@David Read: This time I’m on Tidy-Up patrol. I …

Comment on The Heroic Crusade Redux by Wesley Kime.

@David Read: This time I’m on Tidy-Up patrol. I feel obliged to set straight Dr. Taylor’s positions, since I’ve known and heard him for so long, and cited his declaration that appeared on this site a year ago, to wit, Dr. Pitman has undertaken a Truly Noble Crusade in promoting Genesis 1 despite all odds and all scientific evidence. Dr. Taylor said so in good irony, I thought. Actually he went easy on the sarcasm. And I tried for the same tone – irony, not sarcasm – in my recent essay on how Dr. Pitman’s crusade as characterized by Dr. Taylor differs from others currently being discussed. By the way, there is, I think, a useful operational difference between those words.

Dr. Taylor sees no scientific evidence for Genesis 1, granting whimsically a measly 2% as not inconsistent. Thus he has enthusiastically embraced and advocated evolution, presumably theistic, not a literal Genesis 1. Some on this site are insisting, with Dr. Taylor, that there is no scientific evidence for Genesis 1, but, differing from Dr. Taylor, it must be believed anyway, by faith alone. Dr. Taylor, remaining admirably consistent, has never taken that course. I’m saying this not in defense of Dr. Taylor’s notions but in defense of accuracy in dealing with all parties.

OK, everyone: back to your posts!

Wesley Kime Also Commented

The Heroic Crusade Redux


If in all argument, as ample evidence shows, rancor rules
For Km ‘n Kn the rhyme’s the thing, not those raucous duals.
Luckily for us two chivalrous old-fashioned rhyming fools
The Hawking belching merits only cheery iambic ridicule.
To begin:
It only takes, to beatify a Hawk burp with deep sacerdotal reverence,
Chuckles, chutzpah, and a quantum deeper faith than evidence.

The Heroic Crusade Redux
@Steve Billiter: Steve, Exceptionally well expressed, your critique of evolution. Please write more, here and elsewhere, and often.

By the way, that particular text, Job 11:8 is a favorite of mine too, not just for content but also for manner of expression, especially in the KJV (“It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than hell; what canst thou know?”) – pointed, poetically balanced, almost insolent. But Job isn’t an essay.

And speaking of stylistic critique, with yours of mine I concur, mostly. I also concur that the happiest essays are the most even toned, e.g. E.B. White’s. Updyke’s are a smidge more vivid, but still well tempered. I’m envious of that kind of essay-writing. But being inescapably visually and poetically oriented, I am also charmed by those of Evelyn Waugh and, well, Erv Taylor. Alas, the rhetoric sometimes swamps the message. I worry about that in mine, honestly; sometimes in anguish.

But an even more dreadful worry is that my position may not come through clearly from my elaborate sentences and riffs of rhetoric – the only kind I can write, alas — when read cursorily.

Now then: my essay was to define the recent crusade that has swamped this blog site, materializing from all sides, against the employment of scientific evidence for creation. It was not — repeat not, goodness not! — to define or decry all science, certainly not the scientific community that presents evidence for creation. Of which Dr. Pitman, scientist and enviably even-toned essayist, is an exemplary disputationalist. That my point should be perceived so exactly totally absolutely opposite from what I thought I had presented – another irony.

Thanks for giving me the chance to extend a hopefully not too florid if-I-offended-you-I’m-sorry, and to unload a little essay on writing – us writers always jump at any chance, – plus upright my upended point. God bless you in your writing.

The Heroic Crusade Redux

Welcome, welcome back good friend Ken,
Good to see you again, here in the lions den,
Where skin is thin and chagrins never end.
So how’ve you been?

Welcome again to this sometimes venomous venue.
What’s your pleasure from our sometimes bilious menu?
A little faith with this personally proffered doggerel?
A dash of hot dogged defender dogma rigmarole?

I’d really rather debate, certainly greet, in meter and rhyme
With Ogden Nash my paradigm, not Milton or Dante sublime,
Any time, all the time, from the Maginot Line to dinner time.
Yours, with this loving evidence, Dual Crusader Kime.

Recent Comments by Wesley Kime

Dr. Walter Veith and the anti-vaccine arguments of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Informative and stimulating, but proceeding into more confusion. A veteran of Moderna vaccinations, I trust, hope, they are effective, at least until otherwise. The whole business, being part of End Times, is in the hands of God, not humans expert and as degreed as they may be.

Brilliant and Beautiful, but Wrong
Brilliant, beautiful, and so right! Speaking of your presentation at LLU recently. Great to see you and your family (especially my namesake, Wes. God bless! WK

Complex Organisms are Degenerating – Rapidly
@Bob Helm: Dr. Sanford is very familiar to most of us. He was invited to speak at LLU several years ago and I and a great many were privileged to hear him.

Evolution from Space?
Hats off yet again to Sean for pursuing this topic as a scientist should, no nonsense, and in it’s proper setting — as a revival of one of the ancient ideas recently upgraded as a desperate alternative to the increasingly compelling intelligent design data. I had occasion to review panspermia a few years ago and as is my wont I found it more amusing than scientific. If you would like what was intended to be a satirical response to panspermia and other related curiosities you could check out: http://www.iessaythere.com/black-hole-humor.html
Meantime, Sean’s article is of far more cogent worth.

The Sabbath and the Covenants (Old vs. New)
As he has done on this site many times, Sean in his line-by-line-item response to C. White (not EG or EB) has, to my mind, clearly enunciated the issue and resolution.

When all the hermeneutics, quoting, and arguing and inordinately judgmental riposte are over, it comes down, as I understand it, to two things: 1) Whether the 7th day Sabbath (whether enunciated in the famous 10 commandments or otherwise) is still valid, and 2) Does the grace obtained by the vicarious sacrifice by the shedding of Christ’s blood or other divine process too deep for us to understand in this life, cover every sin automatically and without ado, altogether passively on our part, or is it only on condition that we first totally and deeply accept it? Other details always hassled forever are distractions.

I accept that I must accept it, wholly, actively, even with agony, with my whole being.