My heart aches to see this unnecessary “either-or” mentality among …

Comment on Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict by Kathy.

My heart aches to see this unnecessary “either-or” mentality among Christians. Believers split when they’re stuck on the notion that their only two choices are evolution and recent creation. Evolution often becomes the “default” position (and perhaps this was the case at LSU) when believers are faced with convincing evidence that the universe and Earth are truly ancient. But age, even billions of years of it, does NOT equate with evolution. Observed evolutionary processes cannot account for life’s origin and variety in ANY amount of time. Nor does an old age contradict a literal reading of the Scriptures. It is possible to embrace both a high view of Scripture (biblical inerrancy) and accept the facts (as opposed to interpretations) of science. This concordance has been affirmed for centuries in the Belgic Confession and was reiterated more recently by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy.