“We can easily agree with Ricky that once you toss …

Comment on Jay Gallimore comments on evolution conflict by Ricky Kim.

“We can easily agree with Ricky that once you toss the Bible out the window – belief in evolutionism (no matter how irrational and unscientific it is) is just about all that is left.”

Mr. Bob,

I don’t know how you can dismiss evolution as being irrational and unscientific-I mean religion teaches that a talking snake existed, alongside a burning bush, and men rising from the dead.

To say the Jesus rose from the dead, or preformed the various miracles that is told has happened based on scripture suggest that the natural order of things, of how the earth operates and still continues to operate till this very day has been suspended and has leaned on your favor. Tell me, what is more likely? that the natural order of things has indeed been suspended, or everything that is “miraculous” is not very miraculous at all?

But this again, will fall into conflict do to how we see the Bible.

Ricky Kim Also Commented

Jay Gallimore comments on evolution conflict
[edit – Sorry Ricky. Your recent questions and comments, while very interesting and provocative, are simply not part of the main purpose of this particular forum. All the best with your continued search. Just consider that your ability to be empathetic with the suffering of humanity was given to you from outside of yourself. If there is a God, surely He knows what you feel since He is the one who created you with the moral sensibilities that you have… – sp]

Jay Gallimore comments on evolution conflict
Prof. Kent,

I will agree with you in your statement that there are no easy answers for this question. Which is why I continue to disbelieve in a loving, all-powerful, and all-knowing God. I dare say, that this question is apart of many others which leads fellow human beings like myself to question God’s existence and more importantly his character. If he truly cared for the skeptics out there, I would think that he will reveal this hidden mystery that frustrates so many. What is he so scared of? Also, in regards to your comment, does God really need a companion? I thought he didn’t need anything?

However, I digress.
It seems like our only answer to resolving suffering in this world gentlemen is to combat it. In the spirit of the “Good Book” I say that will be to take care of the poor, widow, orphan, and resident alien among us. To fight for the rights of the marginalized, and to give voice to those who have none. And ultimately regain the dignity that has been robbed through violence, rape, and other wicked acts.

May we live honorably up to the various convictions we hold to be true.


Jay Gallimore comments on evolution conflict
Mr. Lysle Williams,

With all do respect, It really frustrates me how you continue to babble on things that makes no point whatsoever to the question I am asking.
Your argument regarding free-will alongside the various illustration you have so elaborately written up in support of your thesis makes no mark if we were to consider my original proposition:

Why did God create anything to begin with? Why not just hang out with the trinity? Knowing that by creating he is leaving the fate of his creatures to chance? Why create? what is the purpose of creating anything? Do you understand my question now? If you don’t please say so.