Dr. Robert Malone: From Vaccine Inventor to Conspiracy Theorist?

The Inventor of mRNA vaccines opposes them? If the mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna are so helpful in the fight against COVID-19, as I personally believe that they are and as I’ve personally been claiming for quite some time now, then how on Earth can the very inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology…

Natural vs. Vaccine-derived Immunity

When the terms “natural immunity” or “naturally-derived immunity” are used, this isn’t in reference to one’s “innate” immune system, but to one’s “adaptive” immune system that has been educated regarding what to attack in the future after being exposed to previous infection(s) – the COVID-19 virus in the case of the current pandemic. God designed…

Mandates vs. Religious Exemptions

The idea of forcing someone to do what they don’t want to do is generally viewed as something inherently unAmerican and even unChristian.  Personal individual liberty is highly valued in Christianity and has historically been one of the foundational building blocks of the government of the United States. After all, the famous phrase of “Life,…