The situation desperately needs sunshine.  (Quote) Brother Paul, there is only one …

Comment on LSU student writes about controversy by thomas.

The situation desperately needs sunshine.  (Quote)

Brother Paul, there is only one way to get the sunshine in and that is to close LSU. Do you really think anything Christian will come out of LSU (about this issue)? Please, allow me to say again the school needs to be closed, the buildings torn down and the property sold to the lowest bidder. To protect our church it needs to severe the corrupt limb.

Everyone, please listen to reason LSU no longer supports the Bible or how Adventist’s view the Word of God, and that is ok, and it is our duty to demand that the satan’s den be closed. What would our founding members have done?

There is no other way to solve this issue, satan is well establish at LSU, clearly we can all see that? Look at the way a professor answers a student in a rude unprofessional way questioning the truth of the Bible, and the only thing that happens is the school as a whole, board included stands behind him. We as Adventist have been slapped in the face and our leadership is too weak to remove these demons. As members of the Remnant Church we need to overlook political correctness and embrace God’s Law.

thomas Also Commented

LSU student writes about controversy
@Allen Roy:

Brother, I am sorry but I don’t think I am being drastic. I believe satan is behind evolution and by allowing one of our schools to support it as a fact is a very bad thing to do. How can we allow satan’s agents the freedom to teach our children. That, my Brother, calls for drastic action.

Why are we sitting here debating with ourselves, we need to be talking about taking real action against LSU. As an Adventist educator I have made sure my students know what is happening in our church. We need to open our mouths and let our voices be heard.

Why do we have our own education system? So, we can teach the TRUTH, and not lies made up by satan and man. Please, understand how big this issue really is, everyday in one our of schools God is being replaced with satan, and we are doing nothing about it, except begging them to stop. My Friends, satan will not change he will do everything possible to avoid the issue, so why are we dealing with his agents. We need to start at the head of the GC, we need to protest, raise this issue for the whole church to know.

Recent Comments by thomas

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@Lawrence Geraty, I can understand now why LSU is off track.

Sir, I am sorry but there is no liberal, or conservative SDA, that is a myth. We either accept SDA as it is or we don’t belong. Nor is there a ‘fundamentalist wing of the church’, we either accept the bible or we don’t. Sir, we (SDA) believe the Bible is the only Truth, and you have many doubts about that which means you are in the wrong church.

Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict
Praise God, something is happening!!! Educate truth doesn’t support my view that the school should be closed down.

LSU response will be ‘nothing’, business as normal. This action will mean nothing to them. In thier view we are the lost ones and we need to catch up to the ‘real world’ religions.

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine
Disclaimer: My comments does not represent the views or opinions of Educate Truth

First: @Geanna Dane I tried to see your side of the issue and frankly, I think you are wrong in your view of what was said in the videos. In a nut shell, the overall theme of both videos is that a change is needed, like upgrading from Adventist v1.0 to Adventist v2.0.

Second: I believe the only way to save this situation is to fire all the employees, refund student’s accounts, level and completely remove all the buildings, side walks, etc. and the land given away. Educate Truth does not approve of this view, I guess they are hoping things can change but I find that view to be very naïve and almost childish. LSU will not change, doesn’t these videos prove that…

Third: Where is the Board? As a group, do they know what is happening? If not, why? If yes, than why allow it to continue…

Lastly: We need to face the truth. A cat is a cat and a dog is a dog we need to call it for what it is. What truly is happening at LSU is that satan has a hold; his views are spreading like the wind. That is why closing the school is the only action to end it. The Adventist family is close-knit, and we might have friends that would suffer if the school is closed; closing the school would be very painful to all of us. It is a bitter pill but what we saw in those videos was a little peek into the class that the Board ordered to explain SDA view, and well…

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