Comment on Former LSU student letter reveals professor’s agenda by William.
I teach professional communications at a public university. Many of my colleagues are agnostics, if not outright atheists. Their ‘god’ is science, and they are quite vocal about it. Well, that is to be expected at an institution of the world. I know in Whom I believe. What is distressing is to see the world’s teachings have such a stronghold in our own universities. We have chipped away at our beliefs: creation, the 2300 days, prophecy, the divinity of Jesus. And who will God hold accountable? The watchmen on the walls have fallen asleep, and their slumber has been going on for many, many years. I read our publications and I am struck by the post-Modern views and philosophies voiced by our church and school leaders. God help us; we seem to be racing with all our hearts to be exactly like the world. We have forsaken the basic Christian element: a trusting relationship in our God, his Word, and our Savior. In the end, we are all watchmen, and the state of things today show that we, too, sleep. God forgive us.