LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued

Educate Truth shares the following news from McCuneWright, LLP. On July 28, 2011, the law firm of McCuneWright, LLP, on behalf of Dr. Jeffry Kaatz, Dr. James Beach, and Dr. Gary Bradley, filed a complaint against all responsible parties as a result of actions taken against them and La Sierra University in a June 10,…

La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction

Educate Truth shares the following article from Adventist Today as a service to readers. Submitted Jul 1, 2011 By Atoday Editorial Team On June 10, 2011, three La Sierra University (LSU) faculty members and a board member resigned. News of their resignations set off a storm of rumor and speculation. The stranger-than-fiction saga came to…

Bradley, Beach and Kaatz retain attorney

Educate Truth shares the following excerpt from Spectrum as a service to readers. The LSU Faculty Senate called an emergency session on Friday where an action was voted requesting the Board of Trustees not to accept the resignations. After graduation the Board met from 2 pm until approximately 8:30 pm. On Tuesday in a meeting…

LSU resignations discussed by Faith and Science Sabbath School

Educate Truth shares the following video from Faith and Science Sabbath School as a service to readers. Paul Giem discusses the La Sierra resignations, reviewing LSU’s news release and Gary Bradley’s email. Afterward he recounts the story behind the accidental recording of Jeff Kaatz, Gary Bradley, Jim Beach, and Lenny Darnell. Geim’s presentation on LSU…