This “academic freedom in our schools” argument is simply hogwash. …

Comment on La Sierra University Continues Deceptive Spin Tactics by Ron Stone M.D..

This “academic freedom in our schools” argument is simply hogwash. Oh, pardon me, I meant whitewash. As clearly pointed out by an earlier responder, a SDA preacher does not, or should not, pontificate from the pulpit all the various views on a certain Bible doctrine and then tell his congregation that they can cherry-pick the version they like. That SDA preacher would soon be finding another profession one would think. He should be preaching the “straight testimony,” or the “three angels message” without any equivocation. Of course, our college professors can teach about the salient points of Darwinian evolution but their stress should be on the Bible concept of a six literal day creation about 6,000 years ago.  

Ellis, I agree with you completely. “Academic freedom” is an excuse given to undermine our biblical beliefs. I am totally for teaching ABOUT evolution, as I was taught in public universities. But, as we see here, teaching “evolution as fact” has no place in and SDA institution or church!

Ron Stone M.D. Also Commented

La Sierra University Continues Deceptive Spin Tactics

Ron, please be careful with accusations such as this.It doesn’t help our cause.Ricardo Graham doesn’t “blame Mrs. White”–he is simply crediting her as a major influence in the organizational structure of our church, and that is one reason why it is taking so long to deal with the matter.

Ellen White has nothing to do with the Board’s delaying tactics and their total incompetence in handling the situation at LSU. To even mention her name is ridiculous. The “church structure” also has nothing to do with why the Board has done nothing and is currently doing nothing. Please read the LSU website regarding the powers of the Board.

They are doing nothing because they are a major part of the problem, as they have allowed LSU to become a rogue institution. Look at the last 3 Presidents–Guy, Geraty, and Wisbey–all three liberals who cherish humanistic philosophies, such as evolution, over God’s Truth.

BTW, I spoke to Graham personally (at the Market Street Church in Oakland) but he completely “blew me off” when I simply asked him “to do the right thing.”

La Sierra University Continues Deceptive Spin Tactics
Virgil, “Is LSU an SDA institution?” Well, technically it is, since it is supported by the SDA Church, has an SDA Board, some actual SDA teachers, etc.

However, is LSU an SDA institution as far as teaching biblically-based knowledge? Well, that’s certainly not true, at least in its Biology and Religion Depts.

Is it the only pseudo-SDA institution? Certainly not, but appears to be the worst example!

La Sierra University Continues Deceptive Spin Tactics

It was very disappointing to read unChristlike words from a pastor.Diplomacy is usually the preferred technique used in a dialogue.Is there a difference between fact and truth?  

As the Pastor has stated, Jesus used words that were inflammatory when needed. If only we had more pastors like Pastor Paulson out here in California, instead of secular humanists who constantly try to undermine God’s Truth.

Recent Comments by Ron Stone M.D.

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Great article Sean! This guy is worshiped almost like a god on Fulcrum 7,

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Another great article Sean. Good to see some actual truthful and factual information online!

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This is the typical garbage that has been coming out of PUC for many years. People wonder why our colleges are losing students, despite the fact that we take more and more non-SDAs each year.

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The reason the LaSierra situation has gone uncorrected so long is that most of our administrators have exactly the sort of political instincts that Dan Jackson has. They are politicians and consensus builders; they want to keep the peace and make the trains run on time. But the circumstances call for men of principle, hard men who are willing to stand for the right “though the heavens fall,” i.e., regardless who is offended and loudly complains.

Dave, I agree with you. Jackson’s trying to play on “both teams” is not going to go well for him.

Unfortunately, politics is the “SOP” of many of our SDA officials, Jackson being just one. “Political instincts” are the rule, instead of actually doing what is “right” according to what we know in God’s Word.

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Shane Hilde: Think big fish: LSU or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Graham might not have followed procedure with these men, but I don’t know what the procedure is. I’ve read what the process is in the faculty handbook, but I don’t know if that applies to administrative positions which are at will employees. If it does apply to them, then it appears the process was not followed.

Trustees book says, in 6,9,F, that the Trustes may “discontinue” virtually anyone working at the university.

Does that mean to “fire” or to “force their resignation? Seems like it does.