Comment on Adventist Review: Pastors Who Don’t Believe by Nathan Huggins.
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Recent Comments by Nathan Huggins
The Reptile King
I have misquoted you (Dr. Geraty) in the flying planes statement and I do sincerely apologize for my misquote.
The Reptile King
@Sean Pitman: Not only does Geraty “subscribes to theistic evolutionism as the true model of origins:” He also states that those opposed to this storytelling of origins (conservative Adventism)are “the type that fly planes into buildings”. Scary that this man was the president of an Adventist Insitution. With this kind of thinking, I wonder if he would have locked up EGW and the rest of the pioneers in Gitmo if they were alive today?
Clifford Goldstein: ‘A Safe Place’
Adventist kid: BobRyan,You contribute in quite a number of places. I noticed your edits on wikipedia. May I suggest that you go read the responses of others to your verbose essays on that site?Young Earth Creationism is unscientific. That is all there is to it. So either Adventism and Science are mutually exclusive (that can’t be!) or we can both believe in Science (evolution), and the bible while being Adventist. I take the second option.
Could you share the wikipedia link with us if possible, thanks.
LSU student: ‘Apostates or Apostles’?
Seems to me that Dr. Bradley hardly represents a true follower of Christ, aside from his rather “colorful” language which by the way lost him all due credibility as a “Christian”. Furthermore Dr. Bradley contradicts himself in his own quotes, which I found to be rather disturbing. Hey, I guess lying seems to be the thing to do these days to cover ones own dissent into apostasy and blatant lack of trust in God’s word.
At least be honest with yourself and others if you dont believe in something, isnt that the Christian thing to do?
Sadly, Dr. Bradley lost all my trust and faith in him as a professor of Adventist higher education.
Student reveals true intent of LSU’s biology seminar class
Will accepting modern ideas possibly damage the 27 fundamental beliefs?
You denigrate and belittle the church and its beliefs, yet you dont even know that there are 28 Fundamental Beliefs. Maybe for your sake, you should consider some research and investigation before inserting “foot in mouth”.
I also would like to mention that those(saints) “…which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”(Rev 12:17) will NOT fade, this includes the SDA church. Yes, the majority inside the Church will fall by the wayside(Matthew 7:14), but the SDA church and those loyal to God and His commandments will stand until the Second Advent of Christ. The Church would appear as though it is about to fall, but it will not.
It is obvious you have taken man’s ways over God’s ways(Is 55:8,9), I am truly sorry you have chosen the former. God knew that mankind would profess to be “wise” in his foolishness, but God’s foolishness(creation) is wiser than men(1Cor 1:25-27; 3:18-21). I hope you figure out that trusting in evolution as the source of life is a slap in God’s face. Are you sure you wish to bear that burden upon the day of judgement? Why not take God at His word? Faith is the unity of BELIEF and TRUST in God and His word.