The Seventh-day Adventist has much to be proud of in …

Comment on For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists by D. Fender.

The Seventh-day Adventist has much to be proud of in the sick, sinful world! We have a great set of Biblical beliefs and a great philosophy of wholistic living.

I once heard a funny spin on our church. Someone said “the SDA church is a school system masquerading as a church.” Education is a life long process for all if us. Thank goodness we had the council to build and run our schools as we do.

D. Fender Also Commented

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
EMK, I did not write my post right if you understood it to say that I think there are no faithful young people in our midst, because there are. I know some of them and they are quality people. They go to GYC and study their Bibles, and do evangelism, and stand in the gap. They are not the norm and they are few and far between.

The numbers that are staggering are the “SDA” young people who apply to our professional schools and list SDA as their religion, but don’t attend church, do their personal business on the Sabbath, go to happy hour with the non-SDA students, eat anything that ever crawled, and have so little regard for anything we stand for. My point is that with so few numbers of faithful young people, we are doomed.

I am not abandoning ship, just seeing the reality of what is happening. I believe we are deep unto the shaking right now. And I believe Jesus’ second coming is right around the corner! Maranatha.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
@Eddie: and EMK

I hear you both very well. Don’t think that I am a spectator just sitting on the sideline, because I am not. I have been in Adventist higher education for nearly two decades.

I don’t believe this problem is fixable. The generation that gives tithes and offerings faithfully is dying off. The younger generation that is less dedicated to the church, both financially and relationally, is poised to take over.

Besides, political correctness is now the god of the nation and is quickly making in roads into the SDA church. Very few people today are ready to do what is right, because it is right, and let the chips fall where they may. Until we have people of faith who follow truth and do what is right because it is right, we will continue to flounder.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
Johnny, there is no solution to this problem short of a divine solution. After having worked in Adventist higher education for a long time, Eddie has it right. Our schools pay peanuts and expect people to want to make a career on that kind of income. If you pair that with graduates who just want to finish so the can buy their BMW and having a horrendous amount of school loan debt, the pool of qualified people is very small to non-existent. So it is easy for church members to complain about what kind of product they are getting at our schools, but the proverbial one finger pointing at the university and professors, leaves the other fingers pointing right back at them!

Unfortunately, the progressive ultra-liberal professors at our colleges and universities have one purpose in mind, to capture the minds of our young people. It only takes one generation to make the SDA church believe that we evolved, that homosexuality is OK, that our doctrines are flawed, and that we are no different than any other Christian church. We are almost there!

Recent Comments by D. Fender

LA SIERRA: Four resign after recording emerges

Professor Kent’s Student:
Shane Hilde was quoted in the Press-Enterprise article: “Shane Hilde, who founded a website in 2009 that has been critical of Bradley and the university administration on creationism, said he was not celebrating. Our goal is never to get people fired,” he said. “Our goal is to change the way things are taught. This is not a good situation and I really feel for the people who lost their jobs.”

Does anyone think Shane might be bearing false witness? For those of us who watched him post the recordings and make comments on them last week we certainly know better. And Shane is not the only one here who is celebrating. Others are downright giddy.

Do you read other people’s thoughts? Can you read other people’s motives? No. So then you owe Shane an apology. You need to take his comment at face value. Why is it that those liberal/progressives who claim to be the most open minded are in fact some of the most closed minded people in the world?

Private: [Updated] Walter Veith visits La Sierra
Dorothy, you are quite mistaken if you think Walter Veith did anything constructive at LSU. He was there for a few hours to lecture to a student run group. Do you think Lee Greer or Fritz Guy’s minds were changed? Do you think the Chair of the Biology Department had a special meeting after Walter left to revamp the whole departmental curriculum? NOT! We are naive if we think that this situation is going to self correct. It has taken over 30+ years to develop (Gary Bradley has been there a really long time). The only way to fix this problem is to fix the people who are causing the problems. Are you ready to fix most of the faculty in the Departments of Biology and Religion, as well as replacing key administrators like Wisby? This problem is not isolated to the Department of Biology and trashing our FB’s is not limited to our beliefs on origins. This is a much more widespread and deeply entrenched problem than most think. The church would be better off to cut all of LSU off and put its resources elsewhere. A bandaid won’t fix this problem. Loma Linda has just as many issues as LSU does. I surmise that all of our SDA colleges and universities have problems. The biggest problem we have though is spineless administrators who are afraid to make decisive moves and solve problems. It is just too easy to let the status quo flow and not rock the boat.

This problem started with people and it will only be fixed with people. Posturing, publishing things online and in ANN does nothing until professors leave LSU and are replaced with loyal church members. That’s a huge bill to fill. This problem is heavily entrenched at LSU and shows no signs of going away. God can and does work miracles, but most of the church needs to wake up and smell the Postum! That’s not going to happen either. Call me pessimistic? I say I’m just being realistic.

La Sierra students criticize core classes
David, I don’t personally know what the curriculum of those core classes is, but I will guess that it is all about control and there is an agenda behind them.

In a university with many majors and departments like LSU has, department chairs and their respective professors have a fair amount of autonomy in what is taught to students in their discipline.

When Geraty and his crowd set up a system of classes that are required for all majors, it allowed a small group of liberal professors to control curriculum and infect students in all majors with their anti SDA ideas.

Someone please send in the course objectives and syllabi to these courses and let’s see if I’m right. If I’m wrong, I will say so. If I’m right, it will be just one more proof of the evil that is going on at LSU.

THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM IS WITH PEOPLE. People need to be PUBLICALLY replaced so that everyone knows what is happening. Behind the scenes SDA politics as usual is not going to fix this problem. Is there an SDA administrator who is going to be a Daniel and stand up for what is right, and do what is right, in spite of whatever fallout is causes? Administrators, your time is NOW? Will you be faithful or will you buckle to political correctness? This is your probation. You were put in power to lead, protect, and defend. The whole church is watching you. All of heaven is watching you. It’s time for action.

La Sierra students criticize core classes
Bob, Wisby may have inherited the current problems, but that does not absolve him of his part in this fiasco. He is just as culpable for letting this go on under his watch, and for allowing students to be punished for speaking out the truth. The same goes for Ricardo Graham. He is just as much at fault for failing to decisively act and solve this problem. He did what Adventist administrators frequently do, gloss it over and hope it goes away. We can’t ruffle any feathers you know. It might hurt someone’s feelings, or they give big money to the church. EVIL! Adventist politics are EVIL! it is time to do something decisive and solve LSU’s problem. The time for talk is over, it’s time for action.

La Sierra students criticize core classes
Ron, Geraty may have been a leader in this rebellion, but he was not alone then, and his friends are still there, and their evil has come to fruition now. There is only ONE solution if the church is going to keep LSU, that is CLEAN HOUSE. I have said before, and I say it again, the problems at LSU are not with just the biology department, there are problems with the religion department too. Our fundamental belief on creation and origins is not the only FB under attack at LSU. There seems to be a number of professors who believe in gay marriage like Geraty, and continue to push that issue. Then there are the FB’s on 1844, the Heavenly Sanctuary, etc, which I’m sure have few followers at LSU. IT IS TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE AND START OVER AT LSU, or close it altogether.