Ministry Magazine interviews Ted Wilson

Ted Wilson

Ministry magazine’s January 2011 edition contains an interview with Ted Wilson. While most of the interview does not relate directly to education, Wilson does reference it in his response to Nikolaus Satelmajer’s question, “What means do you plan to use to spread the gospel?”

Ted Wilson: “We are going to give heavy emphasis to Adventist education, making sure that Adventist education is truly Seventh-day Adventist, with the use of Seventh-day Adventist teachers providing quality education so that people will have a renewed respect for Adventist education” (page 7).

The pressure continues to build between La Sierra University and the Seventh-day Adventist Church as the university continues to resist the request of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that all educators promote the church’s position on a recent six-day creation.  Can La Sierra be counted on to “Go Forward” with the rest of the church? Or will it continue its decades history of undermining the church’s fundamental goals and ideals while posing as a Seventh-day Adventist institution?