Having just reviewed the changes made in the LSU Board, …

Comment on Report on LSU constituency meeting by Art Chadwick.

Having just reviewed the changes made in the LSU Board, it is apparent to me that the Board is being stacked with people who are in sympathy with the errant faculty at La Sierra. I am therefore less hopeful that the resolution of the problem can come from the Board at least until the errant administrators and faculty are no longer able to influence the choice of Board members.

Art Chadwick Also Commented

Report on LSU constituency meeting
Patsy makes a valid point. When I stated “most of their [religion] faculty”, I was intending to exclude a few who still do support and teach the Bible as a reliable source of inspiration and truth. I appreciate your clarification. I might add that I sense that there are in most departments dedicated Adventists who believe and teach God’s Word.

Report on LSU constituency meeting
Clearly the developments in the science departments at La Sierra have not taken place in a vacuum. The theology department has preceded the sciences by some year in losing confidence in the Scriptures and in promoting belief in naturalism. If the situation is to be remedied, the following actions by the board at a minimum will be indications that they take this problem seriously:

1. Replace the current president
2. Replace two or three of the biology faculty
3. Close down the School of Religion, releasing most of their faculty
4. Start over again with a new department of religion.

Short of these measures, other responses are just window dressing. What an insult to suggest adjusting the content of one course can possibly effect the needed change. I appeal to the board: Please act now to save my alma mater.

Recent Comments by Art Chadwick

Common Arguments Against a 7-Day Creation Week
Note added in proof:

Common Arguments Against a 7-Day Creation Week
This passage from the book Patriarchs and Prophets might have been seen as abject nonsense ten years ago. But trusting and waiting has enabled us to begin to see the mechanisms of the processes by which the influence of the parents, both father and mother are transmitted to the offspring. We have much more to learn, but no informed individual can question that the processes described here can occur and can affect the offspring (see, for example http://www.adventistreview.org/1601-19 ).

“God had an important work for the promised child of Manoah to do, and it was to secure for him the qualifications necessary for this work that the habits of both the mother and the child were to be carefully regulated. “Neither let her drink wine or strong drink,” was the Angel’s instruction for the wife of Manoah, “nor eat any unclean thing. All that I commanded her let her observe.” The child will be affected for good or for evil by the habits of the mother. She must herself be controlled by principle and must practice temperance and self-denial, if she would seek the welfare of her child. Unwise advisers will urge upon the mother the necessity of gratifying every wish and impulse, but such teaching is false and mischievous. The mother is by the command of God Himself placed under the most solemn obligation to exercise self-control.

And fathers as well as mothers are involved in this responsibility. Both parents transmit their own characteristics, mental and physical, their dispositions and appetites, to their children. As the result of parental intemperance children often lack physical strength and mental and moral power. Liquor drinkers and tobacco users may, and do, transmit their insatiable craving, their inflamed blood and irritable nerves, to their children. The licentious often bequeath their unholy desires, and even loathsome diseases, as a legacy to their offspring. And as the children have less power to resist temptation than had the parents, the tendency is for each generation to fall lower and lower. To a great degree parents are responsible not only for the violent passions and perverted appetites of their children but for the infirmities of the thousands born deaf, blind, diseased, or idiotic.”

Common Arguments Against a 7-Day Creation Week
Nicely done, Sean. Gracious, and very thorough. Thank you.

The Full History of La Sierra University vs. Louie Bishop
How ironic that this scholar, graduate of one of the great campuses of UC, distinguished as possibly the greatest golfer in the history of the Davis campus (my brother in law was one of his coaches), also widely recognized there for his high morals and his spiritual integrity, chooses to continue his education at a school of his own faith and is assaulted and stigmatized when he discovers that the college is not living up to those principles of faith and attempts to tactfully remind them of the problems. How sad. How terribly sad. Take comfort.Jesus was himself rejected and was finally crucified when he warned the pharisees and saducees of their errors and tried to reach them.

LSU Responds to Issues Regarding Dr. Diaz and WASC
I am fearful that we may not see the awful consequences of failing to act when there is blatant disregard for the truth of the Scriptures being promoted by an agency of our church. Nor can we, individually or as a church, just ignore this. The whole church suffers when we fail to act to deal with sin in our midst. I pray that our leaders may be courageous to face this problem at La Sierra and elsewhere. The following quotation supports the contention that all of us should be very concerned:

“I was shown that the manner of Achan’s confession was similar to the confessions that some among us have made and will make. They hide their wrongs and refuse to make a voluntary confession until God searches them out, and then they acknowledge their sins. A few persons pass on in a course of wrong until they become hardened. They may even know that the church is burdened, as Achan knew that Israel were made weak before their enemies because of his guilt. Yet their consciences do not condemn them. They will not relieve the church by humbling their proud, rebellious hearts before God and putting away their wrongs. God’s displeasure is upon His people, and He will not manifest His power in the midst of them while sins exist among them and are fostered by those in responsible positions.”

— Testimonies for the Church Volume Three, page 270