Comment on If the Creation Account Isn’t True… by Laura.
I feel sad that so many people see it as a black and white, either/or choice. Either believe the Bible wholly and literally or not at all. The problem with that is that there is so much scientific evidence that shows that the Bible cannot possibly be literally true. That,however, does not shake my faith. It IS possible to have faith and listen to science too. I just wish so many people weren’t threatened by science. There is obviously a huge divide within the Adventist church between those clinging to the dogmatic interpretation of the Bible and those who welcome new scientific data and interpret it in light of the Bible. Historically we know that the latter will win out. I just feel bad for those who feel their entire faith will collapse if they cannot hold onto a literal Bible. Please allow yourself to acknowledge that there might be different interpretations of human faith and knowledge that might be correct. We as humans are constantly learning new things and we should be embracing that fact, and not trying to run and hide from it.