COVID-19 and Vaccines – Update

Here’s a short talk I gave (4/17/21) about the latest information on COVID-19 and the vaccines, discussing a few common questions and concerns (video clip and PowerPoint slides with references) COVID-19 and Vaccines Update (YouTube Video): COVID-19 and Vaccines (PowerPoint):   Downloadable: COVID-19 and the mRNA Vaccines Notes and References for slides:   Slide 3…

The Arguments of Adventists Opposed to Vaccines

While the General Conference and North American Division have come out in favor of the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 (Link) many Seventh-day Adventists remain fundamentally opposed to these mRNA vaccines – and to vaccines in general. On the one hand, the SDA Church, as an organization, argues that vaccines are not fundamentally opposed to Biblical…

Avondale College Arguing in Favor of Darwinian Evolution?

In the most recent 2015 issue of Christian Spirituality and Science published by Avondale College (a Seventh-day Adventist institution under the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists) there are three articles, all of which appear to challenge the firm position of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on the literal nature of the creation week described in Genesis. The…