Comment on La Sierra University Looking for New Biology Professor by Holly Pham.
Bryant Worth:
Sometimes we say there are non-Adventists who keep the Sabbath better than Adventists.Could the same idea be applied to teaching in this area being sought???
Are you saying you think La Sierra is trying to get a non-SDA because they will be better at keeping SDA beliefs? Is that some “spin” Wisbey and his cronies are putting on this ad?
Holly Pham Also Commented
La Sierra University Looking for New Biology Professor
Can someone please explain to me why an Adventist scientist or academic would chose to throw away their career, life, Church standing etc etc in advocating evolution, when it would be so much easier just to shut up and tow the official party line?Surely, there would be much pressure to just keep quiet?Whether one agrees with their stance or not, surely it must take a lot of courage and conviction to talk about evolution within official Adventism?
Who has thrown away their careers at La Sierra? Up until now, the evolutionists seem to be “in charge.” And probably still are. It would take MUCH MORE conviction to stand against what is going on at La Sierra.
La Sierra University Looking for New Biology Professor
Kenneth Christman, M.D.:
Well, they did not come right out and say that preference would be given to atheists/evolutionists, even though professors are increasingly coming from that camp.
You’re quite right, Dr. Christman. But what they DON’T say is actually more important than what they do say. Other SDA colleges want bible-believing Christians. La Sierra wants a “PhD.” Any PhD? It seem so!
La Sierra University Looking for New Biology Professor
Bryant Worth:
Sometimes we say there are non-Adventists who keep the Sabbath better than Adventists.Could the same idea be applied to teaching in this area being sought???
Do you really think this is the reason La Sierra didn’t mention being an SDA or believing in SDA teachings?
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Thanks Sean for telling us the “rest of the story!” Very interesting!
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