Comment on COVID-19 and Vaccines – Update by David Butler.
Dr. Pittman, it is almost unthinkable for me to comprehend how ignorant a SDA Physician is about the horrific damage and death these COVID shots are causing around the world. I realize as a physician you have trusted the science of CDC, NIH and FDA for your entire career and that has been your go to solution for scientific answers, but please take off your blinders because these agencies have been bought and paid for by big pharma and do not have our best interest at heart. Anyone that disagrees with your opinion about vaccines in general and especially the mRNA shots you immediately label them as anti-vax how pathetic and ignorant. How many parents have you spoken to with vaccine injuries, probably no one. How many people have you spoken with that have had severe side affects from the COVID shots, probably no one. When we allow big pharma to be the gate keeper of the same drugs they are making billions of dollars on how can we trust their integrity especially when they have no liability for injury. Wouldn’t you like that as a physician having 100% liability from any malpractice cases, wouldn’t that be great. My own son at the age of 3 months almost died from a vaccine injury before he even left the physician office. Are you going to continue defending criminal organizations like Pfizer who have paid out billions of dollars for frauding the federal government. Their last settlement was only $2.3 billion, for misbranding the painkiller Extra with “the intent to defraud or mislead”. Its so unfortunate that the SDA physician in this country who were given the true health message from Ellen White have become so deceived by big pharma. Why where there hardly any of our top SDA physicians opening clinics around the country providing early treatments for the COVID disease! Why weren’t our SDA physicians willing to prescribe repurposed drugs like Ivermectin, etc. Most of our SDA physicians were silent, but thankfully there were other top non SDA physicians in their field willing to stand up against the tyranny like Dr. McCullough, Dr. Corey, Dr. Marik, Dr. Cole, Dr. Huff, Dr. Malone, Dr. Makary, Dr. Malhotra, Dr. Goldman, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Nagase, Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Bridle, Dr. Fleming, Dr. Hoffe, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Kulldorff, Dr. Vanden Bossche, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr Cahill, Dr. Risch, Dr. Blaylock, etc, I could continue but you get the picture. Are you going to call out all these top physicians and PHD’s that they are delusional and have no idea what they are saying. How can you defend big pharma or the CDC whey they lied about the superior benefits of natural immunity or the shots, or the lies about the vaccine staying in the injection site, or the lies about stopping transmission when Pfizer finally admitted they didn’t even test for that. Or the lies about disinformation about being 95% effective or their lies about this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Which group are filling up the hospitals? The vaccinated. I should know I am a hospital CEO and know the truth about what was happening. Are you not listening to the Insurance companies reporting the highest mortality claims ever or the funeral home directors all over the world reporting about the mass access mortality and blood clots they are witnessing. I could give you some grace early for not knowing all the risks but it has been over two years since the roll out of these death shots and you need to come clean and admit that you were wrong about the dangers. It saddens me that well trained physicians were recommending these shots to their patients with no long term safety studies and intimidating these poor patients into taking some thing experimental on the entire human race. Haven’t you read Revelations 18:23 “for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.” I have been studying these COVID shots for the past two years every night for 2 to 3 hours and saving thousands of top scientific articles in the world from the brightest Immunologists, Virologists, Pulmonogists, Cardiologists, Hospitalists/Intensivists, ER Physicians, Pathologists, but where are all the SDA physicians? No where, they should all be ashamed since we have so many safety signals two years later and people are dropping dead left and right. Are you asleep at the wheel or are you just brain washed into believing that all vaccines are perfectly healthy for every human being. What if I told you as a physician you could only give one kind of Antibiotic to every patient in the world, what would you say? I would hope you would say no way some people are allergic to certain kinds of Antibiotics and we need to give them other brands. How can any rational human being believe that vaccines don’t harm people and one size fits all. You know the right answer to that question. I am sorry to hit you so hard, but you need to wake up and see what is happening. My friend works in the Cath Lab and it has become a revolving door with patient after patient coming in with COVID vaccine induced heart attacks. Even the Cardiologist are admitting there is no other rational explanation but are afraid to say it in public for fear of discipline. Please in the name of our Saviour wake up and recognize what is happening and call for an immediate stop to these COVID shots. You are a well respected SDA Pathologist and many people will listen to you and will forgive you for making a mistake. You were just relying on the CDC to tell you the truth, but there have been so many top scientist in the world that have done their own data collection and research that is telling a different story. Please wake up. I won’t get into a debate with you because I have already done all my study and research to come to my own conclusions from the top scientist and physicians in the world, so you wouldn’t be debating me you would be debating the top specialist in the world. This will be my only post and I pray that I have stated something that will make you re-evaluate you stance on these destructive COVID shots before many more people die. God bless you.