Lydian, you said: “Creation is both of the above [scientific construct …

Comment on At La Sierra, Biology Faculty Affirms Importance of Teaching About Creation in Curriculum by Lou Westphal M.D..

Lydian, you said:

“Creation is both of the above [scientific construct and faith construct] and I fail to see why the president of the NAD is apparently joyfully accepting this statement.”

And…”I have a hard time understanding the president of NAD’s apparent delight at this letter from LSU.”

It is not surprising since the NAD president was the one who chastised opponents of the La Sierra Biology Department’s teaching of evolution in his private speech to the La Sierra University faculty.

Lou Westphal M.D. Also Commented

At La Sierra, Biology Faculty Affirms Importance of Teaching About Creation in Curriculum

David Read:
So I’m resorting to insults.I understand that it is a long shot, and probably won’t work.

Speaking of insults…

“You idiots! You must be bewitched, to have lost the vision of Jesus Christ crucified.” [Galatians 3:1]

It appears that Paul thought it was OK to use insulting language at times.

At La Sierra, Biology Faculty Affirms Importance of Teaching About Creation in Curriculum
I would very much like to see an end to the politicking by the “officers and educational administrators of the North American Division” as mentioned by Mark Kellner in his Adventist Review article.

Is it true that he used to be a member of the Salvation Army?

At La Sierra, Biology Faculty Affirms Importance of Teaching About Creation in Curriculum
Congratulations to you and your wife, Sean!

Recent Comments by Lou Westphal M.D.

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond
I looked at the securities statements. Interesting. The bonds were issued through Wells Fargo Bank.

Was the additional 8 million taken out part of the original 24 mil?

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
When I attended LSU (then La Sierra College), I heard a slight floating around in the religion department of the concept that there might have been long time periods during the process of creation.

I think I heard it once, was not impressed, and didn’t hear any more about it.

[UPDATE 10/2/11] And we’re up
As far as whether the SDA church could split over the issue…I wonder if NAD leadership in particular has plans or ability to deal with the problem.  (It’s already understood that leaders in Southern California will do nothing.)

Since Elder Dan Jackson reportedly intimated to the faculty at La Sierra that he was sympathetic with them rather than with the person and the conference who had come out against them, NAD doesn’t seem ready to do much. 

I believe that the so-called intelligencia as well as the financially well-placed that reside in various Adventist university settings intimidate world church leaders or have a lot more influence with them than should be the case.

LA SIERRA: First Amendment cited in university lawsuit
It’s very usual.

LA SIERRA: First Amendment cited in university lawsuit
That’s what lawyers like to do (when they’re being smart and proactive).