Nope, you have misunderstood me. Timothy’s proposal was for a …

Comment on Open letter to General Conference by Bravus.

Nope, you have misunderstood me. Timothy’s proposal was for a protest of students and parents, and my point was simply that that might be difficult to organise if students and parents support what is happening at the university. That’s all.

Bravus Also Commented

Open letter to General Conference
…and if it turns out that the parents and students as a vast majority already know exactly what is being taught at LSU and support that? All the LSU students who have posted here so far have supported their professors and president…

Open letter to General Conference
@Jonathan Smith:

Thank you, Jonathan, your post is gracious and thoughtful, and shows the burden of your heart that all should be saved. I appreciate it deeply.

Open letter to General Conference
The ‘Hitler’ comment only makes any sense at all (of a crazy sort) in relation to the eugenics point in the previous line… which is what led me to the conclusion. I stand corrected, anyway: there was no logic there to seek.

Recent Comments by Bravus

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
Interesting that he says he is very proud of the GRI when they clearly said during the discussion that there is ‘no model’ of scientifically credible recent creationism that can be taught in our universities.

“Don’t go backwards to interpret Genesis as allegorical or symbolic”
My guess on the two-thirds thing is that what is actually being said is ‘more than two-thirds’. 99% is more than two-thirds… that specific number was chosen, not as the actual vote-count, but as a break-point: some motions need a simple majority, some need a two-thirds majority… and the vote well and truly delivered that, and more.

Just my interpretation.

GC Votes to Revise SDA Fundamental #6 on Creation
Excellent, excellent post above. J. Knight.

“Don’t go backwards to interpret Genesis as allegorical or symbolic”
(that should be ‘place in the church’)

“Don’t go backwards to interpret Genesis as allegorical or symbolic”
Bobbie Vedvick, the quote you asked about was a parody, penned by me.

Faith (and many others in this thread), the comments about those who will be driven out of SDAism by this push tend to assume that they are in disagreement with what has always been SDA belief. This is not the case: the very strong literalist recent creationist position is a relatively recent view. Note that what has happened at this GC is a vote for a *change* to Fundamental Belief 6. SDA beliefs are being *changed*, and those who won’t go along for the ride told they have no ce in the church.