Originally Published January 3, 2021 (Last updated: 4/3/21)
This is in response to a recent interview with the famous vaccine conspiracy theorist who started it all, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (sent to me by some friends of mine – Link):
Table of Contents
- 1 Dr. Wakefield’s arguments against mRNA vaccines:
- 2 Will the mRNA vaccines cause “Irreversible Genetic Modification”?
- 3 mRNA vaccines aren’t true vaccines?
- 4 Do mRNA vaccines increase the risk of autoimmunity?
- 5 Do mRNA Vaccines increase the risk for anaphylactic reactions?
- 6 The very real risks to the mRNA vaccines:
- 7 DNA Modification?
- 8 Double-blinded placebo-controlled trials:
- 9 Wakefield: a famous deceptive conspiracy theorist:
- 10 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:
- 11 Dr. Ryan Cole:
- 12 Professor Dolores Cahill:
- 12.1 Antibody-Dependent Enhancement:
- 12.2 mRNA Vaccines will result in eventual organ failure:
- 12.3 The mRNA Vaccines will make older people very tired and exhausted:
- 12.4 Multiple types of mRNA sequences in the vaccines:
- 12.5 Moderna mRNA vaccine caused unexpected allergic reactions:
- 12.6 Deaths reported following mRNA Pfizer vaccination:
- 12.7 mRNA can be converted to DNA and change one’s genetics:
- 12.8 Vitamins A and D, Zinc, and Resveratrol can block the effects of COVID-19:
- 13 Dr. Lee Merritt:
- 14 Dr. Judy Mikovits:
- 15 Ellen White on vaccines and anti-government conspiracy theories:
Dr. Wakefield’s arguments against mRNA vaccines:
Will the mRNA vaccines cause “Irreversible Genetic Modification”?
To start with, the title of the video is very misleading since it claims “Irreversible Genetic Modification” – if one takes an mRNA vaccine. Now, I understand the importance of a good title to get people to watch your video, but that title is simply false when it comes to the mRNA vaccines. These mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna do not alter human DNA or genetics at all – not even close.
For more information about the mechanism, safety, and effectiveness of these modern mRNA vaccines, I strongly recommend the excellent MedCram interview (December 16, 2020) with Dr. Shane Crotty (virologist and professor in the Vaccine Discovery Division at La Jolla Institute for Immunology – Link).
mRNA vaccines aren’t true vaccines?
Then Wakefield starts off with the nonsense claim that because the mRNA doesn’t produce the immune response directly (only the resulting protein that is produced by the cell’s machinery that decodes the mRNA sequence does that) that the mRNA vaccines “aren’t true vaccines”.
What? How is this a reasonable argument? How does the fact that there’s an extra step involved in producing the vaccine’s protein-based antigen(s) within the human body somehow mean that the final result isn’t a true vaccine? By any rational standard, the mRNA vaccines are true vaccines in every sense of the word since they end up educating the human immune system to recognize a specific type of viral protein antigen which then causes this now educated immune system to specifically target the COVID-19 virus prior to an actual infection by the live virus. That’s what vaccines do…
Do mRNA vaccines increase the risk of autoimmunity?
Then, Wakefield asks, “What could possibly go wrong?” – based on the claim that the cells producing a foreign protein to which the body will mount an immune response is called, “an autoimmune disease”. Now that certainly is a scary thought! Who wants to get an autoimmune disease?! I certainly don’t! Yet, I have already had the first round of the mRNA Pfizer vaccine. Why would I do this to myself? Why would I expose myself to some kind of autoimmune disease or disorder where I get my body to attack itself?
Well, this claim for producing an autoimmune disease might be a concern for those who don’t clearly understand the mechanism in play. What happens is that the mRNA in the vaccine enters the cytoplasm of some of the cells in one’s body. The nuclei of these cells are not entered by the mRNA sequences. The DNA is not altered at all. The mRNA in the cytoplasm then codes for a small piece of the COVID-19 virus – a portion of the spike protein. This protein, once produced, is exported from the cell and is then presented to the cells that make up the immune system. The immune system is then activated to recognize this particular protein sequence as something “foreign”. This means that, in the future, this immune system will more rapidly and effectively be able to attack the actual live virus if the body is ever infected by it. The cells that produce this foreign protein are not attacked because they do not express this viral protein on their own surfaces. This is important because some of the earlier attempts at a SARS vaccine (back in 2002-2004) showed ADE effects (antibody-dependent enhancement with increased immune-mediated inflammation and lung damage following vaccination) in mouse models. However, mouse immunogenicity studies with the current COVID-19 vaccine candidates did not show these effects. This has been why the modern mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have taken care to put the viral spike protein (coded for by the mRNA vaccines) into its “prefusion” conformation. The worry has been that if antibodies are generated to this viral “spike protein” after it has had a chance to bind to human cells (post-fusion conformation), that this would give a better chance for non-neutralizing antibodies to arise (and thus provide a better chance for unwanted inflammation of ADE to develop). This is also the reason for the emphasis on detecting neutralizing antibody titers along the way as well since a high proportion of neutralizing antibodies is a safeguard against the antibody-driven enhancement of disease. (Dr. Derek Lowe, December 18, 2020). Unfortunately for vaccine developers, spike proteins are liable to spring from their stubby prefusion shape into their elongated postfusion form on a hair-trigger.
Fortuitously, Graham and a former postdoc, Jason McLellan, devised a solution to this problem before the pandemic. Through a bit of structural biology and persistent protein engineering, McLellan discovered that adding two prolines—the most rigid of the 20 amino acids—to a key joint of a vaccine’s spike protein could stabilize the structure’s prefusion shape. This 2P mutation worked in preclinical studies of Graham and Moderna’s MERS vaccine, so they applied it to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. (Link; see also: Link)
Also, the mRNA sequences only produce the viral spike protein for a short time. So, the actual risk for the development of autoimmunity is very minimal here – no more so than with any other type of protein-based vaccine and no more so than getting infected by the full live COVID-19 virus. The mRNA sequence itself is then rapidly degraded within the cytoplasm of the cells that it entered. It doesn’t last very long at all. It’s a very temporary sticky-note message, so to speak, that self-degrades after the message is read a few times.
More extensive details on this can be reviewed here: (Link)
Do mRNA Vaccines increase the risk for anaphylactic reactions?
But what about Wakefield’s claim that there have been anaphylactic responses to these mRNA vaccines, as well as deaths? That certainly sounds serious, but it really isn’t if one understands what is really happening here. First off, the handful of cases of anaphylactic reactions to the mRNA vaccines, out of the millions given so far (a rate of around 1 in 100,000), have been to the lipids used to carry the mRNA. They are not based on some kind of autoimmune disease or condition produced by the vaccine. There are simply people who are at increased risk of anaphylaxis when exposed to certain fats or “lipids”. This is where severe nut allergies come from, for example. Between 2 and 10 children per 1,000 in the United States and the United Kingdom have anaphylactic responses to peanut/tree nuts – “with the prevalence of allergy to nuts being higher in adults (1.6%) than in children (0.6%)” (Link). This is a much much higher rate than the allergic responses to the mRNA vaccines so far at around 1 in 100,000. Yet, no one says that nuts are bad or poisonous for most people – only for those who are known to react in this way to nuts and other proteins or lipids to which they happen to be allergic. Also, the deaths that have been observed after the mRNA vaccines have been given have been no greater than the death rates noted in the regular population at large. Even during the vaccine testing phase, during the double-blinded trials, of the six people who died during this period, four of them were given the placebo (normal saline injection), not the actual vaccine. So, these claims of Wakefield are red herrings to create fear in people that is simply not related to the actual vaccines.
The very real risks to the mRNA vaccines:
Death from immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP):
Now, there are also other situations where vaccines really do increase the risk of certain conditions, some of which can be deadly. Consider, for a recent example, the 56-year-old medical doctor (Dr. Gregory Michael) who recently died in Florida two weeks following vaccination (December 18, 2020) with the mRNA Pfizer vaccine. He died of an autoimmune condition known as Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP). While investigations into this particular case are ongoing, there is a known risk of ITP with getting the COVID-19 live viral infection itself – up to 45 reported cases so far:
“Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) can occur secondary to COVID-19 infections. A systematic approach is essential to diagnose new-onset ITP after excluding several concomitant factors or conditions that can cause thrombocytopenia in COVID-19. ITP has been found to be more common in elderly and moderate-to-severe COVID-19 patients. Several reports of ITP in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients underscore the need for COVID-19 testing in newly diagnosed patients with ITP amid this pandemic… In this review, 38 patients [of the 45 new-onset ITP cases described] (84.5%) had severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 20 × 109/L). Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) was found in 4 patients, with one patient reportedly [dying] of it. The incidence of thrombocytopenia in patients with COVID-19 has been variable across studies. Mild thrombocytopenia has been observed in up to one-third of these patients, with even higher rate in patients with severe disease (57.7%) compared with nonsevere disease (31.6%)… Clinicians should also take note of several reports of ITP in COVID-19 patients in post-recovery period (21%).” – Bhattacharjee and Banerjee, September 2020
In this light, consider that there are some other vaccines that are known to increase the rate of ITP over background levels (the incidence of ITP in adults is approximately 6.6 cases per 100,000 per year). For example, the rate of ITP following MMR vaccination is about 1 to 4 additional cases for every 100,000 vaccines given (above background levels). However, the rate of thrombocytopenia following natural infection with rubella or measles is even higher, anywhere from 6 to 1200 cases, above background levels, for every 100,000 infected individuals (Neunert, ITP Support Association, Accessed January 2021). So, even given that the mRNA vaccines end up slightly increasing one’s risk for ITP, it’s not like one can completely avoid an increased risk of ITP during a pandemic where the actual viral infection has a much higher risk of ITP (not to mention the many other potential short and long-term complications). Again, while there are some real risks to vaccines, these risks, overall, are minimal compared to the risks of getting infected by the live virus.
Deaths in Norway following mRNA vaccinations:
The same is true for the recently reported situation in Norway where 23 very frail nursing home patients (all over 80 years of age) died following vaccination with either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines (Elson, Jan. 15, 2021). It is somewhat difficult to determine a link in this particular population between the vaccine and any other potential cause of death – since around 400 nursing home residents die in Norway every week (out of a total of some 40,000 nursing home residents, all of which have now been vaccinated). However, at this point, it is not ruled out that adverse reactions occurring within the first days following vaccination (such as fever and nausea) may contribute to a more serious course and fatal outcome in patients with severe underlying disease and general frailty.
“It may be a coincidence, but we aren’t sure,” Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA), told The BMJ. “There is no certain connection between these deaths and the vaccine.” (Link)
Steinar Madsen went on to say, “We are not alarmed by this. It is quite clear that these vaccines have very little risk, with a small exception for the frailest patients.” (Link)
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health said concluded that “for very frail patients and terminally ill patients, a careful balance of benefit versus disadvantage of vaccination is recommended.” (Link) Consider this also in the light that more than 30% of nursing home residents are likely to die if an outbreak of COVID-19 occurs. So, weighing the risks and benefits of taking the vaccine vs. being exposed to a potential COVID-19 outbreak seems to weigh heavily in favor of taking the vaccine – with the exception, perhaps, of those who are already very frail.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS):
But what about the thousands of reports of vaccine injuries kept on the database known as VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)? Surely then, most scientists and medical professionals have a long history of seriously downplaying the risks of vaccines. It is not therefore only reasonable to conclude that the same thing will be true for the mRNA vaccines as well?
Inevitably, in the course of speaking with parents who want to support their decision not to vaccinate their children, or even themselves, you will be asked to go and read the VAERS database’s record of thousands upon thousands of vaccine injuries. Why might this be? After all, the VAERS database, maintained by the CDC after all, is a good thing as far as mainstream medical science is concerned. Why then is it so prominent in the arguments of those so opposed to vaccines? Well, it’s because they don’t understand what VAERS really is and what the data contained in this database really means.
VAERS is the place where doctors, patients, and really anyone else can report what they suspect to be side effects of a vaccination. The CDC and the FDA co-sponsor this database, and they use it to monitor possible vaccine side effects. When certain patterns or clusters of similar reports appear, public health officials investigate these events and make appropriate recommendations. For example, in 1999, VAERS caught a higher than expected incidence of intussusception—a bowel disorder—following the administration of RotaShield, a rotavirus vaccine. Epidemiological studies confirmed the heightened risk of this side effect, and the vaccine was pulled from the market.
In this sense, VAERS is invaluable. It gives public health officials the information they need in order to keep our immunization program as safe as possible. As a parent, I take comfort in the fact that VAERS exists and that people who know how to analyze the data are on top of it.
However, VAERS is a passive reporting system. This means that anyone can report anything to it. There is no go-between. It’s almost like an online forum or message board; anyone can post and no one vets the claims. As such, a report in VAERS does not prove that any adverse event was actually caused by vaccines. In fact, it doesn’t even prove that any reported adverse event actually existed. One of the more well-known examples of how any report makes it into VAERS was Dr. James Laidler’s report that the influenza vaccine turned him into the Incredible Hulk. He inspired Kevin Leitch from Left Brain Right Brain to report a similar Wonder Woman adverse event.Continued at: Link
DNA Modification?
Yet, Wakefield goes on to explain that genetic modifications, where actual pieces of the DNA sequences of a living organism are manipulated, almost always have unintended consequences. Again, while true, this is yet another red herring used to misdirect the minds of people and create fear when such things are not being done by the mRNA vaccines at all – not even close. Again, the actual mRNA vaccines do not affect the genetics of a person.
Double-blinded placebo-controlled trials:
In short, these mRNA vaccines have been extensively tested by double-blinded scientific studies on 70,000 people and showed themselves to be very safe and up to 95% effective in blocking the COVID-19 infection. That’s extraordinary given the actual risks of the COVID-19 pandemic in this country and around the world. This pandemic is a real pandemic that has killed around 1 in 1000 people already in this country. And, it kills the elderly at an exponentially higher rate than it kills the young (up to 15% of those over the age of 75, and up to 30% in a nursing home setting). There was also a study showing that 30% of young student-athletes developed heart damage linked to COVID-19, with 15% showing active inflammation of the heart known as myocarditis – even following otherwise mild symptoms associated with the COVID-19 infection (Rajpal, 2020). So, elderly people aren’t the only ones at serious risk from a COVID-19 infection. Young, otherwise healthy, people are also at risk. In comparison, the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines are miraculous gifts in comparison to the risks we take, as individuals and as a country, to continued exposure to the live viral infection itself.
Wakefield: a famous deceptive conspiracy theorist:
As an aside, Andrew Wakefield is a famous anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who started off the modern fear of vaccines for many with his fraudulent Lancet paper published in 1998 claiming that childhood autism spectrum disorder was related to the MMR vaccine. He deliberately falsified data in this paper. And, we now have abundant evidence that vaccines do not increase the risk of autism. Maternal health during pregnancy is, however, known to be a risk factor. In fact, a recent paper showed that a maternal lack of vitamin D is linked to autism, especially the increased rate of autism in boys as compared to girls (Link).
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:
There’s a new YouTube video going around like wildfire among conspiracy theorists where Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (osteopathic physician and anti-vaccination activist) is being interviewed (Shot in the Dark), claiming that the vaccines against COVID-19 are extremely dangerous, evidently much more dangerous than getting the live viral infection itself!
The problem is that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is a well-known anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist who has no idea what she’s talking about when it comes to the mRNA vaccines (and many other topics as well). These vaccines have been extensively tested more than most medications and vaccines are tested before being brought to the market in this country (via double-blinded placebo-controlled trials on both humans and animals) and have now been given to millions of people, and have proven themselves to be both very safe and very effective.
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement:
The big fear that she talks about in this interview, called “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE), is well-known and has been clearly overcome. Dr. Tenpenny doesn’t seem to understand the concept behind the phrases she’s using because if ADE were really any kind of problem at all, we would have seen it in spades by now since ADE increases the severity of an infection rather than reducing it. If the mRNA vaccines were actually increasing rather than decreasing the virulence of a COVID-19 infection, we would certainly know it now that millions have been vaccinated around the world. Yet, this just hasn’t happened in either the vaccine trials or in the general rollout of the vaccines. Clearly then, Tenpenny doesn’t seem to understand the basic concept of ADE. For more information on the very interesting story as to the science behind how this was done, see: Link
Polyethylene Glycol and Anaphylactic Reactions:
As far as PEG (polyethylene glycol – one of the few ingredients in the mRNA vaccines) causing anaphylactic shock, yes, in some rare cases some people, who usually have known risks for anaphylactic reactions, do have allergic reactions to PEG. However, it isn’t common and the risk is minimal here. We don’t stop eating nuts just because some people are allergic to nuts… right?
Spike Proteins Bind to DNA:
Tenpenny’s claim that the spike protein can “bind to your DNA” is completely false. The spike protein produced by decoding the mRNA sequence never makes it inside the nucleus of the cells and therefore does not bind to or affect a person’s DNA.
Antibodies to Spike Proteins and Autoimmunity:
As far as the “anti-spike antibody” causing “direct adverse effects on your tissues”, this hasn’t turned out to be true in either the testing phase of the vaccine and the subsequent follow-up of these volunteers nor in those who have been vaccinated since the rollout of the mRNA vaccines to the general public. Also, by the way, how in the world is getting infected by the full virus, with its spike proteins and all of its other proteins, any safer than exposing one’s immune system to a tiny piece of the virus to educate the immune system?
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine:
As far as her claims on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, her claims are completely wrong. She says that the fully-formed spike protein is put inside an adenovirus, which is then inserted inside your cell, along with proteins from fetal tissue. None of this is true. The J&J vaccine is based on DNA, which then codes for the spike protein once it is inside a cell. While the adenovirus is grown on fetal cell cultures that have been in existence for decades (not used for the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines since no viral vector is needed), none of the culture cells or proteins is included in the vaccine. No pre-formed proteins, none of the spike proteins or any other proteins, are injected with the vaccine here. The spike proteins are produced after the DNA that is inserted into human cells is then decoded into mRNA, which is in turn decoded to produce the viral spike proteins at that time. She simply doesn’t know how this vaccine works at all.
As far as the deaths she claims to be associated with the vaccine, this is based on VAERS. VAERS is a self-reporting system, maintained by the CDC, of all possible events that might happen after a vaccine is given without necessarily being caused by the vaccine. Of course, the CDC is not saying that thousands have been killed by the vaccines. That’s not what the VAERS data is suggesting – not at all! While there are certainly risks to the vaccines against COVID-19 there are only a handful of cases of serious harm or death that were likely to be the direct result of the vaccine. Meanwhile, more than 2000 people are dying, per day, from the COVID-19 virus and over 500,000 have been killed in just one year. For more information on VAERS and how it works and what it’s really used for: Link
More on Autoimmunity:
As far as Tenpenny’s claim for a risk of autoimmunity, again, these risks are extremely minimal compared to getting infected by the COVID-19 virus itself. There have been a handful of causes of autoimmune thrombocytopenia (where the body attacks its own platelets) associated with the mRNA vaccines. The risk appears to be about 1 in a million. However, the risk of ITP is much much higher for those infected by the live COVID-19 virus (about 40-50 times higher). So, while there’s just no avoiding all risk, the vaccines are far far less risky than getting infected by the live virus. (Link)
Tenpenny also mentions a paper published in January 2021 (including scientists from Loma Linda University) discussing the possibility of the development of autoimmune conditions following vaccination. While the authors of this paper did find some cross-reactivity to antibodies against the spike protein of COVID-19 and various human tissue proteins, their main concern for autoimmune conditions was for those susceptible individuals who were infected by the live virus where far more cross-reacting antigens were detected. So, again, the risk for the development of autoimmune conditions is far far higher for those infected by the live virus compared to those who are vaccinated against it. And, the risk is even lower for the mRNA vaccines because the resulting spike protein has been modified to reduce the risk for both “antibody-dependent enhancement” of the COVID-19 infection as well as to reduce the risk for autoimmune conditions. This is why, in light of the relative risks involved, the authors of this paper concluded by saying, “We hope that the recently approved human monoclonal antibodies and vaccines can prevent the many extra-pulmonary manifestations and other disorders brought about by COVID-19, and eventually help bring an end to this pandemic.” (Link)
In this line, consider the following explanation as to the risk of vaccine-associated autoimmunity from M. De Martino, E. Chiappini, and L. Galli (2013):
Information regarding a positive relationship between vaccines and autoimmunity is generally based on anecdotal cases or uncontrolled observational studies. In most cases autoantibody positivity is transient and not followed by any clinical consequences. The short and selflimiting course of autoimmune response implies first a generally benign prognosis reflecting the transient nature of the immunological mechanisms involved and, secondly, that autoimmunity does not necessarily cause an autoimmune disease (II). A healthy immune system has sufficient fail-safe mechanisms to ensure that autoimmune responses rarely develop into an autoimmune disease…
Molecular mimicry with host islet cell epitopes has been related to enteroviruses, cytomegalovirus, rotavirus, and rubella infections. However, large studies did not support a causal relationship between childhood vaccination against polioviruses, rubella virus or rotavirus and type I diabetes.
The relative risk ofGuillain-Barre syndrome after swine influenza vaccine in 1976-1977 was 7.6 within 5 weeks after vaccination. However, subsequent influenza vaccines led to no significant increase in the development of the syndrome. In addition, the frequency of Guillain-Barre syndrome after natural influenza infection is 10-fold greater than the frequency after vaccination (one additional case per I million people vaccinated), without taking into account other severe influenza and influenza-related complications.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia is a confirmed adverse effect arising after measles-mumpsrubella vaccination. However, its frequency is one in 30,000 vaccinated children, whereas the risk of thrombocytopenia after rubella is one in 3,000 and one in 6,000 after measles. Thus, the balance is largely in favour ofthe vaccine and not ofinfections which are the target of vaccines…
Without doubt, some individuals develop autoimmune diseases following vaccines but they are very rare. For the overwhelming majority of people (estimated at considerably over 99.99%) vaccines carry no risk of autoimmune disease (37) whereas vaccines do save lives or save the quality oflives. (Link)
The same thing is likely true of the mRNA vaccines. While there is always a risk to taking any vaccine, including the mRNA vaccines, the risks are truly minimal when compared to getting infected with the live viral infection – COVID-19 in this case.
Risk of Permanent Injury:
Tenpenny ends by saying that being vaccinated against COVID-19 is “the mark” that puts a person at permanent risk of illness and even death. Again, that’s absolute nonsense. She just doesn’t understand how these vaccines work or that getting infected by the actual live virus is what actually puts a person at significant risk of permanent life-long injury and a much higher risk of death.
Dr. Ryan Cole:
On 4 March 2021, pathologist Ryan Cole gave a speech to lawmakers at the Idaho State Capitol Building citing numerous concerns he has about the mRNA vaccines (Link). And, since he is a pathologist like me, it hits a bit closer to home than usual I suppose.
While I agree with Dr. Cole that the use of vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system, I don’t agree with him on pretty much anything else he says in this video.
We are in a serious pandemic and it’s not over yet despite the claims of Dr. Cole to the contrary – especially with numerous new variants coming on the scene. Also, the mRNA vaccines are not “gene modifiers” or “experimental” in how they fundamentally work. They’ve been around for over 30 years and we know very well how they work. Sure, they’ve just recently been authorized to be used as vaccines against COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean that they are unknown or are “experimental” in nature as most people understand that term. mRNA vaccines were extensively tested via double-blinded placebo-controlled trials in both humans and animals and were found to be both very safe and very effective – and this safety and effectiveness continues on after the trials now that millions of people around the world have now been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines.
mRNA Vaccines Kill Animals:
Now, Dr. Cole’s claim that the mRNA vaccines “killed all animals in the animal trials of the past” is at least partially true. This potential problem for various vaccines became known decades ago. For example, a study done in 1990 with cats immunized with a vaccine expressing the feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) S protein on a recombinant poxvirus vector died earlier than control animals when challenged with FIPV. A similar problem happened in 2012 during attempts to produce a vaccine against the MERS-CoV virus. The reason for this is an effect called, “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE) where the immune response ends up making a subsequent viral infection worse, not better. This initial problem wasn’t due to the mRNA nature of the vaccines so much as it was due to the initial type of proteins being produced which resulted in ADE. This is a well-known problem for vaccines in general, not just the mRNA vaccines and it is also a problem for actual bacterial and viral infections where no vaccines are involved. So, it’s not as though this potential problem hasn’t been known for a long time now or that it is some kind of solid barrier to the development of successful vaccines. The fact of the matter is that the ADE problem has been overcome by the current mRNA vaccines via the stabilization of the viral “spike protein” that is coded for by the mRNA in the vaccines. This stabilized spike protein teaches the human immune system to fight off the actual COVID-19 viral infection without the problem of ADE. This lack of ADE was first established in animal studies:
Here we show that immunization with the SARS-CoV-2 RBD elicits a robust neutralizing antibody response in rodents, comparable to 100 µg/ml of ACE2-Ig, a potent SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitor. Importantly, anti-sera from immunized animals did not mediate antibodydependent enhancement (ADE) of S-protein-mediated entry under conditions in which Zika virus ADE was readily observed. These data suggest that an RBD-based vaccine for SARSCoV-2 could be safe and effective.
Quinlan, B.D.; Mou, H.; Zhang, L.; Guo, Y.; He, W.; Ojha, A.; Parcells, M.S.; Luo, G.; Li, W.; Zhong, G.; et al. The SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain elicits a potent neutralizing response without antibody-dependent enhancement. bioRxiv 2020. (Link)
And, no ADE has been identified in human trials either. Also, if ADE were really a problem in humans given the modern mRNA vaccines, we would certainly know about it by now. (Link, Link, Link)
Ivermectin vs. Vaccines:
As far as Dr. Cole’s claim that Ivermectin is the wonder-drug cure-all for those infected by COVID-19, without any real risk, I wish this were true, but so far the evidence doesn’t support this conclusion. The mRNA vaccines remain the best solution for bringing this very real and very harmful pandemic to an end. As an aside, while ivermectin is a relatively “safe” drug, it isn’t without its risks.
“Between the years 2003 and 2017, the total average population treated [with Ivermectin] was around 15,552,588 among which 945 cases of SAE [severe adverse effects] were registered in DR Congo, i.e. 6 cases of SAE for 100,000 persons treated per year. 55 deaths related to post-CDTI SAE were recorded, which represents 5.8% of all cases of SAE.” (Link).
Now Cole’s claim that ivermectin kills the coronavirus in 99.9% of petri dish studies is actually true. The problem here is that it would have to be given to humans in a dose 100 times the safe dosage level for humans… which seems like just a bit of a problem. Relatively speaking, then, the mRNA vaccines are just as safe or safer than ivermectin and actually have the potential to end this COVID-19 pandemic, while ivermectin, unfortunately, hasn’t been able to show this potential.
mRNA Vaccines and Infertility:
Dr. Cole goes on to suggest that the mRNA vaccines may produce infertility. This concern stems from information that a protein called syncytin-1, which is found in the placenta in mammals, shares similar genetic instruction with part of the COVID-19 spike protein. It is postulated that if the vaccine causes the body to produce antibodies against the spike protein, it will also cause it to produce antibodies to syncytin-1, leading to infertility. Currently, there is no evidence to support this theory. Neither COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain syncytin-1, nor does the mRNA used in the vaccines encode for syncytin-1. In addition, the spike protein formed as a result of vaccination (with either COVID-19 mRNA vaccines) and syncytin-1 is structurally very dissimilar. No data indicate the antibodies formed as a result of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination target syncytin-1.
Dervila Keane, a Pfizer spokeswoman, said there is “no data to suggest that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate causes infertility”.
“It has been incorrectly suggested that Covid-19 vaccines will cause infertility because of a very short amino acid sequence in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus that is shared with the placental protein, syncytin-1.
“The sequence, however, is too short — four shared amino acids — to plausibly give rise to autoimmunity. Additionally, a cohort comparing the outcomes of pregnancies with and without intercurrent SARS-CoV-2 infection shows no difference in outcomes,” Keane said (Link).
Cole’s story of a woman miscarrying “right after getting an mRNA vaccine” also doesn’t make much sense given that there wouldn’t be enough time to form antibodies to the spike protein “right after” being vaccinated. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of all pregnancies spontaneously miscarry for various reasons. Cole’s claim that the mRNA vaccines may end up “causing cancer” is in the same boat. There is absolutely no evidence to even suggest such a risk. In short, such claims are nothing but scare tactics based on thin air.
Masks don’t work:
As far as Dr. Cole’s claim that mask-wearing is “useless” for slowing the spread of the virus, that’s also mistaken. While not 100% effective, mask-wearing does in fact slow the spread of the virus, especially from an infected person to other people since it reduces the number of virus-laden respiratory droplets in the air around the infected person. There is also some fairly good evidence that mask-wearing has some protective value when it comes to reducing a person from virus exposure when exposed to someone who is infected with COVID-19, including reduced viral loads and symptoms if infected since fewer viral particles are likely to be inhaled (unless the close contact is prolonged in an enclosed space since the viral load will increase, despite mask-wearing, over time, due to the aerosolization of the virus). Dr. Cole’s claim that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus is also not true. The mRNA vaccines have now been shown not only to dramatically reduced hospitalizations and deaths, but also to significantly reduce the rate of transmission as well…
90% of Deaths in those over 70 Years Old:
Cole’s claim that 90% of deaths in Idaho came from those over 70 years of age isn’t accurate. According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, those aged 70 years old and above comprise about 80% of COVID-19-related deaths (Figure 1. Number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state of Idaho, stratified by age. Data extracted on 2 April 2021 from the Idaho Division of Public Health.).
Long-Haulers Syndrome:
Sure, while most people who get COVID-19 do survive, a certain proportion of survivors struggle with long-term health problems, which researchers have termed “Long COVID” or “Long-Haulers”. Among some of the documented effects are shortness of breath, fatigue, and an inability to focus or think clearly (“brain fog”). These can considerably affect a person’s quality of life. And, this isn’t an uncommon problem that’s limited to older people. Even young people who are very healthy, such as young athletes, often come down with long-term symptoms – even after mild cases of COVID-19.
About 33% of COVID-19 patients who were never sick enough to require hospitalization continue to complain months later of symptoms like fatigue, loss of smell or taste and “brain fog,” University of Washington (UW) researchers found.
“We were surprised to have one-third of people with mild illness still experiencing symptoms,” said lead researcher Jennifer Logue. She’s a research scientist with the UW department of medicine’s division of allergy and infectious diseases, in Seattle. “If you contract coronavirus, there’s a good chance you could experience a lingering effect.”…
The potential to suffer long-term symptoms from COVID-19 infection increased slightly with age, Logue’s team found. About 27% of patients between 18 and 39 years of age reported persistent symptoms, compared with 30% of those between 40 and 64, and 43% of those aged 65 and older, the findings showed.
Perhaps ironically, evidence is coming to light suggesting that the mRNA vaccines might help those who have long-term symptoms following a COVID-19 infection. There are several leading theories for why vaccines could alleviate the symptoms of long COVID: It’s possible the vaccine clears up leftover virus or fragments, interrupts a damaging autoimmune response, or in some other way “resets” the immune system.
“It’s all biologically plausible and importantly should be easy to test,” says Dr. Steven Deeks of the University of California, San Francisco, who is also studying the long-term impacts of the coronavirus on some patients…
Another possible reason that some patients improve comes from the understanding of long COVID as an autoimmune condition, in which the body’s immune cells end up damaging its own tissues.
A vaccine could hypothetically kick into gear the “innate immune system” and “dampen the symptoms,” but only temporarily, says Iwasaki, who has studied the role of harmful proteins, called autoantibodies, in COVID-19.
This self-destructive immune response happens in a subset of COVID-19 patients while they are ill, and the autoantibodies produced can circulate for months later. But it’s not yet clear how that may contribute to long COVID, says John Wherry, director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Another theory is that the infection has “miswired” the immune system in some other way and caused chronic inflammation, perhaps like chronic fatigue syndrome, Wherry says. In that scenario, the vaccination might somehow “reset” the immune system.
See also good video addressing the claims of Dr. Cole in fair detail: Link
Professor Dolores Cahill:
Prof. Cahill is a Molecular Geneticist who has turned conspiracy theorist over the COVID-19 pandemic and the mRNA vaccines. Because of her public promotion of these conspiracy theories, she was asked (June 13, 2020) to resign from a leading European Union scientific committee – particularly in response to an hour-long interview with a popular alt-right activist on May 10th, which has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, Prof Dolores Cahill promised to “debunk the narrative” of the pandemic. (Link). She has since been featured in a number of other videos claiming, among other things, that people will begin dying in droves “in a few months” following the mRNA vaccine – based on prior animal studies that showed lethal results from something called “antibody-dependent enhancement” (Link).
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement:
Vennema, H. et al. Early death after feline infectious peritonitis virus challenge due to recombinant vaccinia virus immunization. J. Virol. 64, 1407–1409 (1990).
“2.5% of people over the age of 80 will experience adverse events where people cannot work or live life normally… with up to 80% having “life-limiting reactions or die when they come across mRNA again. For others (not elderly) it could be half of the people who could be severely harmed.”
That’s also just not true. There were 70,000 people in the mRNA vaccine trials, and these dire predictions just didn’t happen. Now, there are millions who have been vaccinated and such predictions still haven’t happened. The most common side effects from the vaccine are local soreness and some local swelling, with some people experiencing fever and chills over the course of a couple days – with subsequent full recovery. That’s it. Now, there is a risk of allergic reactions (almost all of which have involved women for some reason). However, most of these reactions were in those who were already known to have severe allergic reactions. The same thing can be said for eating things like peanuts, for example. However, no one says that peanuts therefore should not be eaten by most people. Also, the mRNA vaccines will not induce such allergies over the long term. That also just doesn’t happen.
mRNA Vaccines will result in eventual organ failure:
“Normally, because the mRNA is in every cell of their body, it’s almost unstoppable. It destroys the heart, or the spleen, or the lungs, or the liver because the mRNA is expressing the protein in every cell.”
The mRNA Vaccines will make older people very tired and exhausted:
“The energy the immune system requires to boost your immune system will make the older person very tired and exhausted.”
Again, not true. If it were true, the older people wouldn’t be able to survive at all since even older people are exposed to foreign antigens every day that their immune systems have to learn to deal with. That’s what the immune system was created to do – to detect foreign antigens as foreign and learn to adapt so that such antigens can be remembered and recognized more quickly in the future.
Multiple types of mRNA sequences in the vaccines:
“I am concerned that there are maybe multiple mRNAs in this vaccine, not just something for coronavirus. If it is influenza or other viruses, we would be priming these people to other natural (cold and flu) viruses that are circulating.”
Again, not true. We know the type of mRNA in the Pfizer and Modern vaccines, for example. It’s a single type of mRNA sequence specifically designed to code for a small protein part of the COVID-19 virus, the spike protein. There are no other mRNA sequences in these vaccines to code for flu viruses or any other type of virus.
Moderna mRNA vaccine caused unexpected allergic reactions:
“Health officials withdrew one lot (41L20A) of the RNA vaccine.”
There was a cluster of 10 allergic reactions to the Modern vaccine of a particular lot in San Diego. However, no other such allergic reaction clusters were identified despite this particular lot being widely used in many other locations. So, the reason for this particular cluster of reactions doesn’t seem to be clearly related to the vaccine itself – perhaps being the result of something used in that particular location (such as the types of syringes used or some other local issue).
Deaths reported following mRNA Pfizer vaccination:
“Then again, news agencies report of 33 deaths among 48,000+ people age 75 and over following immunization with the Pfizer COVID-19 RNA vaccine.”
mRNA can be converted to DNA and change one’s genetics:
“Merle Nass MD, calls attention to the fact messenger RNA (or any RNA) can potentially be converted to DNA in the presence of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. That DNA could then become linked to your native DNA. There is the possibility of vaccine-RNA being converted to DNA and then permanently inserted into our DNA. (Resveratrol, a red wine molecule, by virtue of its ability to inhibit reverse transcriptase, could put a halt to this potential biogenetic hazard.)”
Vitamins A and D, Zinc, and Resveratrol can block the effects of COVID-19:
“It would be wise for people undergoing any vaccination to supplement their diet with vitamins A and D, zinc and resveratrol which normalize the immune response, especially individuals that have experienced allergic reactions or are allergy prone.”
Dr. Lee Merritt:

99.991% chance of surviving COVID-19 without doing anything:

Lethal mRNA animal studies:
Vitamins, Zinc, Quercetin, Ivermectin, and Masks:
Why a few well-trained doctors and scientists promote conspiracy theories:
Dr. Judy Mikovits:
XMRV and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
In 2009, biologist Judy Mikovits, who was then the research director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-focused Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI), published a paper on what she and many others thought to be a major scientific breakthrough in the prestigious journal Science. Her team alleged to have demonstrated an association between a newly discovered retrovirus called “xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus” (XMRV) and the poorly understood condition known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), suggesting a potential viral cause for CFS.
The paper received substantial international coverage. However, as with so many other potentially groundbreaking studies, nobody — including many of the same researchers involved with the original study — was able to replicate its results. Numerous attempts failed to replicate the study, and the research itself came under increasing scrutiny for sloppy methods and its reliance on misleading or manufactured figures.
On 1 July 2011, Science’s editors issued a “statement of concern” about the paper. On 14 October 2011, the authors issued a partial retraction of their paper that touched on issues with some of their figures. Finally, on 23 December 2011, the editors of Science retracted the paper in full. Interestingly, a blogger posted a figure from a 2009 paper that Mikovits co-authored in Science alongside one that Mikovits used in a recent presentation. The two figures, which are used to describe different results, look identical, except for the labeling (i.e., she was falsifying her data).
Mikovits, following the publication of her since-retracted paper, has since made a series of unsupported claims that XMRV virus was the cause of myriad other medical maladies, including autism and cancer, and that XMRV in humans could have its origins in mouse cells used in the vaccine production process — a notion that has been exhaustively discredited.
Much of the material Mikovits used to make her point was also retracted, including a 2006 paper that alleged to show XMRV was present in human prostate cancer cells but actually produced erroneous results due to laboratory contamination.An exhaustive body of work, which includes some of the same researchers involved in the original 2009 paper, has discredited any link between XMRV and disease.
“The bottom line is we found no evidence of infection with XMRV … These results refute any correlation between these agents and disease,” said co-author Ian Lipkin of Columbia University in a press release.
Since 2016, science has reached the consensus view that the XMRV detected in these various studies was a laboratory contaminant that affected the research cell lines used by the scientists conducting those studies, and that it was not a virus that had been transmitted to humans in any way.
As noted above, Mikovits’ controversial paper did not demonstrate that XMRV “came out of the lab into humans via contaminated blood and vaccines”; rather, it speculated such after seemingly demonstrating a (now discredited) association between XMRV and CFS.
“So in 2011 another AIDS researcher in a journal called Frontiers in Microbiology wrote a paper that really cost me a lot. I didn’t know he was gonna write this paper but it basically said, ‘The most likely way that these murine leukemia virus related viruses, these types of viruses entered humans was through vaccines.'” (Mikovits’ Statement)
That paper, which referenced two other now-retracted papers in its abstract, only presented the vaccine scenario speculatively as a potential route for humans to acquire XMRV (Kuyl, 2011):
“The novel human retrovirus xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) is arguably the most controversial virus of this moment. After its original discovery in prostate cancer tissue from North American patients [paper retracted], it was subsequently detected in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome from the same continent [paper retracted]. However, most other research groups, mainly from Europe, reported negative results … The detection of integrated XMRV proviruses in prostate cancer tissue [paper retracted] proves it to be a genuine virus that replicates in human cells, leaving the question: how did XMRV enter the human population? We will discuss two possible routes: either via direct virus transmission from mouse to human … or via the use of mouse-related products by humans, including vaccines. We hypothesize that mouse cells or human cell lines used for vaccine production could have been contaminated with a replicating variant of the XMRV precursors encoded by the mouse genome.”
That study did conclude by opining that the “most likely mode of XMRV transmission points to mouse-derived biological products” and stating that the authors hoped the study would “spur further discussion and help to resolve the many remaining XMRV questions.” But in a paper published just five months later titled “XMRV: Not a Mousy Virus” (Kuyl, 2001), those same authors walked back claims of XMRV’s prevalence (and even its existence as a true human virus) based on results which called earlier laboratory methods into question:
“XMRV was discovered in 2006 in tumor tissue from patients with prostate cancer [paper retracted] with a viral genome sequence highly similar to that of mouse xenotropic retroviruses. Sequence analysis suggested that XMRV is a novel recombinant derived from two fragmented endogenous murine viruses integrated in the mouse genome. XMRV was subsequently detected in other prostate cancer tissues and in blood from patients with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) [paper retracted]. However, most other studies failed to replicate these findings, especially outside the USA, suggesting either that the virus has a limited geographical spread, or that positive results were due to contamination of biological reagents or human samples with mouse DNA. Four recent papers indeed show that murine DNA sequences can be detected virtually everywhere, and that extreme care should be taken when amplifying XMRV sequences. These results certainly put into serious doubt some of the high prevalence results and proposed disease associations that could not be confirmed by others.”
“Molecular biologists traced the development of XMRV to a recombination event in a laboratory mouse that likely occurred circa 1993. The virus was propagated via cell lines derived from a tumor present in this mouse and spread through contamination of laboratory samples. Well-controlled experiments showed that detection of XMRV was due to contaminated samples and was not a marker of or a causal factor in prostate cancer or CFS.” (Johnson, 2016)
“In the United States of America … everything’s censored,” Mikovits said on the website of a man who guest hosts Alex Jones’ Infowars conspiracy ranting, “so to look at things like Natural News, to come to meetings like The Truth About Cancer, I was just floored today because today was the first time I was treated like a human being who had knowledge for a very long time.”
XMRV and COVID-19 Vaccines:
Mikovits’ hypothesis is that those who are most susceptible to severe neurological side effects and death from the COVID-19 vaccines are those who have previously been injected with XMRVs, borrelia, babesia, mycoplasma, through contaminated vaccines, resulting in chronic disease. (Her book, “Plague of Corruption,” details the science and history of XMRVs.“Yes, absolutely,” she says. “That’s one of our hypotheses. But also, anyone with an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic Lyme disease, anybody with an acquired immune deficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins.
Those are the people who will be killed, murdered, by this vaccine, and Anthony Fauci knows it … I can’t even sleep [because of] how evil this is. This is so deadly, I can’t scream it loud enough from the rooftops.”
Judy Mikovits Discusses Sars-COV2 Vaccination, January 31, 2021 (with analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola)
Again, however, there simply is no evidence for XMRVs causing anything as shown above. The claims of Dr. Mikovits simply have no scientific or otherwise rational support from the weight of empirical evidence.
mRNA Vaccines do not degrade:
So, just how long will the synthetic RNA in COVID-19 vaccines be maintained within your body, causing your cells to produce this aberrant protein? “Mikovits believes it will escape degradation for months, years, maybe even for life in some cases.” (Link). Again, however, this claim is completely opposed to the known mechanisms of mRNA decay within the body – lasting no more than a few days at most.
mRNA Vaccines proved lethal in animal studies:
Mikovits claims that, “All of this is eerily reminiscent of previous attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine, all of which failed due to the vaccines causing paradoxical immune reactions, or antibody-dependent immune enhancement. While the animals appeared to have antibodies against the virus, and should theoretically have been protected, when they were exposed to wild coronavirus, they got severely ill and most died.” (Link)
However, as noted above, the ADE problems with vaccines some 30 years ago have been solved. No such ADE problems have been since in any of the human or animal trials for the modern mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. And, no such ADE features have been since these vaccines have been given to millions of people either.
Flu shots and masks increase risk of COVID-19:
She is also mistaken that the flu vaccine increases one’s risk of COVID-19. That original claim has been falsified (Link). I also think she’s mistaken that the wearing of masks increases the risk of COVID-19 since there is pretty good evidence that wearing masks actually reduces transmission rates.
Claim that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are evil:
In particular, her claims that Fauci and Gates are evil men behind some government conspiracy to harm millions of people to make money are nonsense. I don’t necessarily agree with all of their ideas, but it seems pretty clear to me that their motives are good and that they are actually trying to help people, not harm them.
Ellen White on vaccines and anti-government conspiracy theories:
Anyway, it seems to me that as Christians, at the very least, we should try to be as even-handed and honest with the evidence that is available to us and avoid sensationalism and conspiracy theories as much as possible – particularly those directed against governments and those individuals in positions of authority. This will only add to our credibility when things really hit the fan in this world. For Seventh-day Adventists in particular, the advice of Ellen White along these lines comes across as very wise:
Our work is not to make a raid on the Government but to prepare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord. The fewer attacks we make on authorities and powers, the more work will we do for God. Let Seventh-day Adventists do nothing that will mark them as lawless and disobedient… Let them keep all inconsistency out of their lives. Our work is to proclaim the truth, leaving the issues with the Lord. Do all in your power to reflect the light, but do not speak words that will irritate or provoke. MS 117a, 1901
Decided proclamations are to be made. But in regard to this line of work, I am instructed to say to our people: Be guarded. In bearing the message, make no personal thrusts at other Churches, not even the Roman Catholic Church. Angels of God see in the different denominations many who can be reached only by the greatest caution. Therefore let us be careful of our words. Let not our ministers follow their own impulses in denouncing and exposing the “mysteries of iniquity” [2 Thessalonians 2:7]. Upon these themes silence is eloquence. Many are deceived. Speak the truth in tones and words of love. Let Christ Jesus be exalted. Keep to the affirmative of truth. Never leave the straight path God has marked out for the purpose of giving someone a thrust. That thrust may do much harm and no good. It may quench conviction in many minds. – EGW, Ms 6, 1902
Ellen White also took the smallpox vaccine herself, as did her son William White – and she recommended it to her companions as well. She did this even though she knew that vaccines were risky (much more risky in her day as compared to modern vaccines). Yet, despite what she knew about the risks of vaccines in her day (her own son had been sicked by a vaccine when she had him vaccinated against some other disease as a child – Link), she and her son William both took and promoted the taking of the smallpox vaccine. Why? Because, the known risks of the vaccine were a whole lot less than the known risks of getting exposed to the smallpox virus. That’s why. The same thing is true today. The risks of the mRNA vaccines are a whole lot less than the known risks of being exposed to the live COVID-19 virus. Beyond this, it is quite clear that Ellen White was not fundamentally opposed to vaccines or she would not have consented, originally, to have her son William get a vaccine as a child – or offer no objection to him getting the smallpox vaccine as an adult despite the bad experience he had with his childhood vaccination.
Here’s what Ellen White’s personal secretary for 13 years (and husband to her first granddaughter Ella – daughter of William White), D. E. Robinson, wrote about Mrs. White taking the smallpox vaccine (seated at the bottom left in the photo):
You will be interested to know, however, that at a time when there was an epidemic of smallpox in the vicinity, she herself was vaccinated and urged her helpers, those connected with her, to be vaccinated. In taking this step Sister White recognized the fact that it has been proven that vaccination either renders one immune from smallpox or greatly lightens its effects if one does come down with it. She also recognized the danger of their exposing others if they failed to take this precaution. – Signed D. E. Robinson, 2 SM 303.5 – 2SM 303.6
Another letter along these lines was written by Arthur L. White (grandson of Ellen White), quoting the above passage written by D. E. Robinson. Arthur White was working at the Ellen White Estates (or “Publications” at the time) and pointed out that Robinson, in the above passage, was responding in a letter (dated June 12, 1931) to the Ellen White Estate in answer to “an inquiry received”. Arthur White then goes on to add, “At another time, speaking of Mrs. White’s attitude toward this question, Elder Robinson wrote:”
“Though fully aware of the practice of vaccination during an epidemic of smallpox, she expressed no disapproval of it either as a preventative or a remedy. Members of her own family were vaccinated and with her approval.” (D. E. Robinson as quoted by Arthur L. White, January 19, 1956)
Response from Adventists opposed to vaccines:
In response, consider a video put out by Timothy Perenich (a chiropractor) who is opposed to vaccines in general (or a video by Andrew Michell citing the same argument). For example, Perenich claims that the decline and eventual eradication of smallpox “had little to do with high vaccination rates.” (Link). Of course, the vast majority of scientists and medical historians strongly disagree with this conclusion – and for very good reason. During the 18th century, smallpox killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year. Around 1 in 13 of those living in London would die of smallpox. It was responsible for a third of all cases of blindness. Between 20% and 60% of all those infected—and over 80% of all infected children—died from the disease. During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths. In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year. As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the global eradication of smallpox in December 1979 (Link).
Sure, the initial vaccine against smallpox, developed by Edward Jenner, had some significant risks, to include the risk of infection by some fairly virulent bacteria – such as “syphilis, scabies, herpes, trismus (lockjaw), and tuberculosis.” In fact, the smallpox vaccine was one of the more dangerous vaccines ever given – having the highest rate of serious side effects and the risk of death among all vaccines. In the past, about 1 person for every 1000 people vaccinated for smallpox for the first time experienced serious reactions/complications. Even by 1969 studies showed that out of every one million people vaccinated at least one will die due to vaccine complications. It is for this reason that:
“Scientists call it [the smallpox vaccine] the most dangerous vaccine known to man.” (David Kohn, The Most Dangerous Vaccine, CBS News, 2002)
However, the risks from being infected by smallpox during the lifetime of Ellen White were so high and so severe, with a death rate of around 30% of all those infected, that the benefits of the vaccine significantly outweighed the relatively high risks of the vaccine. Of course, these benefits and risks would have been well-known to Ellen White. This is true even in the light of the best available treatment of her day. For example, during a smallpox epidemic in 1870, Dr. Merritt Gardner Kellogg “gave water (hydrotherapy) and dietary treatments to his patients, of whom ten out of eleven survived. This earned him a high reputation.” (Link). Certainly, a 9% death rate is better than a 30% death rate, but it still isn’t great. The benefits of the smallpox vaccine would still be more than worth it – especially during an outbreak.
Yet, Perenich argues that D. E. Robinson was mistaken in his claim that Ellen White ever supported or took the smallpox vaccine (Link). Perenich argues that if this claim were true that Robinson would have mentioned it earlier in an earlier letter he wrote about vaccines. He also cites the letter by William White describing a time when he was vaccinated for smallpox (Link). He notes that while William and his associates were vaccinated for smallpox without any apparent objection from his mother, Ellen White, that William does not specifically say that his mother was also vaccinated – only that the topic of vaccines was “perplexing” to her because of some problems he had had when he was vaccinated as a child.
Personally, I simply disagree with the conclusions of Timothy Perenich (a chiropractor who doesn’t really understand the reasons or mechanisms for modern vaccines). I think that the testimony of D. E. Robinson (Ellen White’s secretary for 13 years and married to her granddaughter Ella), along with the testimony of William White (her son) that he and his associates were in fact vaccinated against smallpox without any objection from Ellen White, is very good evidence that she was not opposed to vaccines by this point in her life (though she certainly had misgivings earlier on, given the bad outcome experienced by Willi when he was a child) and was, in fact, vaccinated herself during an outbreak of smallpox. The very fact that William was vaccinated as a child shows that Ellen White was never fundamentally opposed to the concept of vaccines, or she would never have allowed him to be vaccinated as a child, nor would she have been supportive of his vaccination against smallpox as an adult – along with the others in their group.
Another letter along these lines was written by Arthur L. White (grandson of Ellen White), quoting the passage written by D. E. Robinson. Arthur White was working at the Ellen White Estates (or “Publications” at the time) and pointed out that Robinson, in the passage where he said that Ellen White was vaccinated for smallpox, was responding in a letter (dated June 12, 1931) to the Ellen White Estate in answer to “an inquiry received”. Arthur White then goes on to add, “At another time, speaking of Mrs. White’s attitude toward this question, Elder Robinson wrote:
“Though fully aware of the practice of vaccination during an epidemic of smallpox, she expressed no disapproval of it either as a preventative or a remedy. Members of her own family were vaccinated and with her approval.” (D. E. Robinson as quoted by Arthur L. White, January 19, 1956 – Link)
In any case, I see no rational reason to accuse Robinson of lying here. Ellen White was a very reasonable woman who took advantage of many of the reasonable advances of medical science in her own day. She advised missionaries to use the drug quinine to fight malarial infections when in infested regions of the world and recommended the use of anesthesia during surgery – and even had radiation therapy to resolve a skin lesion on her face.
In short, Ellen White accepted and even took advantage of many of the advances of modern medicine, in her day, that she felt were more helpful than harmful – even though she understood some of the risks involved. And, I’m very confident that she would be perfectly fine taking the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 if she were alive today – since this vaccine is highly effective and far far safer than the smallpox vaccine that she and William took. She also lost two sons and a husband to infections that modern medicine could have cured. If she had had access to these medications, I have no doubt that she would have given them to her husband and children to save their lives.
Now sure, if you’re young and healthy and have a great diet and exercise program, your odds of dying from a COVID-19 infection are relatively low. A healthy lifestyle is certainly an advantage. That much is true. However, the advantage that a healthy lifestyle gives to the immune system is in regard to the innate immune system. It doesn’t help the adaptive immune system at all. And, the innate immune system gets weaker and weaker, exponentially so, as one gets older and older – despite the healthiest of lifestyles. You simply can’t avoid the ravages of aging on the body and on the immune system. Even the healthiest person with the most perfect of lifestyles will age and eventually die. However, there are other ways to help the immune system as one gets older – specifically in regard to educating the adaptive immune system. How does one educate the adaptive immune system? Well, exposure to foreign antigens helps the adaptive immune system to learn what to attack in the future. What is the safest way to educate the adaptive immune system when it comes to more dangerous bacteria and viruses? Vaccination is the safest way to do this – educating the adaptive immune system without having to experience the actual illness. This is especially helpful for older individuals during this particular pandemic who are most susceptible to it due to their advanced age and loss of the effectiveness of their innate immune systems because of their age. And, if you’re healthy enough to survive the actual bacterial or viral infection, you’re more than healthy enough to do even better with the vaccine – helping not only yourself do better, but those around you as well.
Dr. Sean Pitman is a pathologist, with subspecialties in anatomic, clinical, and hematopathology, currently working in N. California.
Article’s Last Update: April 3, 2021
Should those who had Covid get vaccinated?
Also, I am told there are 2 ways a body fights off the Covid virus — T cell or immunity cells.
Is there a measurement to determine which of the 2 fought off the Covid episode?
View CommentIt is recommended that those who have already had the COVID-19 infection should still get the vaccine because the vaccine usually offers greater protection against another COVID-19 infection, ironically, as compared to a prior infection with COVID-19:
The IgG concentration in serum of people who had the disease and it was 600 units/mL. Then, 21 days after first shot, titers ranged 265 to 1672 units/mL. Then, 7 days after the booster given (at 21 days) the titers ranged from 2000 to 25,000 units/mL. The investigating scientists also saw activation of CD4 and CD8 T-cells with the vaccine effects comparable to memory responses to EBV, CMV, and influenza viruses and saw greater activation of these T-cell responses in the serum of vaccinated people versus those who had recovered from infection. (Pfizer Phase 1/2 Press Release from July 1, 2020)
The “innate” immune system is comprised of natural killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. It is this system that is the first line of immune defense against infections that have never been seen before. However, once the innate immune system has fought off a new invader for the first time, the “adaptive” immune system is educated to provide a more rapid and stronger immune defense the next time this same invader is encountered.
Adaptive immunity is also referred to as acquired immunity or specific immunity and is only found in vertebrates. The adaptive immune response is specific to the pathogen presented. The hallmark of the adaptive immune system is the clonal expansion of lymphocytes. Clonal expansion is the rapid increase of T and B lymphocytes (and plasma cells) from one or a few cells to millions. About 10% of plasma cells survive to become long-lived antigen-specific memory B cells. Each clone that originates from the original T- or B lymphocyte has the same antigen receptor as the original and fights the same pathogen.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThe ingredients are human cancer cells (want cancer?) aborted fetal tissue, mRNA genetic material, (want your DNA changed?) and polyethelene glycol, along with the usual mercury (thimerasol) and aluminum salts–which are heavy Dr. Pittman, I’m not surprised you’re giving the false government narrative on vaccines.
I’ve studied them and viewed reports from scientists and I’m convinced these Covid-19 vaccines are 0% effective and over 100% dangerous–no effective vaccine can ever be made for any virus that has not been isolated, and this one has not been isolated and studied properly–scientists created something “similar” to SARS-CoV-2 and worked from that, however, Covid-19 has not been isolated from a host.
There is a fake CDC paper saying so, but it was not peer-reviewed.
It’s not the mRNA so much that concerns me–I don’t know exactly what it will do–all I know is I don’t need it or want it. It’s these other ingredients that cause concerns:
The ingredients are human cancer cells (want cancer?) aborted fetal tissue, mRNA genetic material, (want your DNA changed?) and polyethelene glycol, along with the usual mercury (thimerasol) and aluminum salts–which are heavy metals and very toxic.
I think that even one ingredient I listed is cause for a real concern. After my SIRVA injury a few years ago, I studied vaccines and I saw the other side of the science–including Bill Gates funding and involvement. I’m convinced that vaccines are the most horrific drug ever perpetuated on mankind.
Sean, why not follow the Adventist health message instead of promoting something that can kill and injure God’s people and others? Sure, Ellen White took the smallpox vax, but I’m still looking into that.
As for the fakedemic, based upon the massive numbers of false/positives from the PCR test that cannot diagnose any virus, lawsuits are happening, praise God:
A group of prominent attorneys are creating a class action lawsuit in 50 nations to start with against the WHO and others for Crimes against Humanity–check it out: (banned from youtube) : Dr. Reiner Fuellmich trial lawyer – COVID-19 Crimes against Humanity
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentI know that you, as a retired carpenter without any medical training or background, might not realize this given what you’re reading on conspiracy theory websites, but neither of the mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer or Moderna, have fetal tissue or any other tissue from any living thing in them. They were not produced with the use of living cells or tissue of any kind, but were entirely synthetically produced. They also contain no preservatives such as polyethylene glycol, mercury, or aluminum. Also, the mRNA does not change the human DNA or genetics at all (as explained in my article above).
This isn’t true either. We know the genetic sequence, all the proteins, and structure for the COVID-19 virus. It has also been grown in cell culture (Link):
“One important way that CDC has supported global efforts to study and learn about SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory was by growing the virus in cell culture and ensuring that it was widely available. Researchers in the scientific and medical community can use virus obtained from this work in their studies.”
Now, just in case you didn’t know, genetic sequencing (determining a DNA or an RNA sequence for a new or unknown virus or other organisms) isn’t done via PCR alone. Originally, it was done by what is called Sanger Sequencing (after Fred Sanger, the British biochemist who, with his colleagues, first developed a way to determine the sequence of unknown genetic strands in 1977).
Consider also the following diagrams for more modern methods of genetic sequencing:
Here’s another diagram describing two different methods of sequencing:
As far as Koch’s Postulate:
Consider the following commentary when it comes to viral infections and diseases such as COVID-19: Link
That’s because you don’t understand them and have read a lot of misinformation about them from conspiracy websites that are simply lying to you.
Ellen White took the smallpox vaccine, as did her son, and she recommended it to her companions as well. She did this even though she knew that vaccines were risky (much more risky in her day as compared to modern vaccines). Yet, despite what she knew about the risks of vaccines in her day (her own son had been sicked by a vaccine prior to this – Link), she took and promoted the taking of the smallpox vaccine. Why? Because, the known risks of the vaccine were a whole lot less than the known risks of getting exposed to the smallpox virus. That’s why. The same thing is true today. The risks of the mRNA vaccines are a whole lot less than the known risks of being exposed to the live COVID-19 virus. Here’s what Ellen White’s personal secretary for 13 years, D. E. Robinson, wrote about Mrs. White taking the smallpox vaccine:
Yet, you go on to argue:
This pandemic isn’t fake. It is real and it is devastating. Hospitals around the country are being overwhelmed by people sicked with the COVID-19 virus and thousands are being killed by it on a daily basis. And, many of those who aren’t killed have long-term symptoms, some of which are likely to be permanent.
I know this because I’ve seen it firsthand. I’ve had friends and family sickened by this pandemic and have had family friends die of this. My brother-in-law, the well-known and well-respected pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult, personally sees dozens of people die every week from this pandemic. You just don’t understand because you haven’t seen it close up and personal like we have.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, I’m still looking for the official ingredients list, but here’s what I found at TH NIH site:
Moderna Vaccine package insert (my text)
ACTIVE INGREDIENT/ACTIVE MOIETYIngredient NameBasis of StrengthStrengthCX-024414 (UNII: EPK39PL4R4) (CX-024414 – UNII:EPK39PL4R4)CX-0244140.2 mg in 1 mL
This tells me nothing but numbers and letters. But as for aborted fetal tissue–that has been used in the past for other vaccines, and I have a list for those. Ad for the CDC paper that said Covid-19 has been isolated–that has not been peer reviewed and is fakery–I can get you many statements of scientists that says it has not been isolated. I also saw a paper that said the vaccine scientists made a synthetic Covid-19 virus and worked off of that, because they could not isolate it.
Also, you’re a pathologist right? Here’s an east European pathologist who’s well respected and says the opposite of just about everything you’re saying–he does autopsies–do you?
You have not seen anyone dying of Covid-19, that’s not true. What you saw was people dying from other causes and testing “positive” with the PCR test that cannot detect any virus–this is why cases and deaths are ramped up artificially high. You saw people dying WITH Covid-19–not FROM Covid-19.
Prove to me that the PCR test can detect Covid-19, because I just listened to Kary Mullis, the inventor who says it cannot–you won’t touch this one–no way.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentHere’s a list of the ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine:
The Moderna mRNA vaccine ingredients are very similar – just mRNA, some salts, a sugar, and some lipids.
That’s it. There simply are no fetal cells or tissues or heavy metals or any other such preservatives in these particular vaccines.
None of that is true. The COVID-19 virus has been isolated and sequenced. That’s simply the reality of the situation. Those telling you otherwise are lying to you. There are even electron micrograph images of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Link):
Here’s an electron microscopic image of the SARS-CoV-2 virus grown in cells at The University of Hong Kong:
You have no idea what you’re talking about here. Those infected with COVID-19 have very specific and unique symptoms and pathologic findings that are unique to COVID-19 infections and deaths. They aren’t dying because of something else. They are dying because COVID-19 causes vascular inflammation and increased clotting and microthrombi within the lungs and even throughout the body. It’s a difficult way to die. You just don’t understand because you haven’t seen it yourself. Here’s a description of what happens (Ackermann, et. al., July, 2020):
Lymphocytic Inflammation in a Lung from a Patient Who Died from Covid-19.

Microthrombi in the Interalveolar Septa of a Lung from a Patient Who Died from Covid-19.

Please also review the MedCram video on the autopsy results of those who have died of COVID-19 put out by the well-known and well-respected pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult:
The quotes attributed to PCR test inventor Dr. Kary B. Mullis regarding COVID-19 weren’t made by him. Sure, Mullis did propose several conspiracy theories, most famously against the link between the HIV virus and AIDS, and was also into astrology. However, he never did say anything about COVID-19 (since Dr. Mullis died in August, 2019 – before the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic).
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean—Why post literature that’s confusing to non-scientists? None of us need nor want to look at your copy and paste–it proves nothing.
An eye witness is the best evidence anyone can have in court–as for autism and the MMR–literally thousands of parents saw their child who they loved go right into autism after they were vaxxed. If you had such a child, you would be singing a different tune instead of leading others into injury, death, and misery.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentIf you don’t understand the medical literature, as a non-scientist, then how can you hope to convince someone with medical/scientific training that you are right and they are wrong based on arguments that aren’t medically or scientifically convincing? For example, you claim that autism (or autism spectrum disorder or ASD) is related to vaccines because of the observation of parents noticing their child develop symptoms of ASD following vaccination. The problem with such observations is that correlation doesn’t always equal causation. And, this turned out to be true of ASD and vaccines. While symptoms tend to be noticed during the time of childhood vaccinations, numerous very good scientific studies have shown that vaccines are not actually the cause of ASD – that the brain damage actually started prior to vaccination in utero. In fact, the best scientific evidence shows that ASD is related to parental health:
– Genetic predisposition
– Increased maternal or paternal age
– Teenage mothers
– Parents with large age gaps
– Maternal obesity during pregnancy
– Maternal diabetes, including gestational diabetes
– The lack of maternal intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids
– The lack of use of prenatal vitamins
– Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is particularly interesting since vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem in 1st World countries. The overall prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency in the United States, currently, is 41.6% – with the highest rate seen in black people (82.1%), followed by Hispanics (69.2%). The reason for this is obvious since it would be expected that darker-skinned people would have more of a problem producing vitamin D with sun exposure. One of the problems with vitamin D deficiency, recently discovered, is an increased risk of ASD – especially in boys (Link).
So, while it may seem obvious to you that vaccines are the culprit for ASD, this isn’t really true when studied scientifically. Rather, other risk factors, particularly maternal health, have proven themselves to be the primary risk factors for ASD.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentJust wondering ??? if the Covid-19 virus is not that dangerous; why is the world in such a big rush to JAB everyone; am I missing something ?; what about the population reduction by vaccine talk of Bill Gates ?
David Misenko(Quote)
View CommentThe COVID-19 pandemic is very serious and quite dangerous. It’s killing thousands of people every day in this country, and many many more around the world – and is overwhelming hospitals and medical centers all over the place. No one has seen anything like this since the early 1900s…
As far as the conspiracy theory that Bill Gates is trying to kill people with vaccines in order to reduce the world’s population, that’s also nonsense. While Bill Gates does think that the world’s population is too large, he’s advocating improvements in health and improved economies in third-world countries to allow for reduced reproduction as a means to that end. He’s not trying to kill people with vaccines. One might agree or disagree with his opinions, but the claim that he’s a mass murderer is sheer nonsense – an evil accusation that is definitely unChristian.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, I totally disagree–it’s a scam based upon the PCR test that cannot diagnose any virus–this is what’s causing the fake pandemic just so Bill Gates can kill others with his vaccinations and make billions more. Yes, I said it because it’s true, and truth is Christian.
Scott Ritsema a well-known SDA educator is saying it too, on BeltofTruthTV.
Why are you speaking the false government narrative? Check out what’s happening with these lawyers:
A group of prominent attorneys are creating a class action lawsuit in 50 nations to start with against the WHO and others for Crimes against Humanity–check it out: (banned from youtube) : Dr. Reiner Fuellmich trial lawyer – COVID-19 Crimes against Humanity.
Either you have the wrong false science or something else is going on–Christ will judge everything including what’s said here. Pushing vaccine industry lies makes one complicit in massive numbers of deaths and injuries from vaccines.
Bill Gates—Vaccines
“Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program.”
“The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.”
“In 2014, the #GatesFoundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.”
“In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”
This is fact Sean–not any conspiracy theory–this info is available from other sources too, and is a well-known fact everywhere in the world–Bill Gates is not our friend and benefactor, and now he’s ramping up his eugenics on Americans–have you listened to his own words on TED talks about vaccines? No, he does not admit to hurting and killing children, but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Have mercy!
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentAgain, this simply isn’t true. The RNA sequence for the COVID-19 virus is known, as are the proteins and protein structures for this virus. It has also been grown in cell culture (Link):
“One important way that CDC has supported global efforts to study and learn about SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory was by growing the virus in cell culture and ensuring that it was widely available. Researchers in the scientific and medical community can use virus obtained from this work in their studies.”
I’ve discussed this personally with Scott Ritsema, who has no medical background or training. Yet, some things he gets right. He supports and promotes some pretty good health advice to improve the innate immune system – like vitamin D, zinc, sleep, exercise, “forest bathing”, and other such immune system enhancing advice. This particular video where Scott interviews Ron Meinhardt (a registered nurse who is also a “Traditional Christian Naturopath”) has some good information in it:
However, some things he simply gets wrong… especially when it comes to vaccines, including the mRNA vaccines.
They claim that Bill Gates is responsible for some 490,000 cases of paralyzed children, in India, between 2000 and 2017 due to his polio vaccine program. The reality of the situation, however, is much different.
There’s something known as “non-Polio acute flaccid paralysis” (NP-AFP). In 2014, for example, reports of kids developing polio-like paralysis started increasing for some unknown reason. It is now thought that this paralysis was actually caused by enterovirus D68 infections (EV-D68), the paralysis followed respiratory tract infections in many of the affected children. Altogether, at least 120 children in 34 states developed acute flaccid paralysis that year. Interestingly, EV-D68 is one of more than 100 non-polio enteroviruses. The virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease, coxsackievirus A16, is another. Others cause pinkeye, meningitis, or encephalitis.
But, what about the rise in AFP in India since 1997? As part of the strategy to eliminate polio in India, starting in 1997, all cases of AFP started getting tested for polio. It was a way to track the effectiveness of the immunization program. If too many cases of AFP were being caused by polio, then not enough people were getting vaccinated. On the other hand, if no cases of AFP were found in an area, then the testing and surveillance probably wasn’t getting done – since there will always be some cases of non-polio AFP. Unfortunately, the cases of AFP kept increasing, although more and more, they weren’t being caused by polio. At least not by live polio virus. So, were they caused by the polio vaccine? In some cases, yes. It is well known that the live polio vaccine can rarely cause vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) and circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV). By 2015, after India was declared free of polio (the last case was in 2011), none of those cases of AFP were found to be caused by wild polio. Also, India hasn’t had a case of cVDPV since 2010.
So, why the increase in cases of non-polio AFP in India between 1997 and 2017? First, consider that before the polio vaccine came along, polio paralyzed between 500 to 1,000 children in India each and every day! So, many experts think the rise in cases of non-polio AFP is a result of better screening for diseases in general. Once polio gets under control, other more neglected diseases start getting more attention, like enteroviral infections. Not surprisingly, other parts of the world have had the same experience (Link).
In any case, it is quite clear that polio vaccines have done the world a great deal of good – as has Bill Gates in his efforts to eradicate polio and improve sanitation and provide clean drinking water worldwide. Do you really want to go back to the days before vaccines where there simply was no effective way to combat Polio and other diseases that have been eradicated from this country or significantly suppressed? I think not…
In short, it’s best not to blindly promote such conspiracy theories as valid before doing a bit more research into the reality behind them. Reality is almost always a lot different compared to what these conspiracy theorists are trying to get you to believe…
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, I will concede that I confused previous vaccines that did have cancer cells and fetal tissue with the new Covid vaccines that don’t. I had read copious amounts of literature and pasted into my documents without being careful enough. However, it still does not change my mind about anything concerning vaccines. The mRNA and PEG is cause enough for alarm.
As for Ellen White, I’m having real trouble believing that she actually took a vaccine:
“[SIGNED] D. E. ROBINSON.”] {2SM 303.3} ”
This is what someone else, a secretary said about Mrs. White that to me contradicts her other statements about drugs–who knows maybe she (Robinson) was bribed to put this in here. I just don’t accept it. EGW taught the 8 laws of health and temperance as the best prevention for disease–not drugs. Which is what ALL SDA physicians should be doing.
There were serious movements even back then of anti-vaxxers who complained of all vaccines causing disease, injuries and deaths.
“Drug medication, as it is generally practiced, is a curse. Educate away from drugs. Use them less and less, and depend more upon hygienic agencies; then nature will respond to God’s physicians—pure air, pure water, proper exercise, a clear conscience. Those who persist in the use of tea, coffee, and flesh meats will feel the need of drugs, but many might recover without one grain of medicine if they would obey the laws of health. Drugs need seldom be used.” 153 {CCh 105.4}
To me, EGW taking a vaccine while being guided by the Holy Spirit makes no sense and contradicts her 544 hits about drugs. Isn’t it strange that EGW wrote nothing herself about vaccines? If she believed and did as D.E Robinson alleges, surely she would have wrote about it herself to “keep others safe from smallpox.”
As for Kary Mullis, I heard from his own mouth (Brand New Tube) that the PCR test cannot detect any virus, in a video–not only that, I’ve also heard from a great many doctors about the real science of the PCR test, which is exactly as I say. Too many things just add up to the truth, and I need not be medically trained to know what I’m saying is true. You’re the one with the real problem, being medically trained and teaching false science about vaccines–yes, you were taught this in Med school–but please, think for yourself!
Here’s one video that’s just over a minute long.
Here’s another one that’s just over 4 minutes long–it’s clear what the PCR inventor says about his test. It finds molecules and fragments of infections in one’s body–say from a cold/flu years ago, and the higher the cycle thresholds are, the more molecules it can find and the more false/positives there are for the Covid-19 hoax. This is done on purpose to create a fakedemic that fools just about everyone at least for a time.
But what I cannot figure out is why you’re stating all this false science–to protect your job in Redding? Because you believe the propaganda? Who knows. I also think you are leading, or trying to lead people into getting vaccinations which will not protect them, but make them sick and possibly kill them. We will be judged for everything that we say and do in the current, ongoing investigative judgment.
The pandemic is a hoax and this is NOT a conspiracy theory which is a term you use for anyone disagreeing with your false science. Wow, you’re a medically trained physician and you cannot figure out this scam? If you spoke the truth, you would lose your job and maybe even your medical license, in the normal scope of things. But can’t God sustain you and provide work for you anyway? Sure He can. Look at the doctors at Weimar. Like Neil Nedley and others–no way would any of them support dangerous vaccinations, like you do–those are real, caring doctors who also study God’s Word and live by it–false professions mean nothing.
There is no way that you can know that anyone for sure has died of Covid-19 by using a PCR test that is impossible to detect any virus–no other test will detect Covid-19–the so-called antibody test has already been debunked.
I learned from Dr. Nedley and Dr. Youngberg to use zinc lozenges which will destroy any virus coming in–as would a simple piece of garlic under the tongue–I have not even had a simple cold for close to 15 years–never had the flu.
Were I to get a cold/flu/Covid-19 and a zinc lozenge doesn’t work to eradicate it, I would use H202 nebulization therapy at home myself–no doctor or Big Pharma needed–only hydrogen peroxide and a nebulizer. Guess why it’s not used in hospitals and clinics? because there’s no money in it for doctors or the drug industry. But it works 100% of the time. Just 2-4 times a day, for 15 minutes, and in 2-3 days the virus is gone–no side effects. Doctor developed and doctor tested 30 years ago–check it out:
No one needs Covid-19 vaccines that cannot work against a non-existent pandemic–the steps that I have outlined–zinc lozenges, garlic–even Iodine (Dr. Youngberg) sprayed in the mouth kills everything viral or bacterial–then if something does come in, just use H202 nebulization right away, and problem solved–no need to take a vaccine that’s worthless anyway–except to propagate Bill Gates eugenics agenda and kill/maim the population, and let’s continue to hope and pray that you’re not going to be one of those statistics. I did pray for you.
Sean, one day that will surely come, you will see that you’ve been wrong about everything we’ve discussed, and you may face a negative judgment from the throne of Jesus Christ for misleading others. (I pray it does not come to that)
There is no doubt in my mind that these illegal government controls are simply Satan’s practice run for the mark of the beast–the devil also works as a destroyer (1 Pet. 5:8) and the horrific results of vaccine administration is his plan all along–the greed of the vaccine industry along with that of doctors and others, God will also judge. The Holy Spirit can reveal to me all truth–not just Bible truth alone.
I’m very comfortable with my position with God’s blessing assured! God Bless!
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentWell, at least your honest enough to admit this much – and that’s more than most are willing to do. So, that’s in your favor. However, it also goes to show that a lot of the anti-vaxx conspiracy websites do exactly what you did. They make assumptions without checking them and even throw in false or misleading statements that are known to be inaccurate. That’s the reason why they have proven themselves to be consistently unreliable when it comes to researching these questions.
Dores E. Robinson (1879-1957) was Ellen White’s secretary for over 13 years. He was a highly respected and valued assistant and who had married E. G. White’s granddaughter, Ella. It’s a real stretch, then, to suggest that he was deliberately lying about her taking the smallpox vaccine. After all, even Mrs. White’s own son William C. White confirmed that the smallpox vaccine was taken, by him and his associates, with Ellen White’s consent.
Yes, and Mrs. White was well aware of the dangers of vaccines – dangers which were much greater in her day than in our day. Yet, she did take the smallpox vaccine and recommended it to others as well because the benefits outweighed the risks.
The vast majority of the “drugs” early in Mrs. White’s career were dangerous and to be avoided. that is why Ellen White condemned “drugs that poison the blood and endanger life.” She wrote in 1888, “Drug medication, as it is generally practiced, is a curse.” On the other hand, in a letter to personnel at St. Helena Sanitarium, she said that drugs may not be as dangerous if “wisely administered.” She recognized that there are times and circumstances when it is justifiable and indeed necessary to employ medications, even those known to be poisonous, although she condemned the indiscriminate, careless use of drugs. This is substantiated by a note from the compilers of Selected Messages, Book 2, commenting on Mrs. White’s approval of surgery:
It is apparent from these statements that Mrs. White’s attitude reflected a great deal of common sense. It would seem unreasonable to assume that her warnings against poisonous drugs could be an indictment against all drugs for all time. Most of the drugs in use during her time are recognized today as poisons: arsenic, strychnine, opium, heroin, calomel, prussic acid, lunar caustic, antimony, and mercury. She said of these drugs, “We can with safety discard the concoctions which man has used in the past.” Commenting on this, the compilers of Selected Messages, Book 2, noted in 1958, “It is an interesting fact that as a result of twentieth century medical research, physicians have largely discarded most of the medications in common use at the time referred to in this statement.” “Mrs. White nowhere states, in discussing such simple medications, that other and more effective medications might not later be found.
It is clear that Ellen White favored the use of all the means provided by God to heal the sick. When medications are beneficial and are appropriate, they may be used. When surgery is called for, it should be performed. She wrote in 1905: “It is not a denial of faith to use such remedies as God has provided to alleviate pain and to aid nature in her work of restoration…. God has put it in our power to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life. This knowledge has been placed within our reach for use. We should employ every facility for the restoration of health, taking every advantage possible, working in harmony with natural laws.”
Ellen White herself used tea as a medicine (though not as a beverage). She recognized that blood transfusions could save life. She had radiation therapy — X ray treatments at Loma Linda for a skin problem. She was vaccinated for smallpox and urged her helpers to be vaccinated also (attested by her personal secretary and by her son). She once advised a missionary to Australia that if quinine was the best thing available to fight malaria, it should be used. When the missionary asked, “Would I have sinned to give the boy quinine when I knew of no other way to check malaria and when the prospect was that he would die without it?” she replied, “No, we are expected to do the best we can.”
See also: Link
First off, the website “BrandNewTube.com” is filled with conspiracy theory videos. It simply isn’t a reliable place to get your information.
Beyond this, Kary Mullis, while brilliant on the one hand for coming up with the idea of PCR, wasn’t so brilliant in some other areas of his thinking. For instance, he was a believer in astrology. He also subscribed to various conspiracy theories such as his most famous denial of an association between the HIV virus and AIDS. According to journalist Coby McDonald, Mullis’ HIV skepticism influenced Thabo Mbeki’s denialist policymaking throughout his tenure as president of South Africa from 1999 to 2008, contributing to as many as 330,000 unnecessary deaths. (Kary died in 2019, so he never said anything about COVID-19).
So, this just goes to prove that coming up with a brilliant idea, even one that fundamentally improves medical science, doesn’t mean that every idea that follows is going to be brilliant or even sane.
But, back to PCR testing. PCR simply amplifies a specific genetic sequence to get enough of it so that it can then be tested and identified via other means. The original sequencing of a newly discovered viral genome, however, requires more than just PCR. For more details, which you’re really going to have to study much more carefully to understand, see: Link
Here’s a short video on how “next generation sequencing” is done. The illustration here is how to sequence a particular strand of DNA (as opposed to RNA), but the basic idea is the same for DNA and RNA sequencing.
Of course, once the RNA target sequence is known, very specific PCR primers can be used (Link). And, if these PCR primers are successful in amplifying a genetic sequence, this can be used to “detect” the presence of a particular viral infection without further testing. However, this type of testing is not conclusive. Conclusive testing via viral genomic sequencing has also been done for COVID-19. This is how various strains of the virus are also detected where portions of the RNA viral sequence have been mutated and changed over time.
Again, you’re not understanding what PCR does. It increases the number of specific genetic sequences, which are then analyzed and sequenced to make the determination of what type of viral sequences they are. PCR isn’t enough by itself (at least not initially). It’s just a simple genetic tool to make more of something so that it can be more easily tested. That’s it. Now, after the viral sequence is actually determined (using more than just PCR) very specific “primers” can be used to detect, quite accurately, the presence of a very specific type of viral infection within a given sample (such as a nasopharyngeal swab).
This therapy has been recommended by anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists such as Joseph Mercola and Thomas Levy. However, H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is corrosive and too much exposure can cause local tissue damage depending upon how much is used. Also, inhalation can cause lung damage such as interstitial lung disease (Link). So, this type of therapy is not without its risks. Also, by the time a person has COVID-19 symptoms, it’s kinda too late to use this “therapy” since the virus has already invaded one’s tissues.
Even in the article that you reference, Dr. Shallenberger said that his nebulized H2O2 therapy “cured” his wife from the flu in “three days”! Three days? How is that all that impressive given that the symptoms associated with infection by a flu virus usually last between “3-7 days” for most people? (Link). Dr. Shallenberger still says that these results are amazing, even more amazing that his previously recommended IV hydrogen peroxide therapy. In contrast, scientific studies on IV hydrogen peroxide therapy haven’t shown any reduction in bacteria sepsis (Link). Also, neither IV or nebulized hydrogen peroxide has ever been studied in a clinical trial. There’s just no good scientific evidence that it works, only a bunch of personal testimonies on the internet. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were no risks involved, but there are risks, sometimes serious risks, without any proven benefits.
Still, at very low doses for short periods of time, it probably wouldn’t harm most people who want to try nebulizing it. However, this would by no means remove the need or benefits of the mRNA vaccines as far as stopping this COVID-19 pandemic. I mean, are you going to get even the healthy people to use nebulized hydrogen peroxide on a daily basis in order to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus that you don’t believe actually exists? Again, we’re not talking about a 3-day flu here. This current pandemic is far far deadlier than the flu…
Again, your problem is that you think you have more medical understanding and knowledge than you really have – by a long shot. Sure, the best of modern science isn’t near 100% perfection, but you are going backward my friend, not forward.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentMy nephew has Aspergers, mild. What do you think about those with autism and Aspergers getting the vaccine? He is 42 years old – everything triggers his senses – too hot or cold weather, too noisy, smells, very low frustration level trigger. I told him to not let Kaiser give him the vaccine until I researched. He is at my house every evening 24-7, and I do not want to deal with, and have him deal with, any additional “triggers.” I heard that vaccine can cause long-term aches and pains. Can you research this please? (He is higher body mass with no diagnosed diabetes. He can have high blood pressure when triggered)
View CommentI’m not sure about the triggers that might set off your nephew? I suppose it depends upon how severely he reacts to pain and how well his caregiver(s) can cope with these reactions. Certainly getting the injection causes some pain at the injection site (usually mild to occasionally moderate). However, this isn’t long-term, only lasting a couple of days for most people. I personally experienced mild local pain at the injection site for a couple of days following my first injection with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine two weeks ago – with my second injection scheduled for January 8, 2021.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean I hope you live through your vaccination. I have new info on the mRNA vaccines, and BTW, I never look at conspiracy theorists false ideas–but I do think you’re posts are loaded with untruths and propaganda–there are many doctors involved with false science–you’re not the first nor the last.
Prof. Dolores Cahill of Ireland (Immunologist) believes that in a few months people will start dying of cytokine storms from the mRNA vaccines. This video is just over 10 minutes long–please debunk this info…if you can. Following also is a paper abstract from PubMed–you’re also welcome to try and debunk this one too. I may be a retired carpenter, but I do know when I’m being lied to.
Aims of the study: Patient comprehension is a critical part of meeting medical ethics standards of informed consent in study designs. The aim of the study was to determine if sufficient literature exists to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus.
Methods used to conduct the study: Published literature was reviewed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus. Clinical trial protocols for COVID-19 vaccines were reviewed to determine if risks were properly disclosed.
Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.
Conclusions drawn from the study and clinical implications: The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.
So if you’re disease free, you may live longer–but don’t forget about the cancer cells too–hopefully, you won’t get cancer from this. Everything that I said about the ingredients is true–prove it is not. In fact, I will find a package insert and copy the info right here and expose what you said.
The CDC has stated those first few severe reactions of anaphylactic shock that it’s probably caused by the polyethelene glycol which you just said was not in these vaccines.
I will pray that the Lord will preserve your life from the vaccine (s) and maybe better things will happen with you.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentFirst of, you’re mixing apples and oranges here. Aside from being a well-known anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist (with a retracted anti-vaxx paper), Dr. Cahill is talking about the SARS vaccine against the SARS virus that emerged in China in 2002. This is different from the mRNA vaccines against the COVID-19 virus that hit the world in 2020. Now, it is true that some of the earlier attempts at a SARS vaccine showed ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement) effects in mouse models. Further work showed that this seemed to be linked, not so much to the antibody response, as to the T-cell response. Specifically, a “Th2” heavy response (as opposed to more Th1 or a balance between the two), was linked to lung pathology. Those are subdivisions of the CD4+ T cells, based on which cytokines they produce, and these results alerted everyone to keep an eye out for that. Mouse immunogenicity studies with the current mRNA vaccine candidates against COVID-19, in particular, did not show these effects… This has been why we’ve seen that the makers of the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 take so much care to put the Spike protein into its “perfusion” conformation (so that it doesn’t attach itself to human cell membranes). The worry has been that if antibodies are generated to it after it’s had a chance to bind to human cells, that gives you a better chance for non-neutralizing antibodies (and thus a higher risk for ADE). A high proportion of outright neutralizing antibodies is a safeguard against antibody-driven enhancement of ADE disease – which is what the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have shown. (Dr. Derek Lowe, December 18, 2020)
As far as the paper you cite published by Timothy Cardozo and Ronald Veazey (October, 2020) cited concerns over what is known as “antibody-dependent enhancement” of vaccines – with the potential to increase a negative response to the actual viral infection as compared to those who never had the vaccine. This concern is based on the very real observation of more severe diseases occurring in individuals who received vaccines to other viruses in the past – such as the one for dengue fever. In a 2018 study, scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology showed that newborn mouse pups harboring anti-Zika antibodies were more vulnerable to death from dengue exposure than mice that lacked anti-Zika antibodies. Certainly, this is an example of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). However, ADE has not been shown to occur in individuals that received COVID-19 vaccines during the double-blinded trials over many months or since the mRNA vaccines have started to be given to medical providers (like me).
Now, the reasons why ADE isn’t a significant concern for the mRNA vaccines against the COVID-19 virus is partly due to the fact that the COVID-19 virus does not infect macrophages in a way that is pro-inflammatory:
For more specific details regarding the underlying science of immunology, see:
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, you said,
“First off, the website “BrandNewTube.com” is filled with conspiracy theory videos. It simply isn’t a reliable place to get your information.”
Wow, I got this from you on this first day that I looked at your information on Dr. Wakefield–I had never heard of BrandNewTube until I saw this video. Watch out what you link to–now according to you, I’m into “conspiracy theories” because I got BrandNewTube from you.
Sure, there’s some conspiracy theories there, and some true science–you made an all-inclusive statement that’s incorrect.
1Th 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”
Everything needs to be judged on it’s own merits
Besides, youtube is highly censored even with Scott Ritsema’s (SDA) CovidDystopia–the true science presented there is banned from YouTube. You just don’t get it.
Then you proceed to shoot down the PCR inventor’s own testimony about his own test because he was into astrology. So what. Has Satan ever had any part into you? or me? Absolutely–and you dare to speak nonsense and garbage about someone who is dead and cannot defend themselves? Wow, Sean, how far will you go to defend your false science?
You cite studies by doctors all the time, plus the two new ones in the video-what kind of dirt could I or anyone else dig up on them? Plenty. I don’t need to stoop to character assassination to try and prove my points but apparently you, the trained doctor, does.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentI cited the Wakefield video as an example of a conspiracy theorist with ideas and claims that simply aren’t credible, even outlandishly wrong, given what we actually know about mRNA vaccines. And, this same website hosts many other conspiratorial videos as well. Christians should strive to avoid being associated with such conspiracies.
Showing that someone is “into” a whole lot of non-credible beliefs and conspiracies plays into that person’s overall credibility – especially given the very relevant nonsense claims of Mullis regarding HIV/AIDS. This is something to consider when someone is cited as an “authority” or “expert” to support this or that sensational claim that supposedly falsifies the vast majority of scientists and medical experts on a particular topic.
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re wrong in your claim. In fact, your claim that PCR cannot, by itself, prove the existence of a new virus is absolutely true! I agree with you here! However, what you don’t understand is that, as I’ve explained in some detail already, PCR wasn’t used, by itself, to demonstrate the existence or genetic makeup of the COVID-19 virus. The genetic sequencing that was done to initially detect the COVID-19 virus and its genetic makeup is quite involved and very interesting (and goes well beyond PCR) – if you care to actually learn something. I recommend starting the “Sanger Sequencing” (watch the short video explaining it that I posted in my comment above).
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThx for this article and your many careful responses to naysayers. My wife is one and had this comment & question I’d appreciate your response to if/when you can. Thx!
“…I see 2 possible problems with Pittman’s article. 1) he is a pathologist–wish his expertise was more related to vaccines 2) he somehow does not address Wakefield’s most prominent concern–the studies which showed that mRNA vaccines did indeed create a powerful immune response, however, when the lab animals were exposed to the virus they were meant to counter, instead of successfully fighting off the virus, the lab animals had a stronger negative reaction to the virus than they would have had otherwise. Pittman needed to addressed this major concern resulting from lab study. Wakefield’s contention was that the theory sounds good, but the results are disasterous.”
Joe Nichols(Quote)
View CommentThe claims that animal studies have shown significant pulmonary inflammation, and other negative outcomes, following mRNA vaccination when these animals were then exposed to the live COVID-19 virus (not mentioned in the above-referenced interview with Wakefield) don’t seem to be true as far as I’ve been able to discover. Both of the mRNA vaccines (from Pfizer and Moderna) were simultaneously tested on animals while they were conducting Phase 1 trials on humans. The vaccines were tested on mice and macaques in particular. And, none of these tests showed any enhanced inflammation or reaction with subsequence COVID-19 exposure. Just the opposite is true. For example:
“Vaccination of nonhuman primates with mRNA-1273 induced robust SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing activity, rapid protection in the upper and lower airways, and no pathologic changes in the lung.” (Link).
“Mice vaccinated with these mRNAs were protected against lung infection when researchers later exposed the rodents to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19” (Link).
“The researchers injected ARCoV into the muscle tissue of 16 mice and provided a booster shot two weeks later. The vaccine elicited the production of high levels of neutralizing antibodies, which protect host cells by preventing the virus from interacting with them. These antibodies were cross-reactive, offering broad protection against three different strains of SARS-CoV-2. In addition, the vaccine increased the number of T cells in the spleen. Mice that received two doses of ARCoV and were exposed to SARS-CoV-2 35 days later showed no signs of viral RNA in the lungs or trachea and no lung damage or inflammation. Results from 20 cynomolgus monkeys showed that two ARCoV doses induced a virus-specific T cell response and the production of neutralizing antibodies at levels that far exceed those seen in most recovered COVID-19 patients. Moreover, none of the vaccinated animals experienced adverse effects.” (Link)
Also, human double-blinded trials in more than 70,000 people showed no such enhanced inflammation or reaction with COVID-19 exposure with prior mRNA vaccination.
Perhaps, though, your wife is referring to a paper published by Timothy Cardozo and Ronald Veazey (October, 2020) cited concerns over what is known as “antibody-dependent enhancement” of vaccines? – with the potential to increase a negative response to the actual viral infection as compared to those who never had the vaccine? This concern is based on the observation of more severe disease occurring in individuals who received vaccines such as the one for dengue fever. In a 2018 study, scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology showed that newborn mouse pups harboring anti-Zika antibodies were more vulnerable to death from dengue exposure than mice that lacked anti-Zika antibodies. Certainly, this is an example of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). However, ADE has not been shown to occur in individuals that received COVID-19 vaccines during the double-blinded trials over many months or since the mRNA vaccines have started to be given to medical providers (like me).
Now, the reasons why ADE isn’t a significant concern for the mRNA vaccines against the COVID-19 virus is partly due to the fact that the COVID-19 virus does not infect macrophages in a way that is pro-inflammatory:
For more specific details regarding the underlying science of immunology, see:
So, I fail to see any solid support for Wakefield’s claim here either. There is just no scientific evidence to support any of Wakefield’s main concerns or arguments against the mRNA vaccines – from either human or animal testing. To the contrary, these mRNA vaccines have proven themselves to be safer and more effective in humans than would have been originally predicted – in the face of extensive testing in tens of thousands of human subjects (soon to be millions – including me since I’ve already received the first Pfizer vaccine injection, with my second injection scheduled for this coming Friday).
Sure, I’m just a pathologist (with some fairly extensive training in genetics and the immune system via my subspecialty in hematopathology – which includes the study of the white blood cells that make up the immune system), but I know some vaccine experts and many on the front lines who are directly dealing with this pandemic face-to-face. The vast majority of those who are most familiar with COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines, and their relative risks, strongly favor getting the vaccine – and have taken it themselves and would give it to their friends and family if they could at this point.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentHey Sean,
As promised, I took a look at Sangers Sequencing and I found a 43 page PDF from the FDA who is complicit in the scam–it’s simply the entirety of the PCR test they all are using. However, I did learn a little something here:
“The qSanger-COVID-19 Assay is a Sanger sequencing-based, RNA extraction-free diagnostic test intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in upper respiratory swab specimens (such as nasal swab, mid-turbinate swab, nasopharyngeal swab, and oropharyngeal swab specimens) from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. Testing is limited to laboratories that are certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. §263a, and meet requirements to perform high complexity tests.”
And it’s this: “Testing is limited to laboratories that are certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. §263a, and meet requirements to perform high complexity tests.”
So only certain labs can give us the false/positives that make up all the fraudulent cases and deaths in the US–I’m sure other countries have their versions of these labs too. It would be a no-brainer to also insure that these labs are also complicit if need be–Gates and the other billionaires-3-6 hundred billions of dollars of money is more than enough. I simply do not need to break down all the science involved here, and separate it the false from the true to see the hoax.
Why would I need to study science for years to be able to break down all of these 43 pages of information, and critically analyze it? Once again:
John_16:13 However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
Some doctors and scientists are honest and trustworthy, and some are not.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentYou don’t know the first thing about PCR or genetic sequencing. Did you even watch the video about Sanger Sequencing that I recommended?
Because, you don’t know the first thing about these scientific tests, not even the basics. Yet you feel yourself free to make claims about them that are absolutely false. You even claim that you’re guided by the Holy Spirit when you make these false claims – which is a very dangerous thing to do. You’re treading on holy ground with your presumptuous claims.
This doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit gives you knowledge about things that you are unwilling to seriously study or investigate or that He will guide you when you are unwilling and too arrogant to change when errors are revealed to you. You’re simply wrong with your understanding of PCR and how it is used. You don’t understand the first thing about genetic sequencing, and you’re even wrong about Mrs. White and her own use and recommendation of vaccines for others. Almost nothing you’ve said is true. Yet, you claim to be guided directly by God in this nonsense of yours? Please…
There’s simply no point in discussing these things further with you. It’s just no longer useful to me.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, I appreciate your direct responses. How would you respond to the anti-vaccination group that eschews “experimental technology” and says that the vaccine trials have not been shown to reduce hospitalizations or death?
John Fleming(Quote)
View CommentI’m not sure I understand the question? As far as the mRNA vaccine trials for Pfizer and Modern vaccines, they did show a 95% reduction in symptomatic viral infection. And, as far as severe cases were concerned, there were 10 severe cases of Covid-19 observed in the Pfizer trial, with nine of the cases occurring in the placebo group and one in the BNT162b2 vaccinated group. With the Moderna mRNA vaccine, by the end of the Phase 3 Trial:
So, I’d say that the odds of the mRNA vaccines reducing hospitalizations and deaths are very good based on the evidence so far in hand.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThis issue is so controversial that you will convince no one
who has taken a stand one way or the other.
Everyone has their own “facts” about the matter.
We will have to decide for ourselves what is the
best response to this issue that is often more political
than anything else.
Take care
Bill Sorensen(Quote)
View CommentNot everyone is completely entrenched. Many are still open to honestly considering the best available empirical evidence…
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentSean, as you know, I believe differently than you on the “best empirical evidence.” I prefer to listen and take heed to scientists and doctors who are not comprised by this highly corrupt medical system which includes Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation–Dr. Fauci sits on that board.
I ask myself, is it reasonable? Can I analyze it properly? What real evidence is there? And last but not least–what does the Holy Spirit reveal to me?
John_16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come (AKJV).
This tells me that “all truth” means exactly that, and not just Bible truth, or religious truth. This is why I know positively that this pandemic is a hoax–based upon the PCR test that cannot detect any virus–I’ve seen and heard the real science, and the motives behind it–Satan is at the root of it all. Of course he’s the author of real pandemics and epidemics too.
Same with all vaccines, what a scam that is! Far too many injuries and deaths have been reported in the VAERS system over the years, and that my friend, is not any conspiracy theory. Even the Federal Vaccine Court is a joke–some cases like mine never even make it there–dropped by attorneys for money reasons–not a smoking gun or serious enough for them to make the fees they want.
I look at the bright side–my injury while about 60 % healed now with a significant pain reduction, caused me to look at the real evidence behind vaccines and how harmful they are–none of them are needed for anything. If we follow God’s health laws most of us will be fairly healthy. Lots of studies suggest or show how harmful vaccines are.
The info below is backed by scientific studies–a day old baby is assaulted by a Hep B vaccine when it’s just coming alive and drawing it’s first breaths–many are vaccinated a short time later and die suddenly in their cribs, or beds–SIDS deaths. The vaccine industry makes money and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s depopulation plan claims another innocent victim–not conspiracy theory.
SIDS deaths.
Scientific studies about the different vaccine injuries and deaths
As for Dr. Wakefield the courageous CDC whistleblower–has my thanks for what he did–we need more doctors like him that denies the moneyed, evil influences of Big Pharma putting his own career in jeopardy because he really cares about others.
As for the 2 doctors you just linked to on youtube that promote the pandemic lies–I can find and link to just as many doctors who know and reveal the truth of this hoax.
The British doctor recommended 20,000 IU’s daily of vitamin D3–a bit high, I would say–I use 3— 5 thousand daily as recommended by Walt Cross, SDA Medical Missionary in Tennessee. It appears that too high a dose daily will negatively increase calcium in the body.
He also said, “I’m happy with the vaccines.” Right, I hope they live through the vaccines that are useless and not needed. Too much propaganda for me–I prefer real doctors and not clones of the corrupted medical system.
Stephen Billiter(Quote)
View CommentSo, the Holy Spirit informs you regarding the “truth” of your medical opinions? That’s kind of a conversation stopper now isn’t it? Who can argue with someone who is informed directly by God?
In any case, as I’ve explained to you before, the process of detecting a new type of virus and determining its genetics isn’t based on PCR alone. It’s a more complex and interesting process. It was originally discovered by biochemist Fred Sanger (i.e., “Sanger Sequencing” – described in my comment above) and has been modified and improved since then with subsequent “generations” of genetic sequencing techniques. So, why not try to learn something about how it’s really done instead of repeating the same false claims?
VAERS takes all reports of anything that happens post-vaccine – regardless of any proof as to the actual cause of the event. It simply isn’t what the anti-vaxxers make it out to be. Sure, “since 1988, when the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) began, more than 16,000 claims have been considered and a whopping $3.18 billion have been awarded to families alleging some kind of harm from vaccines. That sounds awfully damning, and in this case, unlike in so many other cases, the anti-vaccine crowd isn’t just making stuff up. The numbers are real and the federal government is the first to admit it. But the anti-vaxxers are utterly wrong in their interpretation of what the numbers mean. And in fact, the numbers prove that vaccines are as safe as the medical community says they are. Understanding why that’s so means going beyond the tired alarmism and looking at the facts.”
The article continues to explain why the claims of the anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists here are just out to lunch. While vaccines aren’t entirely risk free, they are a whole lot less risky compared to the diseases that they provide immunity against.
Actually, the very clear weight of good scientific studies that are available to us strongly supports the conclusion that vaccines are very safe and very effective. It simply isn’t true that there are a significant number of good scientific studies showing that vaccines are actually more harmful than they are beneficial. That conclusion simply isn’t supported by the empirical evidence that we have in hand – not even close.
Since I’m a parent, I can tell you that SIDS is a real concern for most parents. And, if SIDS were related to vaccinations, I certainly would want to know about it. However, since I have performed autopsies on SIDS infants, the evidence is that SIDS is related to suffocation, with petechial hemorrhages on the surfaces of the lungs (as one sees in cases of known suffocation). Still, there was some initial concern about SIDS and vaccines, but after extensive study of this question, it is now known that there is no relationship between vaccines and SIDS. For example:
The ABC news program 20/20 aired a story in 1999 claiming that the hepatitis B vaccine caused sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The story included a picture of a 1-month-old girl who died of SIDS only 16 hours after receiving the second dose of hepatitis B vaccine.
At the time of introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine for routine use in all infants, about 5,000 children died every year from SIDS. Within 10 years of the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine the use of the vaccine increased to about 90 percent of all infants and the incidence of SIDS in that group decreased dramatically to about 1,600 cases each year.
The cause of the decrease in SIDS cases was the introduction of the “Back to Sleep” program by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
However, since immunizations are given to about 90 percent of children less than 1 year of age, and about 1,600 cases of SIDS occur every year, it would be expected, statistically, that every year about 50 cases of SIDS will occur within 24 hours of receipt of a vaccine. However, because the incidence of SIDS is the same in children who do or do not receive vaccines, we know that SIDS is not caused by vaccines.
He might care about others, but he deliberately falsified data in his 1998 Lancet paper (BMJ, 2011). See also: Hayden, 2011.
I’m sorry, but the vast majority of scientists and medical doctors disagree with you here – especially those who see and treat the many who are dying of COVID every day in this country. Dr. Roger Seheult personally sees dozens of people die of COVID-19 on a weekly basis. You just don’t understand because you haven’t seen it. Contrary to your very confidently claims that these people are dying of something else, that’s just nonsense coming from someone who is far more arrogant than anything else – without any first-hand knowledge or experience. The vascular damage and thrombosis associated with those who die of COVID-19 is distinct. It’s unlike anything else.
Watch the video again. Dr. Campbell did not recommend 20,000 IU’s of Vitamin D per day. Rather he said that he personally takes just 2,000 IUs of Vitamin D supplements per day – while Dr. Seheult takes about 4,000 units/day. Beyond this, it is very unlikely that anyone will experience significantly increased calcium blood levels if taking 10,000 units/day or less of Vitmain D.
Again, the doctors you’re listening to are in the extreme minority and generally aren’t directly involved in taking care of COVID-19 patients. Dr. Seheult is a pulmonologist who deals with these COVID-19 patients on a daily basis. He’s also a conservative Seventh-day Adventist who is doing his very best to help his patients physically, mentally, and spiritually. And you think you know better? Oh, I forget, the Holy Spirit tells you, so there’s really no point in further discussion because the Holy Spirit certainly hasn’t told me what He’s told you. You forget that you’re supposed to “test the spirits”. And, so far, almost everything that you’ve said regarding COVID-19 and vaccines is false and misleading. I’m sorry, but that’s not coming from the Holy Spirit my friend…
Sean Pitman(Quote)
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Regarding the recent situation where 23 nursing home patients died in Norway following vaccination the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and/or Moderna (given to 30,000 people so far), these patients were all over the age of 80, were very frail. It is also somewhat difficult to determine a link in this particular population between the vaccine and any other potential cause of death – since around 400 nursing home patients die in Norway every week. However, at this point, it is not ruled out that adverse reactions occurring within the first days following vaccination (such as fever and nausea) may contribute to a more serious course and fatal outcome in patients with severe underlying disease and general frailty.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health said concluded that “for very frail patients and terminally ill patients, a careful balance of benefit versus disadvantage of vaccination is recommended.” (Link)
Consider this also in the light that more than 30% of nursing home residents are likely to die if an outbreak of COVID-19 occurs. So, weighing the risks and benefits of taking the vaccine vs. being exposed to a potential COVID-19 outbreak seems to weigh heavily in favor of taking the vaccine – with the exception, perhaps, of those who are already very frail.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThe following commentary by organic chemist Derek Lowe is also helpful in understanding this question (December 4, 2020):
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentThat same sound/objective thinking would have served (and still could serve) us well during the pandemic phase as we weigh risk of infection against various restrictions.
View CommentI’ve heard questions by anti-vaccers, including Dr. Simone Gold, that there was an issue with ferrets in the animal experiments. Do you know the background?
John Fleming(Quote)
View CommentI know that various European countries, including the Netherlands, Denmark, and Spain, have reported outbreaks of COVID-19 in mink pelt farms – leading to the culling of more than a million animals. From laboratory experiments, it’s also clear that ferrets (a relative of the mink) are also readily infected with the “novel coronavirus”. Aside from this, however, I’m not aware of any “issues” with animal experiments regarding COVID-19 in particular. However, in 2008 there was an interesting experiment involving ferrets that were given the flu vaccine against the H1N1 virus – who then became sicker once exposed to the live virus as compared to those ferrets that weren’t vaccinated. The reason for the effect was unclear, and Skowronski, the lead author, urged other research groups to take up the question.
While interesting, such an effect has not been identified in the animal or human trials for the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. Also, subsequently updated flu vaccines to the H1N1 strain haven’t had this problem either (Link).
Sean Pitman(Quote)
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Dr. Pitman, thank you for sacrificing your time to educate!
I have 3 questions that I cannot seem to get answered regarding mRNA vaccines. I hope you can help.
1. I assume some defective mRNA strands and lipid layers can be generated during the myriad of involved complex chemical processes. Do we understand percentage of defective nanoparticles / mRNA strands? Does process include QA that somehow reduces or eliminates potentially harmful defects. What is risk of defective mRNA strands that could encode for harmful proteins? Any other associated risks here that I am not addressing?
2. How much independent review occurred with these vaccines? Is the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety the only body that reviewed. Do scientiests get hands-on and eyes-on access to the actual chemical processes to verify what is happening (in vitro and in vivo), or are they just provided with white papers and reports for review?
3. Some papers and FAQs claim the generated viral “spike protein” is presented on the cell surface. Some of your dialogue here seems to indicate that this is not the case. Which is it? How is it presented? Is it presented in a variety of ways?
View CommentGiven that the mRNA sequences in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are synthetically produced, I would say that there are very few defective mRNA sequences. And, when it comes to producing proteins based on these few defective sequences, the additional risk from such defective sequences for the human body would be, effectively, zero. In fact, a few slight variations in the protein sequence for the spike protein would only result in slight variations in the immune system response. And, producing such slight variations are already part of how our human immune system is programmed to work – automatically producing slight variations in the antibodies produced against a particular type of foreign antigen, for example.
A great many scientists were involved in the production and review of the mRNA vaccines. These vaccines, how they work, and their effects on human biochemistry are very well known by a great many scientists who work in this field of immunochemistry. There are no fundamental secrets here.
Here are a few diagrams that illustrate what’s happening within different cells of the body where the mRNA sequences are decoded and presented:
Mechanism of action of mRNA vaccines. 1. The mRNA is in vitro transcribed (IVT) from a DNA template in a cell-free system. 2. IVT mRNA is subsequently transfected into dendritic cells (DCs) via (3) endocytosis. 4. Entrapped mRNA undergoes endosomal escape and is released into the cytosol. 5. Using the translational machinery of host cells (ribosomes), the mRNA is translated into antigenic proteins. The translated antigenic protein undergoes post-translational modification and can act in the cell where it is generated. 6. Alternatively, the protein is secreted from the host cell. 7. Antigen protein is degraded by the proteasome in the cytoplasm. The generated antigenic peptide epitopes are transported into the endoplasmic reticulum and loaded onto major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules (MHC I). 8. The loaded MHC I-peptide epitope complexes are presented on the surface of cells, eventually leading to the induction of antigen-specific CD8 + T cell responses after T-cell receptor recognition and appropriate co-stimulation. 9. Exogenous proteins are taken up DCs. 10. They are degraded in endosomes and presented via the MHC II pathway. Moreover, to obtain cognate T-cell help in antigen-presenting cells, the protein should be routed through the MHC II pathway. 11. The generated antigenic peptide epitopes are subsequently loaded onto MHC II molecules. 12. The loaded MHC II-peptide epitope complexes are presented on the surface of cells, leading to the induction of the antigen-specific CD4 + T cell responses. Exogenous antigens can also be processed and loaded onto MHC class I molecules via a mechanism known as cross-presentation. (Link)
Now, The mRNA-1273-encoded prefusion stabilizes the S protein (Moderna Vaccine) consists of the SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein with a transmembrane anchor and an intact S1–S2 cleavage site. The presence of the transmembrane anchor would seem to enable some of the spike proteins to remain attached to the surface of the cell that produced them, such as a muscle cell, but would still be recognized as “foreign” by the immune system. (Link)
See also: Link
Sean Pitman(Quote)
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Pingback: Scott Ritsema, Dr. Lela Lewis, Pastor Wyatt Allen an Dr. Peter McCullough on COVID-19 Vaccines | Educate Truth
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About 10 months in to available vaccines, many are reporting serious side effects up to and including death as a result of the COVID vaccine. Anecdotally, a friend working for a Northern California native American healthcare system says “I personally know friends that have had bad reactions, another friend nearly died and some I know are currently suffering from the side effects. I also had a co-worker die from receiving the 2nd dose of the vaccine. I am seeing an increase in miscarriages in our clinic after getting the 2nd dose. And now they have issued a black box warning on the cardiomyopathy it causes, which is what my friend nearly died from.” What are the ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are causing an adverse reaction? Do we have confirmed deaths resulting primarily from a vaccine being administered, if so how many?
John Fleming(Quote)
View CommentIn comparison, those who are infected with COVID-19 have a much higher rate of myocarditis as well as a much MUCH higher rate of long-term injuries and death. Up to a third of otherwise young healthy people, including athletes and even children, end up with myocarditis following even mild infections with COVID-19.
Sean Pitman(Quote)
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Then why aren’t the vaccines working so far.. needing 3rd booster shot, and Israel now saying they will need a 4th one?? Oh please.
Christian Thinker(Quote)
View CommentJust because the effectiveness of vaccines may wane over time doesn’t mean that they aren’t working. They are working, very well. The vast majority of those who are being hospitalized right now with severe COVID-19 infections are the unvaccinated – by a ratio of more than 10:1 over the vaccinated.
Here’s an explanation from Shane Crotty, Ph.D. (Immune system and vaccine scientist. Professor, La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI), a non-profit research institute): Link
Sean Pitman(Quote)
View CommentHey Dr. Pittman! I have really appreciated your information as I continue to wade through all of the “stuff” out there about COVID-19, the vaccines etc…. I just saw a piece about a Dr. Zandre Botha who claims two things about blood of “many” (whatever that means) who have taken the vaccine. She is claiming that she sees red blood cell damage and “inorganic electro-tech elements” in the blood. Do you know anything about her and the claims she has made? Thanks!
Mike Hudson(Quote)
View CommentI don’t know about Dr. Botha, in particular, but others have made similar claims. Of course, I see no credible evidence to support such sensational claims…
Sean Pitman(Quote)
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Pingback: Dr. Aseem Malhotra: From Pro-Vax to Anti-Vax | Educate Truth
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