trustees who are privy to more than we are. If they know that wrongs are being done, then they can be held liable. But, in a Christian organization, forget about being held liable, God holds each of them accountable. Each young person who is led away from Bible truth by the teaching of evolution at La Sierra will have a record that recognizes the influence that created this loss. Each board member is responsible if they have not attempted to correct this great sin. And if what is being reported is true, that some are attempting to discipline board members who may have considered it important to report inappropriate actions to church leaders, then sin is piled upon sin.
Some believe this will blow over. It will not blow over. There is an accounting to be made. The church is charged with dealing faithfully with her responsibilities. Because she has failed in the past, does not mean that there will not be revival and reformation. The call has gone forth, now let the reformation begin. God is willing to forgive and so is the church. But, first there needs to be repentance. From all that we see, there is no repentance coming from anywhere at La Sierra. To the contrary, we hear that the faithful board members are being persecuted by the unfaithful. How very sad.
I am encouraged to hear that there are faithful board members. I was beginning to wonder since there has been only silence while the teaching of evolution has continued. Well, not complete silence. There has been proclamations by the president of faithfulness to the church. Surely all of the board of trustees can see the contradiction. If not, may God grant them an extra measure of His Holy Spirit that their eyes may be opened.
Richard Myers(Quote)
View CommentKathryn Proffitt and Carla Lidner Baum, I believe, were two of three board members that were targeted a year ago. This is a win for LSU and those who are sympathetic to the biology department.
If you recall from a recording that Lenny Darnell called these women the sisters of Satan or something like that. He didn’t like them and neither did those who were supporting the biology department.
Shane Hilde(Quote)
View CommentКитайский чай чай пуэр
View CommentI am wondering if LSU-related administrative antics could become any more of an eyesore embarrassment for the denomination.
This thing just gets uglier and uglier.
Isn’t there anyone in leadership there that can stand up and say “enough!” – ?
No wonder God declares that a “shaking” event is necessary for the denomination.
in Christ,
View CommentЮридическая фирма ‘Концепт’ Весь спектор юридических услуг. – Получить СРО
View CommentТри долины является информационным ресурсом для туристов-горнолыжников решивших посетить один из курортов: Куршевель, Мерибель , Валь-Торанс , и других, ближайших. – горные лыжи Франция
View CommentOk so we have heard from the Russian marketing department.
Anyone else?
View CommentShane, You will also remember that the men also insinuated that at least two had a lesbian relationship going on with each other or with some other woman!
Holly Pham(Quote)
View CommentСоздание Продвижение Оптимизация сайта и Партнерские программы для заработка online. – заработок онлайн
View CommentThat interview is so phony that only an idiot would not see through the hypocrisy. Two close cronies kissing each others rear ends!
Holly Pham(Quote)
View CommentWas Pastor Smith too conservative for the liberal majority at La Sierra? I’ve seen him on LLBN lots of times.
Holly Pham(Quote)
View CommentCalifornia has many more crazies than “Governor Moonbeam!” And many are found on our SDA Church.
Holly Pham(Quote)
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