@Sean Pitman: “According to this logic, an SDA Conference would …

Comment on Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict by Aaron.

@Sean Pitman:
“According to this logic, an SDA Conference would have to support any family with their tuition bills regardless of where they decided to send their children – even to non-SDA schools. That logic simply doesn’t follow. The SDA Church should be all about supporting its own – those who really do promote the Pillars of the SDA Faith.”

Actually, no, by that logic that would not be the case. Your argument is ridiculous, by no means does that imply that we would have to support families with their tuition bills outside of an SDA institution. This is a totally different matter because LaSierra IS an Adventist institution. It’s not just any other instituion of higher learning. Is it fair to take those opportunities away because the Michigan Conference decides that all of a sudden LaSierra University is no longer an Adventist instituion? I think not, especially when the majority of the people affiliated with the institution have no say in the matter. Your argument implies that LaSierra is no longer an Adventist institution, last I checked it still was even though the Michigan Conference is attacking it. So with all due respect, sir, the logic does follow.

Aaron Also Commented

Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict

I guess that’s a matter of opinion. I personally fail to see how any school that goes arount attacking fundamental pillars of the SDA faith can really call itself “SDA” with a straigth face. It’s like pretending to be something that you’re really not – very much like a wolf in sheeps clothing which enables the wolf to more easily steal away the sheep…

I’m sorry but that response is not good enough. What the Michigan Conference is doing is punishing everyone associated with LaSierra even though they may have nothing to do with, or even support what is being taught there. This action by the Michigan Conference does not solve anything and it hurts individuals unnecessarily. There has to be a better response than what has been taken. If one department and a few individuals can doom an entire institution then we are in trouble.