It never ceases to amaze me that pastors, so called, …

Comment on LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict by Bill Eichner.

It never ceases to amaze me that pastors, so called, can be so confused. Blake throws around the term, “present truth” in such a twisted way. Present truth was never intended to defend a drawing away from truth but instead to enhance Biblical truths. Nothing is more plainly taught in Scripture than the short age of our earth and that God created it in six days, resting on the seventh. I am saddened to learn Blake is a youth pastor. How many young minds is he left to influence with error?

Recent Comments by Bill Eichner

Strumming the Attached Strings
Sold out for a pot of porridge. Someone either sold us out ignorantly or purposely. Take your pick. If ignorantly, then they are incompetent in the extreme. If purposely, their status as an SDA needs to be removed. Either way they should be shown the door to the unemployment office.


Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students
Faith Wrote: “It is all well and good to care about the students–whether you have noticed it or not, all of us here care about the students. If we did not, we would turn a blind eye to the fact that they are being led astray by the professors at LSU and let things go on as is instead of trying to correct the wrong being done to them. Your kind of caring isn’t helpful to them at all. It is indulgent to the sin that is being perpetuated there. That is not love. Love–real love–is trying to save them from sin. That is why Christ came to this earth–and that is why we are here on this site–to do whatever we can.”

Faith, you are so right on target. It marvels me when the liberal/progressive criticizes the conservative for standing up for the students. They simply must no longer believe the Advent message but instead believe the other god, the one who contradicts the simple reading of God’s Word in Ex 20:11: “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

The liberal/progressive no longer believes in the creation account, Noah’s flood (it’s just a child’s bedtime story to them), they doubt prophecy and, of course, do not believe in the Spirit of Prophecy It is ok for devotional reading alone, it even that. Some don’t even want to hear it from the pulpit on Sabbath mornings. They even denounce Elder Wilson as taking us back into the ignorance of the 19th century. If we don’t go back to our roots we’d just as well forget who we are. If the liberal/progressive doesn’t change before Jesus returns, they will, along with the wicked, be crying for the rocks to fall on them too for they are not preparing for our Lord’s return.


Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students
Pastor Gallimore is following God as all other conference presidents should. So much error could be avoided if everyone called sin by it’s right name. It takes courage to stand for the right but we must for error will never be truth. Evolution is a pagan religion. It’s not a Christian belief but is, as our pastor called it, blasphemy against the most High. Those who uphold evolution are saying that God is not able to create in six days and thus place their opinion above God’s.


Two Adventist Universities Promote Six-Day Creation
Thanks Sean for the article. It was refreshing to know that we still have strong instructors that will stay true.

Folks, if you want things to change support those schools that are strong in the faith and dry up your support for those who go contrary to Biblical perspectives. Money talks.


Why the Bible?

Over time I have read and observed your comments. Although very polite and of a friendly demeanor, much appreciated by the way, you seem to carry your position of agnosticism as a badge of honor. I don’t know your connection with the SDA educational system, if any. However, If somehow you do have the posture of educator, in the SDA system, perhaps it would better be served in the secular venue instead.
