BobRyan:But then … Paul was a Pharisee – perhaps this …

Comment on Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation by TUMA.

BobRyan:But then … Paul was a Pharisee – perhaps this is what you were referring to.

in Christ,


Actually, Bob, my points are quite aside from the main arguments jumping around this comment section. What concerns me isn’t the factual correctness of anyone, ID, evo, or otherwise. The only element that I felt compelled to comment on (and perhaps I should have been clearer) is the intent behind it. So much of what I read on here sounds like it was made with no purpose in mind but to be provocative and combative.

Let me just give you a little context for me weighing in here, though. I am not a religious person in any capacity, but I am from an Adventist community, and I have a great fondness and respect for the church. And it is out of this fondness that I worry when the desire to be insular, and different, and “right” trumps the calling to love and to minister to others.

I see a lot of young people trapped between lines of vehemently legalistic ideologies, and it’s sad. Perhaps the issues that rage in this comment section are important. Vital, even. But are they more important than the love and respect of others?

TUMA Also Commented

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation
Also, while this may be “an inside discussion” to some of you — you’re on a public message board, and this issue has brought outside attention.

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation
To those so passionately defending their faith:

What does all this legalistic pedantry get you?

Christ condemned the pharisees for this type of behavior. Do you really think it’s okay for Adventists?

Realize, you militant defenders of your faith, that your vitriolic and dismissive tone sets a stumbling block for many. This is just as dangerous to your cause as any amount of “liberals”, “evolutionists”, or whatever the threat of the day is.

You’re ambassadors, each and every one of you. Remember that.