Faith: You know, Ron, the more I read your postings …

Comment on Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation by Holly Pham.

Faith: You know, Ron, the more I read your postings the more I see you are not an SDA in any way, shape, or form. How you dare to say such a thing about God’s workmen–especially Doug Batchelor, who is one of the best preachers around and true as the pole to God and His message–is beyond me. You should keep in mind the way God avenged the treatment of Elisha by sending the bears to rend the mocking children. You are putting yourself on very dangerous ground.

You’re correct Faith. Doug Batchelor preaches numerous evangelistic campaigns aroung the world every year. He is on 3ABN and Hope Channel probably dozens of times per week.

He is invited to many conferences to speak, Camp Meetings, Week of Prayer’s, and youth meetings, not only in the U.S. but around the world.

How is this an example of being “embarrassing?”

Holly Pham Also Commented

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation


Great answer, Bob. What we don’t see is what evolutionists want us to believe is really happening today and has been happening for millions of years. They can’t show it, show an actual functional mechanism for it, but still believe it has happened and is happening. What a wonderful fairy tale!

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation


How could anything be more clear?Only those who want to be blind can not see the light in this statement.

Those who choose to believe men’s philosophy over God’ Truth do not appear to be blind but have chosen the wrong “path” as Jesus stated in the Bible.

Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation

Sean Pitman:

Then you haven’t read much of what Mrs. White wrote.She did indeed advocate removing people from the SDA church who no longer supported its primary goals and ideals… who refused to do what they were being paid to do.She even recommended cutting ties with Battle Creek college when it started opposing the church’s position on various issues (Link).

Sean Pitman

Well stated, Sean. The idea that we should accept and sit idly by while [some] attack our SDA Church from within is supported by those who wish to destroy our Church from the inside. And we have many, especially out here in California, who are eagerly and in some cases successfully doing it.

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