LSU reports on AAA visit

La Sierra University released a report on the Adventist Accreditation Association’s visit of last fall. According to the report, AAA thinks LSU “should receive the maximum accreditation possible under AAA guidelines.” The AAA team gave 32 commendations. Larry Becker notes three of those commendations in his report: 1) The University Studies Council for developing and refining the University Studies curriculum; 2) the School of Education administration for developing, implementing, and distributing the results of the CognitiveGenesis project; 3) Office of Integrated Marketing for implementing the new communication initiative, including a new logo, website, brand identity and communication tools, etc.

Becker also reports AAA will return to LSU no later than December 31, 2012, to reexamine campus progress on four major recommendations. The most notable recommendation states the administration and faculty enhance the “classroom for students and faculty with traditional Adventist views, seeking balance by presenting a range of views and supporting student expression according to the principles of academic freedom.”

“The full Adventist Accrediting Association board will receive the team’s report during its April 2011 meeting, and make the final decision on La Sierra’s term of accreditation.”

Something not mentioned in the report by Becker is news AAA insisted LSU send their faculty to other Adventist universities to learn how to present creationism. At least four universities have been contacted to see if they would be willing to participate, according to reports from university faculty. It’s been confirmed that Southwestern Adventist University was not contacted at the time of this article. Educate Truth contacted a few of the other universities, but received no official comment.

UPDATE 2/10/2011: Contrary to reports that AAA insisted LSU send their faculty to other universities to learn how to present creationism, Educate Truth has learned the idea originated with the LSU Provost’s office.

Lsu Release

8 thoughts on “LSU reports on AAA visit

  1. I doubt that you could ask for a more pointed summary statement than
    ” resolve the creation-evolution controversy, rebuild the reputation of the university, and regain the confidence of the constituency” .

    The loaded phrases in that statement are hard to miss

    “rebuild reputation”
    “regain confidence of constituency”.

    It will be interesting to see how that mandate is satisfied over the next 8 to 12 months.

    Can they do it with the “same people” that got them into this mess?

    Time will tell.

    in Christ,



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  2. I doubt that you could ask for a more pointed summary statement than
    ” resolve the creation-evolution controversy, rebuild the reputation of the university, and regain the confidence of the constituency” .

    The loaded phrases in that statement are hard to miss

    “rebuild reputation”
    “regain confidence of constituency”.

    It will be interesting to see how that mandate is satisfied over the next 8 to 12 months.

    Can they do it with the “same people” that got them into this mess?

    Time will tell.

    in Christ,



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  3. Finally something that sounds good. Let us hope and pray that all our schools draw ever closer to lifting up Jesus and His holy word the Bible.

    One of the really good things that has come out of all this turmoil is that in our area parents are being more intentional about binding our children to our beliefs while they are young. WE no longer let it slide thinking the work will be finished when we send them to other schools, other places.


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  4. 2-12-11

    I am absolutely stunned by this report and I have a feeling I won’t be the only one. Is this really what happened or just LSU’s version? Personally, I can’t see that anything has really changed or am I just reading things wrong?


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  5. 2-12-11

    I am absolutely stunned by this report and I have a feeling I won’t be the only one. Is this really what happened or just LSU’s version? Personally, I can’t see that anything has really changed or am I just reading things wrong?


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  6. Finally something that sounds good. Let us hope and pray that all our schools draw ever closer to lifting up Jesus and His holy word the Bible.

    One of the really good things that has come out of all this turmoil is that in our area parents are being more intentional about binding our children to our beliefs while they are young. WE no longer let it slide thinking the work will be finished when we send them to other schools, other places.


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