Comment on Private Recorded Conversation Prompts La Sierra Resignations by Joe Nicholas.
Shane, I don’t think there is any conspiratorial reason why Leonard was there. Simply, he’s friends with many of the LSU faculty/staff involved in all this, and he was obviously interested in what was going down at the meeting, and then of course chose to hang out and debrief with his friends afterwards…
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Recent Comments by Joe Nicholas
WASC Team Recommends Formal Notice of Concern Regarding LSU
Here is a relevant Ellen White statement I noticed a few days ago…
Reason for Establishment of SDA Colleges–What is the object of establishing colleges among Seventh-day Adventists? It is to provide for our youth, so far as possible, the very best instruction–that which is free from error and in every respect pure from corrupting influences. There are in our land schools in abundance where education in the sciences may be carried to a high point, but they fail to reach the Bible standard of education. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The Lord must preside in our institutions of learning, or the object for which they were brought into existence, with great outlay of means, will fail of being accomplished. We profess to believe important truth, that the Lord is soon coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory to take the faithful -272- to the higher school in the mansions He has gone to prepare for them. We should meet a standard very much higher than do those who do not believe these solemn truths.–Letter 25a, 1890, pp. 4, 5. (To Brother Graham, July 14, 1890.) {10MR 271.2}
LSU-3 Case Moves Forward in Riverside Court
A quick look at today’s news re. the Supreme Court’s decision supporting the firing of a Lutheran church school teacher, based on the so-called “ministerial exception”, seems to provide general, if not specific support to the church’s defense against the LSU-3 suit. I am anxious to hear informed opinion/analysis re. this from David and others on this forum. In this new high court decision, could God have just opened the Red Sea for the defense in this case?
Here are excerpts from the Washington Post report on this case:
“Wednesday’s ruling marked the first time the Supreme Court had acknowledged such an exception. Requiring a religious group to accept or retain unwanted ministers, the justices said, deprives the group of “control over the selection of those will will personify its beliefs.”
Perich had claimed that the exception did not pertain to her. She joined the school as a “lay teacher” and then underwent religious training. Perich agreed that she became a “called” teacher in 2000 and sometimes taught religious classes along with secular classes such as math, and she occasionally led chapel services. She estimated that the “religious” part of her school day was only about 45 minutes.
But Roberts said there was little doubt that Perish was a member of church leadership. Such a determination “is not one that can be resolved by a stopwatch,” Roberts wrote.
…. Employees of religious institutions, for example, might be retaliated against…
He said those questions could be addressed when and if they arise. “We express no view on whether the exception bars other types of suits, including actions by employees alleging breach of contract or tortious conduct,” he wrote.
He also said the court was not adopting “a rigid formula for deciding when an employee qualifies as a minister.”