I dreamt Christ came the other night and heaven’s gates …

Comment on Adventist Review: Pastors Who Don’t Believe by Helen Turner.

I dreamt Christ came the other night and heaven’s gates swung wide;
With kindly grace, an angel ushered me inside.
And there, to my astonishment, stood folk I knew on earth,
Some I judged and labelled – unfit of little worth.
Indignant words rose to my lips – but never were set free –
For many faces showed surprise – they weren’t expecting me!

I think this came from one of Adlai Esteb’s books and about sums up some of the comments posted above.

Recent Comments by Helen Turner

LSU’s Board targets three of its members
Yes, I understand that. The high standards Iwas referring to is our doctrines.

LSU’s Board targets three of its members

The “high standard” that was spoken of is NOT found in many places in the Pacific Union Conference. We have many leaders and church members who have a very LOW standard when it comes to believing God’s Word.  (Quote)

LSU’s Board targets three of its members
If the South Pacific Division had acted immediately when told about Des Ford’s teachings instead of hiding behind a “I love him and can’t do that to him” attitude by our then President – we would not be in this mess today. I feel that action should have been taken immediately when that young student reported the matter – not wait for at least two years for the rot to set in and young minds left in doubt. Now it is going to a Committee and how much longer will this go on. If the Lord created the earth as set out in Genesis – then BELIEVE it! Otherwise those teaching the opposite in our schools and universities should not be there! We, as Seventh-day Adventists have high standards and unique doctrines – keep it that way – stay on the right track – and we will not be disappointed.