To Sean ” In other words, you shouldn’t be surprised by …

Comment on The Creator of Time by george.

To Sean

” In other words, you shouldn’t be surprised by anything that you see in this universe because anything is not only possible but probable from the multiverse perspective. ”

That is not correct as humans through science and rational investigation have deduced physical, chemical and biological laws with predictive properties regarding this universe. That is why the supposed biblical miracles are not scientific,falsifiable, empirical, philosophical or rational in my opinion. Nor is biblical creation. They are theological based on faith, without corroborative scientific support, in the vast majority of scientists estimation.

Snowflakes and perfectly symmetrical granite cubes…. which are designed, which are not? Modern physics, chemistry and biology continues to provide answers to a cause and effect universe as to how physical reality including the emergence of organic life occurred. Intelligent design, a successor to Deism – which to be fair is not creationism per se – suggests that every time science cannot proof that cause and effect mechanisms resulted in observed phenomena there must have been design by default. There is no guarantee that what humans deduce as design is what a supernatural designer would have done at all.

Admittedly the metaverse is still a theory at present and might never be proven. That does make it unworthy of contemplation and outright rejection by those theologically opposed to the concepts. The difficulty creationists face – especially YEC proponents even within their own religious sects – is as science reveals more over time this viewpoint becomes anachronistic. Hard to see that reality within the YEC bubble but science will move forward independent of subjective theological shackies. Just look at all the religious sects that have come to accept the big bang and evolution as scientific facts.

The only way that science can be truly objective is to divorce it from religious belief. That is how it has made progress and will continue to do so in free minds. It will neither proof or disprove God but will continue to enlighten Man on the true nature of the universe, in my humble agnostic opinion.

george Also Commented

The Creator of Time
Hello Sean

In fairness to you and your readers I feel like we are being redundant on many points and issues. I need to be respectful that this is an Adventist forum that believes and supports YEC not a platform for my agnosticism.

I do appreciate and thank you for the opportunity to lively debate issues.


The Creator of Time
To Sean

“ A hypothesis about the supernatural world cannot be tested, so it is not scientific. The concept of God, Allah, or other supernatural designer(s), capable of designing the whole Universe, can neither be proved nor disproved. Hence, any claims that any supernatural being or force cause some event is not able to be scientifically validated (however, whether that event really occurred can be scientifically investigated).”

And back to you

The Creator of Time
To Sean

“Remember also that the assumption that future discoveries will one day be able to explain everything via mindless naturalistic mechanisms is not science, but a philosophy of naturalism that is very similar to a blind faith religion.”

How does this compare to the assumption that the Bible will be able to predict the end of the world? Scientific in your estimation or perhaps I really don’t understand how science versus religion works

Recent Comments by george

Academic Freedom Strikes Again!

Thank you for your response.

By definition, I don’t believe in miracles or apocryphal, anthropomorphic stories about same.Why aren’t scientists observing them today if they occur? Could it be that science is better able to detect hoaxes and false claims? For me the value of science is to take us out of the dark ages and look for cause and effect laws and forces to explain reality. Frankly I do not see God’s hand as an intervening force in our universe.


Academic Freedom Strikes Again!
To Sean

Dictionary definition of a miracle:

a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
“the miracle of rising from the grave”
synonyms: wonder, marvel, sensation, phenomenon, supernatural phenomenon, mystery
“his recovery was a blessed miracle”
a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.
“it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed or injured”
an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something.
“a machine which was a miracle of design”
synonyms: wonder, marvel, sensation, phenomenon, supernatural phenomenon, mystery
“his recovery was a blessed miracle”

As I said science cannot detect miracles, by the very definition of same. Ergo, if the resurrection of Christ is considered an event of divine agency then science cannot detect it or falsify it.

When it comes to historical evidence of the event, outside of the gospels which are likely self serving to the audience they are meant to convert, is there independent corroboration of the event? Are all the versions in the gospels the same or are there differences in the various accounts. Why are there similarities with other resurrection stories from other religions?

If the matter was litigated these are the types of questions that would be asked. Biased eyewitnessed accounts not subject to cross examination under oath in Court are not really of much persuasive value in my experience.

In sum, a biased biblical account of a miraculous resurrection is not scientific and not proof on the balance of probabilities that it occured. The evidence that you have cited is unreliable and not corroborated by unbiased accounts.

I haven’t seen a resurrection or a perfect granite cube, Santa Claus, ghosts, demons, fairies, haunted houses, prophets or anything of a miraculous nature that I am aware of. So it is specious for you to ask me hypotheticals in this regard. It’s like me asking you if your head could swivel 360 degrees could you see the world better.


Also is it possible Jesus did not die on the cross but removed before he was medically dead? Did some of his followers remove his body from the cave to make it appear he was resurrected? If a multitude of people saw him resurrected why are there only biblical accounts?

Academic Freedom Strikes Again!
To Sean

“Of course, if the disciples of Jesus had not been given such evidence, they weren’t about to offer themselves up like sheep for the slaughter. Until the actually resurrection of Jesus, three days after His death on the cross, they had given up all hope of Him as the actual Messiah, much less any belief in Him as “God”, and were hiding themselves from the Romans and Jewish leaders of the day.”

Now that is most interesting. So the disciples who had first hand experience of the miracles that Jesus performed during his life had doubts as to his divinity. So much for empirical observations eh? Why should we who were not there then belief in the redacted stories of the Bible?

As I have pointed out many martyrs have died for their faith or convictions. Joan of Arc for example who never witnessed Christ’s resurrection, believed she was a messenger from God, recanted her faith under duress, but then chose it again and was burnt at the stake as a result. Is that proof she was a messenger of God or would you distinguish her case from the disciples who did not belief in Christ’s divinity based on the first hand witnessing of miracles? The fact the disciples did so is not proof of Jesus’s resurrection. Perhaps in guilt and remorse they collaborated the resurrection story to launch mythic Christianity? How many times was the story amended or embellished before being recorded in the many different gospels? And who were the actual scribes? The witnesses themselves or others? Who ‘really’ knows?

The problem with the resurrection miracle is it is not science, not falsifiable thus it comes down to faith. That’s fine as long as one understands that.

Academic Freedom Strikes Again!
To Sean and Wes

“Now, if you still think otherwise, then please do explain why you believe that human reason supersedes the concept of selfless love for one’s neighbor? – as the basis for morality and the definition of moral goodness?”

Because, as I have alluded before, I think the concept of selfless love stems from human reason and sentiments, like many other concepts of good or bad. Just like I think the concept of an anthropomorphic, intervening God stems from human reason, not empirically from scientific observations.

You don’t have to be Christian or of any religion stripe to be a good person. Atheists and agnostics as well as may fine religious folks can be good. Conversely many secular and religious people can be bad ( think of the Spanish Inquisition.) The issue- as I have previously argued – is not so much what influences us but what we choose to do. I can choose to use Jesus, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Jiminy Cricket, you, Wes, or conversely Hitler, Stalin, the leaders of USA or North Korea, etc. as my moral role models … or not. If I am narcissistic I can select myself. If I believe in the Koran i can select Mohammed. If I am Buddhist I select the Dalai Lama… etc.

Who makes that choice for me? God? Jesus? You? Wes? Political or religious leaders? Cult figures? No, I make it based on my own conscience, sentiments and reason. And epistemologically and existentially there is my proof ( I think therefore I am: I choose therefore I am: if I do bad therefore I am: if I do good therefore I am).

If I am not free to reason and make moral choices based on a variety of influences then i am no better than a robot. But you believe in free will and choice don’t you Sean? Don’t we choose to believe of not in God, Jesus, Ellen White as a prophet? Didn’t you choose to do so based on your empirical investigations or are you blindly following your faith based on your upbringing? Charitably, after observing your laudatory efforts on this site over the years – for which I commend you and hold you in high respect – I think you freely chose to adopt the Royal Law of Love as your moral basis.

And that respectfully my fine friend, as you have respectfully requested, is my existential argument.

And to my dear friend Wes I say Yes, emphatically Yes! as to what is the source of morality and conscience: Human choice, black and white, pure and simple.

And now gentlemen, I choose to bid you well and sign off for the night.


Academic Freedom Strikes Again!
To Sean and Wes, and hopefully our morally interested audience

“Beyond this, why should we, “Let our conscience be our guide”?

Because conscience by definition connotes individual moral choice. We may be influenced by culture, religion, upbringing, sentiment, education, literature, moral theories and law but there is no objective, uniform test for one’s own conscience. Everyone is unique in that regard and must make their own moral choices. As Sean aptly pointed out, individuals can live selflessly for the benefit of others while not necessarily believing in or having doubts about God. Surely they do so according to their conscience.

Obviously an ole rascal that uses a cricket and a Catholic nun as moral role models would strain the credulity of an objective standard for a conscience. Notwithstanding, the example of Jesus depicted in the Bible leaves one speechless in awe. Obviously his impact upon believers and non believers alike has had a profound salutary effect upon the world. I would be disingenuous to submit otherwise, notwithstanding that I do not think any human beings are prophetic or divine. ( other than in some sort of pantheistic notion of which we cannot know).

By the way, Wes. I wouldn’t kiss Mother Teresa’s feet. I’d give her a big hug though as a fine human being. 😉

Chirp, chirp… 🙂