@Ken: There has been a lot of discussion of faith …

Comment on Hope? Slim to none by Sean Pitman.


There has been a lot of discussion of faith and science as of late. I thought the following link would be useful regarding what constitutes proper scientific method on a non biased basis.

The problem, of course, is that mainstream evolutionary theories regarding the creative power of the Darwinian mechanism (RM/NS) meet the criteria of pseudoscience according to the Wiki article you reference. In fact, no such mindless mechanism has never been directly observed to work beyond very low levels of functional complexity and the notion that any such mechanism could work at such levels given enough time has no support from actual relevant statistical analysis or from anything else beyond wishful thinking, bluster, smoke and mirrors. That’s the very definition of pseudoscience is it not? – something that is not open to at least the potential of testing and falsification? Tell me, how is the assumed creative power of RM/NS testable in a potentially falsifiable manner?

Beyond this, your strong belief that scientific methodologies are immune from personal and/or collective bias is one of your big blind spots in understanding the true nature of science. As already explained, Thomas Kuhn has presented some important insights in this regard noting that pure non-biased objectivity is impossible even in the best of scientific investigations…

Sean Pitman

Sean Pitman Also Commented

Hope? Slim to none

Finally, there are no historical Jewish or Babylonian records that confirm that these cultures explicitly defined the seven-day week as a quarter of a lunation.

Isn’t that obvious? Wouldn’t a “seven-day week” be defined by the demarcation of seven actual days? – i.e., based on the rotation of the Earth around its own axis?… or, as the Bible describes it, “evenings and mornings”?

Sean Pitman

Recent Comments by Sean Pitman

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Thank you Ariel. Hope you are doing well these days. Miss seeing you down at Loma Linda. Hope you had a Great Thanksgiving!

The Flood
Thank you Colin. Just trying to save lives any way I can. Not everything that the government does or leaders do is “evil” BTW…

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Only someone who knows the future can make such decisions without being a monster…

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Where did I “gloss over it”?

Review of “The Naked Emperor” by Pastor Conrad Vine
I fail to see where you have convincingly supported your claim that the GC leadership contributed to the harm of anyone’s personal religious liberties? – given that the GC leadership does not and could not override personal religious liberties in this country, nor substantively change the outcome of those who lost their jobs over various vaccine mandates. That’s just not how it works here in this country. Religious liberties are personally derived. Again, they simply are not based on a corporate or church position, but rely solely upon individual convictions – regardless of what the church may or may not say or do.

Yet, you say, “Who cares if it is written into law”? You should care. Everyone should care. It’s a very important law in this country. The idea that the organized church could have changed vaccine mandates simply isn’t true – particularly given the nature of certain types of jobs dealing with the most vulnerable in society (such as health care workers for example).

Beyond this, the GC Leadership did, in fact, write in support of personal religious convictions on this topic – and there are GC lawyers who have and continue to write personal letters in support of personal religious convictions (even if these personal convictions are at odds with the position of the church on a given topic). Just because the GC leadership also supports the advances of modern medicine doesn’t mean that the GC leadership cannot support individual convictions at the same time. Both are possible. This is not an inconsistency.