Really, I see no difference between “atheistic evolution” or “theistic …

Comment on La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief by Charles.

Really, I see no difference between “atheistic evolution” or “theistic evolution”. AE is evolution from the viewpoint of an honest person who admits that he is denying the Creation and TE is evolution from the viewpoint of someone who wants to wear the “robe” of a Christian and still deny his Creator.

One simply cannot reconcile true Christianity to evolutionary thought. Trying to do so will undermine the entire teaching of the Bible.

TE seeks to explain and make the Creation possible within scientific constraints. Following the rationale, Jesus was just a really good magician when he fed 5000 from a couple loaves and fishes. And when he raised Lazarous from the dead? Wonder how He did that one? Or what about “walking on water”? Or the virgin birth?

If take that slippery slope, I will end up without any faith whatsoever. I would end up believing that when I die, that is the end for me. After all, what sort of science can bring me back to life?

We can do all of the reasoning we want. And we can argue on and on with those who cannot accept the plain teaching of scripture about how and why we are here – as well as our destiny. But there is abundant experiential evidence available to those who will be humble and prayerfully seek the truth. God reveals Himself to those who seek Him and when it happens, no one can tell them anymore that they are here by any other way than a miraculous life-giving God who not only created all that we know but also created the natural laws under which we live.

It was JESUS, Who created the world. It was that SAME JESUS who submitted Himself to be born and linked to humanity a few thousand years later. It is that same Jesus who we expect to come in clouds of glory and take His people to a place called “Heaven” for 1000 years.

If one cannot believe those things – because they cannot be explained scientifically, then one is set for deception. (Jesus warned us about end time deceptions as well.) Scripture teaches that there will be an “anti-christ” deceiver in the last days. What happens if this anti-christ comes to various parts of the earth in UFOs or some other fantastic display? Entertainment media for recent decades have set this world up to accept deceptions that can be explained within scientific terms. Millions believe that our world is visited by creatures from other planets and they can easily accept the idea that we were somehow planted here long ago. They can reason that one of these UFOs could be described as a “cloud”. Even the sign that “every eye shall see him” can be explained as TV images beamed around the world.

Maybe it will not be exactly that way. But whatever way the deception presents itself, it will be powerful enough that it will be accepted by the “whole world” with the exception of a few who have studied enough to recognize the deception when it comes.

With so many advances of “science” and technology in the world today, we are primed for supernatural manifestations that will deceive many. It will be powerful. Sound like a conspiracy theory? Well there is a conspiracy:

Isaiah 14:

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The SDA faith is about recognizing the end days and teaching anyone else who will listen, the same. IT is about taking the scripture for what it teaches and refuting ideas that undermine the Bible by dismissing them as “…beloved stories found in the Bible – the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark – convey timeless truths…” (quote from Clergy Letter Project)

The SDA faith was founded at the prompting of divine inspiration to bring a final warning to the world. Jesus personally and also through his prophet “John” (in Revelation) indicated that there would be a voice in the end times giving the final warning. That is the mission of the SDA church. Anything else we do is a supporting role to that mission. Our medical work, universities, and churches world-wide have that reason for existence.
AND, part of that message is to proclaim in advance about the nature of the deceptions that will preceed that coming.

We approach the culmination of that great battle – or war – by rebel Lucifer against Jesus. We are in the final times of “The Great Controversy”. That is what the SDA faith is all about and the idea of evolution having anything to do with our existence is contrary to that mission.

The world is full of those who believe in evolution of some form. But truth is not a matter of a vote.

What else is there to say?

I take this forum to be a discussion as to whether or not evolution in some form could be taught as truth (labeled “scientiic” or “religious”) in SDA schools. Why would we? It is adverse and absolutely contrary to our belief in what we KNOW to be truth!

Charles Also Commented

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
I am missing my agnostic friend, Ken.

I hope he read the chapter. He promised.

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
Happy Sabbath, again. The last day of another week – just as it has been since the week of Creation.

La Sierra University Granted Window to Show its Faithfulness to Church’s Creation Belief
I just checked the news. No earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tidal waves that were worth mentioning. Just a few wars and rumours of wars.

Guess it was just a quiet day – unusual this near the second coming of Jesus.

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No matter how the FBs are worded, there will be contention about it.

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May I suggest the sermons of Jeremiah Davis. (can be found on Youtube)

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It was an event that changed the world in ways that top-down powers would yearn for.

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The thing we must focus on is to “Turn your eyes upon Jesus….” Clearly, we are in “the last days”.

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@David Read: I find Veith’s “theorizing” regarding “conspiracies” to be spot on and on topic.

There is a great “conspiracy” – otherwise known as “The Great Controversy”. It is the ultimate reality of our rebellious little world today. AND it is the foundation of all of these other problems we deal with.


LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
Evidence that God is in control. LSU could become a beacon of light shining on the truth of our world an how we came to be here. That is as it should be.

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I believe we are involved in a Mount Carmel experience. As this world is hurling toward the great climactic “END”, we will see more and greater attacks against the truth by the great deceiver. The prophets of Baal will become bolder and more feverish. (Remember that the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel were much from within the nation of Israel.)

What a day of reckoning it will be when “at such a time as we think not” that great cloud approaches this world. The signs today are loud and bold. Jesus is coming. Spread the word.