Sounds like God has answered our prayers and has put …

Comment on New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues by Jonathan Smith.

Sounds like God has answered our prayers and has put the GC and NAD presidents in place to rein in the runaway buggy.

From what I can infer, they will be dealing with the issue at LSU (and elsewhere) shortly, decisively and dogmatically. I have a smile of satisfaction.

Recent Comments by Jonathan Smith

Former LSU student letter reveals professor’s agenda
Where men refused to deal with the apostates, those in charge will be accounted as guilty.

In the great reckoning to come they will pay.

I am glad this lady had the courage to speak and write. The evidence is plain for all to see.

Jay Gallimore comments on evolution conflict
@Ricky Kim:

Ricky, you said:
The statement you made regarding the Bible as the most reliable textbook in history also troubles me in many levels but specifically in the context of theodicy. Many secular scientist would say that the earth is at least 4 billion years old, with creationist attesting to the earth age as being within 12-10,000 years. For the sake of this argument 10,000 years would be fine. We say that Christ intervention came 2000 years ago. Which means that for 8,000 years people have suffered and died with heaven watching down. They did not decide to call for an intervention until 2000 years ago-into one of the most illiterate parts of the world during that time-The middle east. Where literacy rate was about 1% of the total population. It wasn’t say somewhere like China where writing was invented.

Perhaps you do not understand the Bible at all. It teaches that when sin entered at the beginning, there was a promise (cf Genesis 3:15) of redemption that was shadowed by the sacrifical system. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29) and He is the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world (Rev 13:8).

This means that Jesus’ coming did not exclude the people of any race or era, but they had a faith based system which was communicated and if believed, people would have participated in this system.

God does not wish for any to perish but that all should come to repentance. He is no respecter of persons. Thus we can be sure that people of all ages and races will be saved. Our job now is to believe and make our calling and election sure. I invite you to do the same.

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation
I understand the case as resignations of 4 professors of LSU who were made to choose to resign or have the recorded conversation be brought to the board,etc. How can ALL these 4 mature, adult “intellectuals ” simply give up their positions if its nothing more than a recorded conversation. Is the situation too ugly to resist? The case was posted as not because of evolution issue. Actually,Im not worried if WASC would inspect or these professors will go to court as they say so. Although we, in the Seventh-day Adventist Church are challenged by these trials( universities infested with infiltrators is no joke), we fervently pray for our leaders and our church. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS BEST!.. Remember Romans 8:28?

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign

I stand in support of Educate Truth and its efforts to maintain integrity on an SDA campus of higher education. “Once to every man and nation (university) comes the moment to decide, in the strife of truth and falsehood, for the good or evil side.”Our church history shows that we have had to watch church institutions (Battle Creek San and Hospital) leave the sisterhood of institutions due to false teachings by its leadership. We should not be surprised if the cost of fidelity to truth has a price. Politically, we know that freedom has a price. Spiritually, fidelity to truth has a price.

I regret that Shane is coming under attack for having the courage to keep the light burning for doctrinal truth in Adventist education. We have long purported the idea of integration of faith and learning. Why would we want to excuse a science department who moves away from the “faith” aspect of its discipline?

All those who decide to live a Biblically faithful life shall suffer persecution.

LSU statement regarding resignations and Bradley’s email
Eccl 12:13-14