Praise the Lord for the decided action of God’s people …

Comment on Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict by Benjamin Burkhardt.

Praise the Lord for the decided action of God’s people in the Michigan Conference and for any who would follow suit. May many others cross that line to take a firm and decided stand for Jesus Christ who created all things in 6 literal days, resting on the 7th!! The words of the prophet Elijah ring out to ears of God’s church today, declaring, “How long do ye halt between two opinions?” “If the Lord be God, then follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21). I surely hope too that the response of God’s people will be a lot more decided than that of the people in Elijah’s day…”and the people answered him not a word.” It wasn’t until God dropped flaming fire from heaven in the favor of His faithful prophet that the people were utterly compelled to wake from their complacency!

We must take this issue to the hill at the GC and pray for God’s anointing fire to prevail in the favor of His faithful servants.

The very purpose of our faith as expressed in the 3 angel’s message of Revelation 14 calls the entire world to worship the Creator. Any who do not have this message burning in their hearts are needing to BE called to repentance, they have no place in the action of calling.

Jesus says, “surely I come quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Recent Comments by Benjamin Burkhardt

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
Again, thank you to Sean and the other contributors to this website. Thank you for your dedication, research, and continual efforts to keep an intelligent and informing light upon all the ins/outs and various issues wrapped up in this controversy. These matters are SO important and historical! Something is going down big time. And I pray that the truth of God, His book, and Historical Adventism only go up! Let’s hold onto the faith and contend for that which was once and for all delivered to the saints. Blessings and prayers!! Yes, let’s be clear in our FB#6, etc. statements about what the Bible itself is also crystal clear about. Unfortunately, there are those who seek to “twist” the real meaning of Scripture “to their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:16). For this very reason, our church-approved instructors and organizational entities must stand the testing of even more crystal clear airtight language that makes abundantly clear our church’s position, belief, and expression of what the Bible is actually teaching. Those who would twist Scripture, probably might tend to twist other things as well, but we can make it harder for them for sure!!! They’ll have to be an outright liar or raving lunatic to deny or twist the clear language we ought to be using to express our Biblical views. Which of course needs to be grounds for expulsion from the church’s ranks of approved instructors.

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond
There’s a few rats in the house, and somebody is coming down for this! Jesus tells us there is nothing secret that shall not be known. It will be proclaimed from the housetops. Our sins will find us out. And I think more than a few have just been found out. May Christ’s truth be uplifted, and may His cause go forward. But for those who dishonor Christ and jeopardize His cause, I pray you’ll be shown for what you are doing. []

In Christ,
Ben B.

La Sierra University Responds to anti-Creation Bond Issue
What a sell out! Selling [out] for a few crumbs of bread or a pot of wretched stew. They despise our birthright [] for just a smidgeon more than 30 pieces of silver. I hope they will throw the coins back [].

Two Adventist Universities Promote Six-Day Creation
Thank you guys so much for posting these refreshing truths about some of our schools who are working hard to do God’s business! I think we absolutely MUST have this continued accountability and free/open press statement about what’s taking place in our SDA Schools these days (and at all times). We never can allow Satan to have an open back door right into our midst by making silent assumptions about the faithfulness of the teaching activities in our schools, for sake of professed name only. God says “BE SOBER, BE VIGILANT, because your adversary the Devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Even an effective pagan government must have proper checks and balances. How much more the church of God who must “…earnestly content for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3,4)? Satan loves to attack and kill the little ones before they can stand for doing God’s work. He tried with Moses and Christ! Shall he not as surely do so to us? Of course! We have the warnings all throughout Scripture to be on the lookout and the watch for false teachers and false prophets!! We MUST all be accountable, and hold accountable, that Bible truth may be taught and educated in our schools that were so designed for just such a purpose. The History of God’s church at large and the History of our people DEMAND accountability and transparency in all these matters!! Let’s hold accountable all our schools and fortify the willing ones for the task of proclaiming the truth. Thank you for this article and this work. Let’s make known when some are doing what they should and reprimand and censure those who are making groves to Satan under Israel’s banner!

Creeds and Fundamental Beliefs
I agree with the article. Let’s maintain order and accountability in God’s church! We uphold the standard of God’s word in our church entirely. The church is to be the “pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:16). The literal 7 day week from Creation, and the Sabbath are Bible teaching…plain and simple. It’s not merely some person’s conjecture. We have every right and necessity, as God’s people, and His church for the last days to UPHOLD the Bible’s true and clear teachings. If some individuals want to distort or misrepresent those Bible teachings, the church must, needs to, and shall hold them accountable. If they don’t like it, they can go start their own church of “so and so says” religion, and mix whatever kind of philosophy and heresy they want to. But don’t call it 7th-day Adventism. That’s the farthest thing from it.