Does anyone really believe that the current leadership and faculty …

Comment on La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief by Lydian Belknap.

Does anyone really believe that the current leadership and faculty at LSU will–or even can–(or even want) to change things as LSU? Can a leopard change his spots?

It appears to me that the leadership and at least most of the science teachers are fully committed to the theory of evolution–as well as most of the board members–and as well as some in the theology department. To expect them to do a truly about face in a year (or even longer) is wishful thinking. The only way to obtain a change is to do some replacing of a good many of the teachers, the administration and the board–as well as their lawyer!

The few board members that really believe in our stand on creation have been treated shamefully. Students who believe in our stand have also been treated with contempt and their lives made miserable. That attitude of faculty and administration isn’t going to “go away.” They may put on a better front for while but will sooner or later find another way to carry out their own plans.

One thing that really bothers me is the fact that some–like Wisbey, Graham and others will probably retire and spend the rest of their lives getting a check every month from the church they have betrayed. I don’t suppose anything can legally be done about that now–but, please, let’s replace those who have betrayed our church and our children before they are eligible for tenure! There has been enough “foot dragging” already. More than enough of our precious youth have been lost to our church by these “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

The “heart of the pastor” has plead with these folks long enough–it’s past time for the “heart of the pastor” to be turned toward the youth whose faith has been–and is being–destroyed by these agents of Satan (which they are—regardless of how sincere they may be in their belief of evolution.) Abraham had to send Ishmael away in order to protect Isaac. Can we not do the same in order to protect our “Isaac’s”? What will God say to us in the day of judgment if we don’t??

This is not going to be easy–but the longer we put it off the harder it will be–and the more of our precious youth will be destroyed. May God give our leaders the strength and determination to meet this “iceberg” head on!

Lydian Belknap Also Commented

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
Especially to Ron Stone and Professor Kent–Sorry I’ve been so slow replying to your earlier posts to me. There’s always a lot going on around here and this old lady has a hard time keeping up for some reason or other! Anyway, here’s how I see things:

I fully understand that qualified scientists are hard to come by and I’m not sure just what the answer is–but God does and if we are truly in earnest He can, and will, provide for our needs. (The Israelites did not know how they were going to cross the Red Sea–but God made a way. They did not know where their food was coming from–but God rained down Manna from heaven. They did not know where their water was coming from in the wilderness but God brought it out of a rock for them.) And I know God has a way to get us out of the mess we are in. It’s not going to be easy but, with His help, it can be done!

“Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet.
“The faithful discharge of today’s duties is the best preparation for tomorrow’s trials. Do not gather together all tomorrow’s liabilities and cares and add them to the burden of today. . . .
“Let us be hopeful and courageous. Despondency in God’s service is sinful and unreasonable. He knows our every necessity. To the omnipotence of the King of kings our covenant-keeping God unites the gentleness and care of the tender shepherd. His power is absolute, and it is the pledge of the sure fulfillment of His promises to all who trust in Him. He has means for the removal of every difficulty, that those who serve Him and respect the means He employs may be sustained. His love is as far above all other love as the heavens are above the earth. He watches over His children with a love that is measureless and everlasting.
“In the darkest days, when appearances seem most forbidding, have faith in God. He is working out His will, doing all things well in behalf of His people. The strength of those who love and serve Him will be renewed day by day.
“He is able and willing to bestow upon His servants all the help they need. He will give them the wisdom which their varied necessities demand (The Ministry of Healing, pp. 481, 482)”.

How? I don’t know–but this I DO know, He isn’t going to provide ANYTHING until we as a people are truly in earnest about this–and other problems we are having to deal with. I also know we do have some good scientists out there (I know one personally) who would love to have time to write and publish but are so burdened down with teaching they simply do not have the time and energy to do it, This whole area is far bigger than LSU but LSU does show us where we are headed if we don’t wake up and make some drastic changes in how this situation is handled. (It should have been dealt with decades ago!)

The thing that continues to puzzle (and bother) me is how so many non-Adventists, qualified scientists can–and are–writing and publishing the “Creation Gospel.” If you don’t believe this is happening just go on the internet and search for “Creation” sites. I did–and was amazed at what is available out there–and disappointed that there is so little (that I can find) from us. I’m far from being a computer “geek” so I could be missing something–and hope that if I am someone will please let me know. (My niece was here this past weekend and informed me that there is plenty out there in our TV ministeries but I don’t have access to those at the present. But I still think we need the printed page “out there.”

And I am curious as to how these non-Adventist sites and organizations can apparently attract a lot of competent creation scientists and we apparently cannot. I realize the salary situation is very unfair and I wonder why–but is that the only reason? If not, what else is the problem?. Let’s get this situation out in the open and deal with it.

One site that I ordered a very good book from a while back told me they have a group of Creation scientists who are prepared to go to any church or groups of people and hold a series of meetings on the subject–and the price was rather reasonable. I would love to have heard what they had to say but I declined. Somehow I just couldn’t handle the thought of having non-Adventists scientists come to our church and teach a group of Adventists the truth about creation! (We have many exceptionally intelligent young people in our ranks so why don’t we have a group like this one who can go out and “do likewise.” Where are we failing our youth–and our God? I was always taught that we are supposed to be the “head and not the tail” of all things scriptural! Excuse me if I’m wrong, but at this point I can’t see that we are even a very good “tail” in many respects. Why?

If we are unable to support the very thing on which our whole reason for being “SEVENTH-DAY Adventists” hinges, we had better close down our churches and our whole educational system and go into hiding! God is quite capable of raising up another group of people who WILL preach the whole truth and who WILL defend the first chapters of Genesis and His holy Sabbath! And you really can’t defend the 7th day Sabbath if you can’t–or won’t–defend a Creator and His Word–beginning with Genesis 1! (I have no question but that some–if not all–of these sincere, dedicated people will someday find and accept the Sabbath but for some reason God seems to be holding His hand over that right now.)

I also feel that our problems go a lot deeper than just LSU and evolution . As I understand it there are other of our institutions that are also infected with this same problem (and others–though not at quite to the same extent that LSU apparently is) not only in their science classes but also in theology classes. Since when did God say homosexuality was even a little bit okay because some folks are “just born that way”? Some kids are born with terrible tempers–and other bad habits–but does that make it okay for them to indulge in temper tantrums for the rest of their lives? Hardly! Every one of us are “born that way” in one way or another but that does not excuse us from sinning!

I recently bought a book called “The Greatest Hoax on Earth” by Jonathon Sarfati–noted as being the most powerful anti-evolutionist around. (To me, that title should belong to an ADVENTIST’ scientist!) This book is his response to “The Greatest Show on Earth” by Richard Dawkins (who is known as the “world’s greatest champion of atheism…and evolution.”) This book is “touted as an unanswerable challenge to those who believe in divine creation.” Sarfati takes Dawkins on one point at a time, and, according to the press release for this new book, refutes everyone of them. (My copy of the book just came and I haven’t had time to read more than a few pages of it so far.) There are a lot of other very good books out there–even for children in grade school and so far what I have read is excellent.

Do we realize that evolutionists are working on books, DVD’s, etc, in comic book style that preach the “truth” about evolution to preschoolers and on up through grade school? And, of course, all the science classes in high school teach evolution. By the time this crop of young people finish high school and are ready for college they will be thoroughly convinced that the Bible is wrong. So, as one site remarked: “It is already almost to late to give just Bible studies.” After all, if young adults don’t believe the Bible is true they aren’t going to be interested in hearing what It has to say about Creation or anything else! Satan has stolen a march on a sleeping church and we are already in a lot of trouble, my friends.

My big question still remains: Where are OUR books, video’s and DVD’s that meet this great need? No wonder God calls us “Laodiceans!”

We need well illustrated books for children–if evolutionists can create them we certainly should be able to. I haven’t actually seen any of their books yet but they are either out there or at least “in the works.” (I live up on a small mountain and, though I do still drive I don’t go into the “big cities” where the big bookstores are located and I live quite a ways from the nearest ABC.)

Just one caution: Very few of us are “scientists” so, in dealing with this, writers need to (at least some of the time) “put the cookies on a lower shelf so the children can reach them!” If others can do it we should be able to do it also.

I really don’t mean to be critical but I am alarmed over the situation we now find ourselves in. Where do we go from here? I don’t mean to be skeptical but I just can’t see the confirmed evolutionists at LSU suddenly having a complete change of heart and enthusiastically beginning to teach our belief in creation. As far as LSU’s leadership is concerned so far I haven’t been able to sense any real change of heart there either. (“Can the leopard change his spots?)

However, the God that can part the Red Sea, bring water out of a rock, and send manna from heaven can certainly handle this situation–BUT it will not happen until we as a people confess our own sins, repent over our own failure to take care of this evil decades ago and truly turn our backs on the sins we are each guilty of. All of us need to a lot of soul-searching and praying!

Whether old or young, none of us know how much time we have left. Within the last month I have lost three dearly loved family members–my sister, my brother-in–law (they were getting close to their seventieth wedding anniversary and still deeply committed to each other) and my sister-in-law. Of course they were all very old and tired so, while sad, their deaths weren’t unexpected. But we have also lost young friends along the way–so none of us have any promise of “tomorrow!

“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” “Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (2 Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 3:7, 8)”

“You who are resting your hope on self are building on the sand. But it is not yet too late to escape the impending ruin. Before the tempest breaks, flee to the sure foundation. “Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.” “Ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.” Isaiah 28:16, R.V.; 45:22; 41:10; 45:17.”
Will the “good ship Zion” ever make it safely into the heavenly port? Absolutely! No question about it. God says it will and He has never been wrong once. The question is, “Who will be aboard Her when that time finally comes?” Will you? Will I? That depends entirely on whether or not we are “safe to save.” Affliction will NOT rise up a second time and God is not about to take anyone to heaven who will cause another “fall” with all of it’s train of heartache and deaths .and woe! Let us make sure that our connection to our God is strong and secure now and when that time comes we will be ready to “sail in” with her!!


Recent Comments by Lydian Belknap

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
Larry, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just get rid of those who teach and and support that which is contrary to the 28 SDA fundamental beliefs.

The reality of creation is the basis of our name
This is a wonderful sermon. Due to problems with my Hope Chanel system I was unable to listen to it so was delighted to see it printed on your website. I was able to make a printed copies of it to share with some friends who also were not able to hear it. Thanks so much!

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict

A short while back a dear friend sent me an email with lots of beautiful pictures showing a garden (somehow I lost the site) in which every bush had been transformed into a bird, an animal–even a child. It was absolutely magnificent!

As I looked at one of the amazing displays I started wondering what would happen if I was actually in that garden and approached a group of people who were also enjoying the beauty it held. And if after a few moments I said something like this:

“This is so beautiful–and to think Nature did it all on her own! It is truly amazing of what she can do if people will just back off and let her do her own thing.”

What would their reaction have been? (I suspect they would have thought I was somewhat deranged and slowly backed away and left before I became violent!)

Obviously that garden had a lot of very talented hands (and minds) behind all of that beauty and I suspect they were there every day clipping away the stray twigs and leaves that started appearing here and there.)

But is my disbelief in evolution unreasonable, and show my lack of knowledge (as some scientists contend), when I question that this beautiful world just “evolved” from chaos with no intelligent mind behind it? Why can’t we see it happening today? Who turned off the switch? And why?

I’m not a scientist but if this isn’t a case of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” I don’t know what one would be. We are often overwhelmed with the many wonderful and useful things humans have come up with that makes our lives more livable but every new invention or other things ALWAYS have a creative mind behind them. Why is it so difficult to recognize that the wonderful world we live in HAD to have an intelligent mind behind it? What ever happened to common sense?


A New Endowment Program for Adventist Education
So here I sit–a “very old lady”–totally confused and not having a clue as to whether to donate or not–or where to donate if I should.

As things stand now I think I will just continue putting my own little amount to my current “missionary out reach” of buying “Steps to Christ” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” and passing them on to the clerks in the stores where I shop or other people I meet that I think would like them.

If and when you folks decide on what, how and where to help in this very worthy project let me know and I’ll do what I can then.

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict
When Man’s wisdom–however intelligent it may sound, or how many “letters” there are behind someone’s name (or even a lot of “someones”) that proclaim it–if it contradicts a single plain “Thus saith the Lord” it is NOT “present truth!” however much it may appeal to the liberal minds of millions who may wish an easier way to get to heaven.

I fear we are a long way from being the “people of the Book” we once were! But, guess what!–God knew this would happen and He called the last of the seven churches “Laodicea.” Truly, we are saying, “I am rich…and have need of nothing.” (After all, folks didn’t have the brilliant scientists such as we have today when You told Moses–and even our Adventist pioneers
–You did it is six literal days and rested the seventh!)

I am NOT against true science or scientists! There definitely is a real place for it (and them) and I truly believe it is “God given.” I have a LOT of respect for true science and true scientists but when someone–anyone–goes against a plain “Thus saith the Lord” they lose me. (Not that these folks really care if a very “ignorant”, very “old lady” doesn’t believe them!) But God does and that’s enough for me!

As Bob said–“All have free will. To each his own.” I agree! (But I still tremble for those who believe ideas contrary to what God says–even if it comes from the mouth of a renowned scientist, an “Adventist” teacher or an “Adventist” preacher. (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood or misjudged anyone.)