Comment on Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit by -Shining.
@ Professor Kent – Hitler was not a bad man because he was a vegetarian. He had to be stopped for other things, no? What he ate was a whole different ball game.
Just so, saying that we do not yet have all the evidence that Ellen White says we will have (we do, by the way, have some of it) is a whole different ball game than saying Genesis is a myth or saying that death came before sin or saying there was no designer, that all of life and indeed the universe comes by random chance and/or natural selection. That is unacceptable.
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-Shining Also Commented
Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
@Professor Kent: You have asked many more than one question. And when one is answered, you ask another. No one here claims to have all knowledge about the present, let alone the past but many of the questions you ask, you could find the reasonable creationist responce on the web, if you, as you have several times stated, really want to know.
Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
thanks bob, i found that bird track article worth saving to a word document. Old saying proved again, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” This won’t help those who don’t want to consider creation viable. Each time one of their accusations is explained they just go looking for another. But the article will help those who are honestly considering all the options. Thanks again
Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
@Professor Kent: I am comfortable with fossils after the flood. It makes a lot of sense. I will say that many things both creos and evos believed got changed after the succession of events on Mt. St. Hellens so that anything stated beyond the accounts of inspiration are always tentative in my mind.
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One of the nice things about rewording it is that it focuses many people’s attention on the issue. It is often true that in communication resaying what you just heard cements the idea in your mind as well as making sure you understood what he/she just said.
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@ Art Hope you don’t mind if I post this to my facebook account. Most concise extrapolation I have seen. Thanks.
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Comic relief or DEADly serious graphic illlustrated art?
This one on a fossil fish is one of my favorites.
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Dr. John Sanford Lectures on Inevitable Genomic Deterioration
@Sean Pitman: I will say this one more time. You are saying that I said things I did not say. I specificially and repeatedly specified things I agree with in the context in which I agree with them. If people cant read what I wrote and see where that intersects with Darwinians, then my disclaimers will not be understood either. I quoted people who explain what the term Darwinian evolution is perceived to be. Does one have to say things just exactly as you do in order for you to understand and respect them?