Academic Freedom Strikes Again!

Back in 2009 appeared online to fan a little breeze over a peculiarly fragrant petunia – theistic creation/evolution – being furtively nurtured in the Department of Biology hothouse at La Sierra University, an institution that, as a seedling, had been rooted upon Genesis 1. Inasmuch as one of the principals (Dr. Pitman) was a…

LSU Court Case: Full Transcript of Final Decision

The following is a full transcript of the decision of the Honorable Edward D. Webster, the judge in the trial of the “LSU three” vs. La Sierra University, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and various church officials over the infamous self-recording of these men acting contrary to the church’s positions on numerous issues. The judge expressed his…

Strumming the Attached Strings

By Wesley Kime   If you can fiddle with Genesis 1, you can twang the strings attached to your California construction bond.  LSU seems to be striving for prominence in the field of such stringed performances, and its latest production, “Fugue on A Funding Bond, a Concerto Grosso for Attached Strings,” was a landmark contribution,…