@Arthur Chadwick: Remember LSU pulled its initial post of AAA …

Comment on La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief by Shane Hilde.

@Arthur Chadwick: Remember LSU pulled its initial post of AAA findings.

AAA’s final report was submitted to Wisbey February 1, 2011. Seven days later LSU president Randal Wisbey published AAA’s findings, but without any of AAA’s observations regarding the biology faculty. The next day, the committee submitted their memorandum to the LSU Board. A month later LSU publishes the committee’s memorandum along with an open letter from Wisbey and Ricardo Graham. Then the Adventist Review reported, “La Sierra announced the team’s findings online on February 8, but has since removed the statement from the university’s website.” A copy of the report can be read by clicking here. It is unknown why Wisbey published the AAA findings, along with the visiting team’s names, and then, without explanation, abruptly pulled the report from LSU’s website when the committee’s memorandum was published.

Something fishy was going on perhaps.

Shane Hilde Also Commented

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
June 2010 WASC issued a letter to La Sierra University president Randal Wisbey, stating it would return for a special visit spring 2011, because of what WASC considered a threat to LSU’s institutional autonomy and academic freedom. The Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) gave LSU until Dec. 31, 2012 to demonstrate its faithfulness to the biblical creation account. It will be interesting to see how WASC reacts to the AAA action. The letter to Wisbey stated:

In your communications with the Commission, both in writing prior to meeting and at the Commission meeting, you expressed the commitment of the board and the president to resist efforts that would compromise academic freedom and institutional autonomy.

It is unknown exactly when WASC will visit LSU, but I assume if it hasn’t happened already that it will be very soon.

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
I think it would be more intersting if the conversation steered away from 3SG 90-91.

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
This issue is off topic though, so if you’d like to continue discussing it, you can email me.

Recent Comments by Shane Hilde

Private Recorded Conversation Prompts La Sierra Resignations

Ron&#32Stone&#32M&#46D&#46: then he “accidentally” recorded the private meeting, right?

That’s exactly right. He must have not bothered to play it back. I think the meeting was a couple hours according to the LSU news release. But basically he didn’t know he had recorded him and the others and then posted it without checking his recording.

The ANN Highlights LSU’s Dr. Lee Grismer – An Evolutionary Biologist

Eddie: Doesn’t LSU’s administration deserve at least a little bit of credit?

I think so. There are some very dedicated individuals on the board.I have no doubt they’re doing everything they can to address this issue.

Blasphemy of a Different Kind
@Ron Stone M.D.: I agree. LSU has not been a shining light for our church. That’s unfortunate. That might be the case for other schools as well.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@Alexander Carpenter: I would readily agree since Educate Truth supports the biblical account of creation and disagrees with the handling of the topic in the biology department. This was a political move by Wisbey to gain power on the board. He now has three less who oppose him.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@David Read: Board members and even former board members are not allowed to discuss what has happened in board meetings. The only thing I confirmed with Tooma was whether she had conversed with the biology faculty and she made it very clear she never had. She was only presented with the joint statement and wanted to support it. This statement was seen as a big step for the biology department because Wisbey had been keeping them silent for over two years and they were now making constructive advances to dialogue with the church. I disagree with what they said, but I think it’s great their talking now. I suspect Wisbey isn’t happy with the biology department. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to only be upset with the board members since he allegedly embraces what they are doing. Doubtful though given his reaction and double standard.