Comment on La Sierra University gets 3-year AAA Accreditation by Newbie.
Maybe time to research ALL education institutions from kindergarten to beyond tertiary. The results may be a shock and embarrassment to Adventism, who have just reviewed clarified and confirmed Fundamental Belief #6.
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La Sierra University gets 3-year AAA Accreditation
Actually, Bill, I must admit that I think Adventists themselves have NO say in what happens in the Church or Church run institutions. The Davenport Fiasco, the firing of David Dennis, the Patricia Moleski debacle, the La Sierra embarrassment and the other Adventist institutional failures all proof that the ‘Old Boys club’ is the only group who have a say in affairs. The evidence is clear. Neither do they worry about Adventists raising their voice. To silence these voices, the ‘old boys club’ employed a PR firm and very high profile lawyers- millions are spent in these areas. Guess where the steady funds come from to keep the ‘old boys club’ in charge….
La Sierra University gets 3-year AAA Accreditation
Mark, please don’t hold your breath that church leadership will deal with this. Like AAA, it’s a case of rubbing each other’s back, not doing what is right.
In fact, according to leadership, ADVENTIST BELIEFS have many grey areas. You could have fooled me 🙁
Recent Comments by Newbie
Dr. Walter Veith and the anti-vaccine arguments of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Sean, God gave us all a BRAIN, we are WONDERFULLY made, IN HIS IMAGE. God SPOKE things into being: he gave US a voixe
Im trusting your comment refers to you and your family! The rest of US dont need you or morderna to think for us- thanks but no thanks! We BELIEVE in creation- NOT evolution- where SOME set themselves on a PEDESTAL saying THEY have evolved further than others!
Even more sickening is the fact that Educate the Truth used to publish AGAINST La Sierra University!
Sean, we can only do ONE of two things, UNLESS we are easily bought!:
1. We can GIVE LIFE and ABUNDANCE or
LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
“I think LSU has an absolute right to determine whom it hires. It should make it abundantly clear that it is endorsing and teaching creationism not biology. As long as the world knows that religious doctrine is controlling the academic freedom of LSU’s scientists, I don’t see any problem.”
Based on your argument, George, I think LSU and other SDA universities should make it abundantly clear if they are teaching evolutionary theory as a doctrine in the classrooms. As long as the whole world knows that EVOLUTIONARY theory is controlling the academic freedom of anyone working at an Adventist University and that, in fact, evolutionary theory does not ALLOW for any academic freedom, I don’t see any problem. As long as we do not come with the patronizing nonsense that Adventist Universities are CHRISTian or that Adventists are Sabbath keepers. This has not been left open for us. You merely have to read through Academic Journals to see which theories and experts control mainstream. These theorists and experts have taken ‘peer review’ to a whole new level: as long as an academic do not agree with their views, the ‘door keepers’ keep
LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
“I think LSU has an absolute right to determine whom it hires. It should make it abundantly clear that it is endorsing and teaching creationism not biology. As long as the world knows that religious doctrine is controlling the academic freedom of LSU’s scientists, I don’t see any problem.”
Based on your argument, George, I think LSU and other SDA universities should make it abundantly clear if they are teaching evolutionary theory as a doctrine in the classrooms. As long as the whole world knows, yes, even parents who want to send your youngsters and students who want to attend a CHRISTian institution that evolutionary theory, which has never been proven, is controlling the academic freedom of anyone working at an Adventist University and that, in fact, evolutionary theory does not ALLOW for any academic freedom, I don’t see any problem. In that case WE SHOULD NOT come with the patronizing nonsense that Adventist Universities are CHRISTian or that Adventists are Sabbath keepers. This has not been left open for us. Both CHRISTian and Sabbath points back to Creation and Creation Science. Agreeing with mainstream or experts on evolution does not make it right. For too long creationist academics have been sidelined by ‘evolutionary experts’ and ‘mainstream thinking’. There is no ACADEMIC FREEDOM under those circumstances. You only have to look at the myopic view presented in many academic journals to know that ‘peer review’ simply means an assault on academic freedom of anyone willing to publish from a creation and therefore, contrary to evolution theory.
LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
@gene fortner:
And you could add economics and technology to your very extensive list. And yes, these two subject areas can use proven and historically supported evidence in line with archeology, science,biology,cosmogony and geology.
2013 Annual Council Votes to Change Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6
@Sean Pitman:
Sean, if you are right and if ‘we are ALL in full agreement with the organized church’, why then is evolutionary science both taught and practiced at SDA universities, while there is no or shall I say, little, and, in most cases, no evidence that creation science is taught at Adventist institutions of higher learning? A previous post aluded to the fact that Adventism have income streams other than tithe. Could it be that the ‘income streams other than tithe’are providing a steady income stream and therefore Adventist Institutions are committed to teach and practice the theory of evolution? Clearly, these teachings are in opposition to FB#6. Those who are responsible for practicing and teaching the theory of evolution and ignoring creation science, are in clear breach of FB #6, right? Can we expect a major exodus now that FB #6 have been clarified?