It seems Pastor Blake wants to preach present truth and …

Comment on LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict by G. Euler.

It seems Pastor Blake wants to preach present truth and go back to the denomination’s roots without upholding the teaching at LSU that Genesis 1 and 2 are truth. Or am I missing something? When I was a biology major at La Sierra campus of LLU in the early 70’s the science professors were very clear about the truth of Genesis 1 and 2 and I also learned to think on my own and search for present truth. SO why not go back to teaching the truth of Genesis 1 and 2 at LSU?

It is the preaching of present truth that brings on the shaking and eventually results in changing the denomination from a church militant to a church triumphant. I think we are already on this path and what has been going on at LSU is an example of this struggle. Our members are choosing sides. Whether they are tares or wheat is becoming more and more evident as the days go by. We all need to pray for and witness to each other including for and to the tares as well. We all need to examine our own motives to be sure we are not tares.

IF we remain tares for a little longer now it will be too late to change course. Our deadline is when the National SUnday law is passed in the US and that could be any day now. The seal of God is placed along with the mark of the beast based on our decision in response to the NSL. Every day now our decisions that we make nudge use in one direction or the other and form us into a person who will receive one of these eternal marks at the time the NSL test comes to us.

Do our colleges teach our young people to make the eternal decision we want or do they not is the question. Do our youth pastors teach our young people how to make the best eternal decision now? Is pastor Blake in the right profession? It is difficult to understand that he is based on what it appears he is saying above, because it appears he is saying it is appropriate for LSU to teach error as truth on at least one classroom every week so the students will be taught how to search for present truth. Does this idea really make logical sense to anyone? Sure does not make logical sense to me.