Sean, Are you aware that the promotion that this is a …

Comment on A big reason why so many people are leaving the church by John.


Are you aware that the promotion that this is a “Big Reason Why So Many People are Leaving the Church” is in direct controdiction with the churches appeal from acctual research?

“Research on why members leave Seventh-day Adventist Church fellowship suggests that social and relational factors are much more significant than disagreement with denominational teachings. In fact, many who leave denominational fellowship remain supportive of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and even maintain church practices for some time following their departure.

The reasons most frequently cited by persons who leave local church fellowship are found in the realm of relationships, the absence of a sense of belonging, and the lack of meaningful engagement in the local congregation and its mission. Therefore, the loss of members for these reasons should be preventable.”


Recent Comments by John

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

Holly&#032Pham: This same philosophy is present in the Pacific Union Conference and elsewhere. We will do what WE decide we want to do, despite what has been voted by the world Church.

Sister Holly, Umm, no I do not claim such nor ever have or will. Ironically, this site has. That is truly comical.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

Steve&#032Mahan: To show the SDA members that the G.C. is on top of the situation

LSU is not under authority of the GC. The only university that is inc. through the GC is Andrews.

LSU’s is inc, through the Pacific Conference not GC. Andrews is inc through the GC not Mich. conference.

This whole thing is not a debate over creation vs. evolution as much as it is lines of authority.

To which this site is accountable to no authority as is its sister site ADvindicate.

The agenda of this site to promulgate a hierarchy line of authority is rightfully and respectfully rejected, as manipulative it has been to accomplish such.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

BobRyan: Agreed

I am glad you agree.

I am unable to agree that it is fact/proof cause there is no vote to reverse it, there constituent meeting has not happend yet. Nor would I have info if it would make it to the agenda. There may be more pressing issues?

Agreed the GC only has authority over Andrews. As the GC has no authority over Pacific conference, neither does the Mich conference. Its actions are attmpting to, or at least manipulate outside the structure.

If Mich has a concern then they have to find the same concern across all world conferences and bring it to a GCS. To side step the structure and manipulate it is an attack on the church as a whole.

This whole effort has done it this way, which is sad. To say it is to promote transparencey and protect the church while it acctualy operates outside the churches structure and authority is bewildering.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

Holly&#032Pham: There is nothing “comical” about Conferences doing whatever they want, despite the worldwide delegates voting the opposite.

Sister Holly, there has been no GCS vote that is against a conference that I know of. Can you give reference to such votes you mention specifically? I do ask for refrain from bandwagons and other fallacies that are not conducive to honest discussions. Those and personal comments only highjack a discussion.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

BobRyan: it is the decision of at least 2/3 of the Conference constituency

Would you have the minutes reporting such? Um I dont belive it was a decision by delegates rather the conference acting in absence of a session. If it would come up/have room on the next agenda I have no idea.