Comment on Honest thieves by Nanci Williams.
@Bill Sorensen: This is a prime example of the “NLP” garbage that our confeances are requiring our pastors to be preaching now !!
Table of Contents
Recent Comments by Nanci Williams
LSU reports on AAA visit
& where does the “new” president weight in on all this ????
Ravi Zacharias: Should Church Members be Held to a Higher Standard?
@Sean Pitman: Sean,”there will be a lot of people in heaven who never knew about the Sabbath”,,,,are you KIDDING me ?? Have you not read the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy ?? When I read it, it tells me EVERY PERSON shall have heard & had the chance to accept or reject the Sabbath befor Christ’s return !! I think you’d better re study this issue ! In His Love, Nanci
Private: Samuel Pipim comments on GC’s decisions regarding creation
Ok, so the reaffirming of #6 has been done. BIG DEAL !! Do you REALLY think that it is going to change any thing ?? These people are too arogannt to care !! Just look at what DIDN’T happen at WWC. Until we get rid of the “suits” in charge, there’ll be no change. UNLESS some parents & supporter’s start speaking w/their money !! But do they have the courage to do so ??
Wisbey talks about LSU and what he wants you to know
Amen to Dr. Urrutia & Lydian.
CCC Requests “Decisive and Conclusive Resolution” from LSU
And AMEN !! Eric.