Comment on Creeds and Fundamental Beliefs by Steve Shedell.
I have seen this interview clip several times, but had never seen Dawkins’ explanation. Wow! Black is white and up is down, isn’t it?
Dawkins: “A real biologist finds it an easy question to answer (the answer is that natural selection increases the information content of the genome all the time – that is precisely what natural selection means)”
Maybe he means like those endangered and extinct finches and honey creepers on Hawaii and other islands. They have, or are about to, “natural selection” themselves right out of existence. Darwin’s exhibit one only implies the LOSS of genetic information. Oops.
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Recent Comments by Steve Shedell
WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation
This issue with WASC expressing concern, (meddling) in the hiring and firing decisions of the LSU board reminds of this statement from Prophets and Kings, p 188.
The time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul. The observance of the false sabbath will be urged upon us. The contest will be between the commandments of God and the commandments of men. Those who have yielded step by step to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will then yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. At that time the gold will be separated from the dross. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness. Those who have assumed the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will then appear in the shame of their own nakedness. {PK 188.1}
The religion of the “false sabbath” is closely connected with Evolutionism since both directly or indirectly point to the SUN as the creative force which should be honored. Evolutionists can provide no laboratory evidence to explain how carbon based molecules became amino acids, became proteins, became single-celled organisms, but they are unanimous in the belief that the sun had something to do with it. Likewise, Papists and Sunday keeping Protestants can provide no evidence from the Bible for keeping the false sabbath other than the wisdom and traditions of fallen, sinful men who never fully gave up Pagan sun worship!
Notice this point carefully: “The contest will be between the commandments of God and the commandments of men.” What does the 4th Commandment present as its authority for requiring obedience? “For in six days THE LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is…” This truth is the foundation which the entire system of truth known as the third angel’s message rests upon. The enemy knows that if he can weaken the position of God’s people on the issue of origins, then our position on the Sabbath will be greatly weakened as well.
To rephrase the above quote and apply it to the present situation:
“The time is not far distant when the test will come to every SDA Institution. The observance of the false sabbath will be urged upon our schools as condition for continued accreditation.â€
My Goal for La Sierra University
@Sean Pitman
Regarding the discussion of ID and whether it is “science†or not…
It’s interesting to note that many evolutionists, (not scientists per se), but the world at large, have no problem with ID as long as the designer isn’t the God of the Bible.
A couple of minutes on Google using terms such as “Mars structures†or “alien DNA†brings up thousands of pages referring to the idea that objects or phenomena that can’t be accounted for naturally must be the work of some “highly evolved†alien race.
Admittedly these are fringe topics, but these ideas are out there and spoken about off the record in many academic settings, even by high profile figures such as Richard Dawkins.
My Goal for La Sierra University
I have been saddened in the past few months since Educate Truth started, to see how many professing 7th Day Adventists have little or no understanding of the important issues and have chosen to put human wisdom and knowledge above the plain words of scripture. It’s heartbreaking to know that they will soon be blown away like chaff never to be seen again. Many others will become the bitterest enemies of those who continue to stand for truth. Evolution is a powerless religion – a religion of death and a direct attack of the enemy against the character of God. Those who believe and teach evolution will someday realize they have been fighting against God.
Has not the LORD Almighty determined that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing? For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:13, 14 NIV.
No matter the outcome at La Sierra, God has promised that truth will prevail. A mighty angel WILL come down and the earth WILL be lightened with His glory which includes the truth about God’s character as seen in creation and redemption. (Rev 18:1).
In view of His glory – His character of agape shown to me, I can only humbly say, Amen, even so come Lord Jesus!
All of These
by Craig Curry
How vast His grace! How great His faithfulness!
How deep His love! How rich His mercy!
How high His thoughts! How sure His wisdom!
And all of these, He gives to me.
So I will praise Him with every breath
For He has rescued me from certain death
And now this life I live, I live in Him
O let His glory shine, while mine grows dim.
How just His ways!
How good His discipline!
How pure His truth!
How kind His goodness!
How calm His peace!
How long His patience!
And all of these, He gives to me.
So I will praise Him with every breath
For He has rescued me from certain death
And now this life I live, I live in Him
O let His glory shine, while mine grows dim.