CCC Requests “Decisive and Conclusive Resolution” from LSU

Elder Jerry Page

June 21, 2010

Pacific Union Conference Officers
Post Office Box 5005
Westlake Village, CA 91359

La Sierra University Board of Trustees
4500 Riverwalk Parkway
Riverside, CA 92515

Dear Friends,

Our hearts and voices are continually lifted up in prayer for you as you wrestle with the very sensitive and difficult issues at La Sierra. Our Central California Conference Executive Committee spent quality time at our June 15 meeting discussing those very issues and voted unanimously to share our beliefs and convictions with you as a constituent conference leadership group.

Following are key points of our voted action:

The Central California Conference strongly affirms all of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church found in God’s Word. This includes the sixth belief regarding Creation.

We affirm the historic Adventist position that Creation occurred in seven literal 24-hour days forming a week, identical in time to what we now experience.

We agree with the voted 2004 Annual Council response to the document titled “An Affirmation of Creation” as submitted by the International Faith & Science Conferences.

We appreciate and agree with Pastor Paulsen’s appeal letter to the church of June 6, 2009 calling all teachers in colleges and universities to teach according to these voted and affirmed beliefs, and his call for all of us in leadership to hold the faculty accountable to this sacred ministry. See attached or

Our Executive Committee and leadership team also wishes to:

1. Express our deep concern regarding reports of professors at La Sierra who do not fully affirm and teach these beliefs.

2. Make clear our appreciation and support of the efforts and actions the La Sierra University Board of Trustees has taken in pursuit of solutions to this situation. We appreciate your voted affirmation last November that La Sierra stands for these principles and will hold the administration accountable to implement your actions.

3. Share our deep sense of concern that the young people, many of which come from our conference, are taught by teachers that fully agree with our core beliefs, thus affirming our students’ faith in the Word of God and the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

4. Make it extremely clear that young people are of great importance and priority to us. Therefore, we have a duty to solicit assurances of a satisfactory outcome. We affirm your efforts, but feel after a year of process that a decisive and conclusive resolution needs to occur very soon. We cannot continue to risk our young people’s faith or their parents’ trust in us for much longer and will soon need to consider whether further actions are warranted.

5. Ask for regular reports of progress to our Executive Committee and the officers of the Conference. Honest, transparent communication is essential and will avoid gossip and hearsay.

Our prayers are continually with you. We realize these issues can be very difficult to deal with fairly and yet firmly. Thank you for your serious consideration and understanding of our deep concern and urgency for clear and definitive resolutions.

Your brother in Christ,

Jerry N. Page

President, Central California Conference

XC: GC Officers, NAD Officers, Pacific Union GC Delegates, CCC Pastors & Principals

P.S. “An Affirmation of Creation” by the International Faith & Science Conferences, and the voted response by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee 2004 Annual Council can be found at:

35 thoughts on “CCC Requests “Decisive and Conclusive Resolution” from LSU

  1. Maybe the General Conference will take notice now that the Michigan Conference Exec. Com. action has been backed up by a similar request for action and a conclusive resolution of the LSU conflict from the Central California Conference Exec. Com.? Remember also the recent request to re-evaluate the wording of SDA FB#6 by the Northern California Conference to more definitively establish the SDA position on a literal 6-day creation week.

    Portions of the Church community are starting to wake up to the seriousness of the challenge to the Pillars of the SDA faith being presented by LSU. Perhaps it would be good for all SDA conferences to make their voices heard in a similar manner on this important challenge to fundamental Pillars of the SDA Faith within our own institutions of “higher” learning…

    Sean Pitman


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  2. As I’ve stated , the CCC is an island of hope out here in California. I thank President Page and his staff for having the courage to take a stand against [what is] going on at LSU!


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  3. This is very hopeful and promising. It is good to see that accountability is being exercised and that there are other conferences starting to follow the lead of the Michigan conference in this area.


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  4. A copy of my email to Elder Page:

    Elder Page-

    Thank you for taking Executive Committee time to discuss this important issue and for the resulting letter to the LSU Board of Trustees. The letter accurately addressed the key elements of the issue in a compassionate and Godly manner. I fully support its content, the requested outcome, and the need to take further action if they do not respond in a timely manner. I would give them 60 days which is more than sufficient time to outline their position and plan of action (and even to take action). If no resolution is reached by the end of August, I recommend discontinuing CCC educational assistance payments to LSU (as the Michigan Conference did) beginning with the 2010/11 school year until their staff begins teaching creation in 6 literal days as truth.

    I have ongoing dialog with many others regarding this issue and have urged them to request similar action from their conferences as well.

    Thank you, -Greg
    Greg Richmond
    CCC lay member


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  5. Praise the Lord for the courage of Jerry Page and the Central California Conference Executive Committee. From the word we have just received out of Atlanta, perhaps a formal clarification of our stand as a church on six literal, consecutive, contiguous, 24-hour days of creation can be expected. Let us pray to that end, and that God will give to His church the kind of decisive, reform-minded leaders we need at this pivotal time.

    God bless!

    Pastor Kevin Paulson


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  6. I want to add my enthusiastic Amen! to those of the other comments regarding this letter from the CCC Executive Committee. And I want to express my appreciation for what Educate Truth has been doing to bring this issue before our people.

    I am encouraged to believe, by what I have already heard and read, that the creation fundamental belief will be considerably strenghtened to eliminate all ambiguity.

    We need to keep praying for our leaders and delegates at the Atlantic session (concerning not only this topic but all the church’s business).

    Sandi Reiber


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  7. I stopped by all the College exhibits in Atlanta. La Sierra was by far the most friendly one I experienced. I definitely felt God’s Love when I talked to those people. I felt judged when I went to Southern.

    Also, taking away subsidy is ridiculous. Biology is one of many departments there and seems to be the only one there is any concerns with.


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  8. Dear Adventist in High School,

    The devil frequently mixes just a small amount of error in with a larger amount of truth. This is sufficient to accomplish his purposes. He does not need to undermine every truth, only some select truths. The Bible tells us how to know whether or not we can accept something as pure and true: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). If what they say, even a part of it, does not agree with scripture, even the rest of what they have said is of no value according to this.

    We have a saying in English that goes something like this:

    A barrel full of sewage with one tablespoon of wine is sewage.
    A barrel full of wine with one tablespoon of sewage is sewage.

    It does not matter how much “wine” there may be with that sewage, the sewage has perverted the entirety.

    Consider how entirely the “sewage” has perverted truth at LSU, given that one of the professors’ statements relegated Mrs. White to “the lunatic fringe” for “the absolute necessity of believing that the only way a creator God could do things is by speaking them into existence a few thousand years ago.” Mrs. White clearly informed us that Creation week was six literal days about six thousand years ago, and further, she has told us that God was not dependent upon pre-existing matter and could but speak them into existence. Yet all of that flies in the face of those who wish to believe their own opinions to be superior to inspiration, doesn’t it? It makes perfect sense that if they believe we evolved from apes, they could not believe what Ellen White taught was true.

    Nay, the evolutionist “sewage” has defiled the pure and true at LSU, and its effect permeates the remaining departments of the university. One cannot contain such a far-reaching apostasy as this within a single corner or department of the university. Indeed, we have been given clear evidences that the theologians at the university have also been affected. Whither goes the biology department, and then the theology department, thither goes the whole school.



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  9. I want to say a big amen to the action taken by the CCC. I also want to encourage other leaders to be leaders and do something about evolution being taught in schools claiming to be SDA. “Those who have too little courage to reprove wrong, or who through indolence or lack of interest make no earnest effort to purify the family or the church of God, are held accountable for the evil that may result from their neglect of duty. We are just as responsible for evils that we might have checked in others by exercise of parental or pastoral authority, as if the acts had been our own. {CE 218.2}”
    May God give His people strength to stand up for Him in this time of crisis is my prayer.


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  10. External friendliness is not a good barometer of internal turmoil, friend.

    You stated that you “felt judged” by Southern. Do you understand the difference between real guilt and false guilt?




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  11. That was a great start for the Central Calif. conference. I pray that if a clear change at La Sierra is not quickly forthcoming, that they will also do as Michigan Conference did. Will my Conference (Carolina) follow suite? Time will tell if they will follow God or man.


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  12. Thank you CCC. Let’s wait to see what the GC session will do from now on. Time is running out. LSU student a graduating with those false teaching and are out there in the world spreading what the school believed.
    Will only LSU face the consequence or the whole SDA Church?
    Who is responsible?
    Will I be saved from these sins when Jesus comes again by keeping low and quiet, or the blood of all those who will be lost will be on my hand?
    You decide the answer to my questions.


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  13. What a joy to see another conference speaking out! I am in full support of CCC’s letter, as well as that of the Michigan conference, and their actions. May God continue to bless their leaders, and bring forth more like them! May we all have the courage to speak out when apostasy springs up. May the LSU board be guided and upheld by God! And may God forgive us as a people for suffering this problem to continue so long! Dan. 9:4-6.


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  14. Sailasa Nailava: Amen. If we know that “the bridge is out”, and do not warn the oncoming “trains”, we are guilty of all the the lost and damaged people in the inevitable “trainwrecks” of faith. Which is more valuable, the hope that one teacher may be reclaimed some years from now, if time lasts, or 1,000 + students whose souls could be lost in the mean time? Counteracting the influence of non-believing teachers in our schools could even be a means of reclaiming the teachers and the students if done in a credible way.

    One of my nurse’s aides told me once that when her children went to an SDA school their guard was down, and she had more problems with them than when they went to public schools, and their guard was up. For instance, my biggest problem at the University of Southern California graduate school was not in the teachers there, but in an SDA University leader (that I had hoped might employ me when I graduated) who was an advanced student there then and ridiculed my Christian standards to my face. He was intimidating, but I did not “fold”. I just did not apply there. When I was required to review a controversial book at USC, I wrote against Situation Ethics by Joseph Fletcher, and I did such a good job that my secular professor accepted it. At least he was tolerant of my well-stated moral ideals, even though he did not espouse them. However, I suspect that other SDAs did not uphold their standards at USC.


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  15. The patience of the Central California Conference is admirable. However, the time has come for decisive action. “The time has come when we should sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in the land”. The attacks of Satan MUST be met with the truth of God’s Word. Falsehood must be unmasked, its true character revealed, and the light of the law of Jehovah must shine forth. 3T281 says: “If God abhors one sin above another of which His people are guilty, it is doing nothing in case of an emergency”. I believe that the honest in heart Seventh-day Adventists who adhere to the fundamental of the faith would echo my conviction that we are experiencing a serious time of great emergency in our institutions of education.
    Pastor Dan Shafer


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  16. CCC, thank you for stepping forward with concern and love. Why is it, at times, when we speak of holding an institution accountable that we can be labled judgemental or unloving? Is it possible that the most loving course of action is to hold a person or institution accountable? This website, Michigan Conference and the CCC are not only trying to protect the masses of students who go through La Sierra but protect the University itself – out of love and concern. I have personally been held accountable and it was the most loving and Christian course of action someone could do for me(though at the time it did not feel that way).


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  17. Dear “Adventist in High School”,

    Congratulations on your attendence to the GC ! But what you might be to young to understand, is that the “love” that you felt at the LSU booth is all “new age Adventisim”, meaning, w/all the younger-& some, not so young!-ministers using the NLP on their members, teaching that all we have to do is “love everybody & everything will be ok, & you’ll get to Heaven”, false hoods that we must be carefull of as that just isn’t the “all” of it. Yes, you must do all in love, but you must also teach the whole of the Bible, which at times will cause some discomfort.

    If you have no guilt, why would you feel “judged” ??

    Regards taking away subsidy, sometimes that is the ONLY “language” some Adventists know !! If other monies are withheld, the powers that be are more likely to wake up & move on this problem. As far as I can see, the president of LSU needs to be the first one to go, & then his board & erring profs !! And SHAME on Brother Graham’s stand on this [as] espoused in the Recorder !! How can he [say such things] in a church paper & get by w/it ?? I don’t care what he believes, I just don’t want it in my face. He needs to be removed from that publication also.

    Nanci Williams


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  18. I’m glad everyone seems to think I’m guilty of something.. very kind of you to make assumptions. Have you guys never heard of having someone look at you in an odd way? Just FYI, I felt judged because I walked through their exhibit to see what was going on, etc. and all they did was stare as I came from LSU’s exhibit.
    @Nanci Williams:

    But what you might be to young to understand,

    Exactly the type of attitude I expected from your side… We’re too young to know stuff, because, uhh, yeah we’re too young. It’s kind of ridiculous. Just wondering whether anyone on the whole EducateTruth side of thing wants to refute those comments, or do they represent the attitude of those on this site?

    the “love” that you felt at the LSU booth is all “new age Adventisim”, meaning

    Well we are in a new age, are we not? Lemme know if you can find an iPod that’s over 10 years old…

    teaching that all we have to do is “love everybody & everything will be ok, & you’ll get to Heaven”,

    I think that’s more true than, “just believe in a literal, unscientific, six day creation week even when it can be interpreted allegorically and you’ll get to heaven”

    As far as I can see, the president of LSU needs to be the first one to go, & then his board & erring profs !!

    I’m glad that you feel yourself qualified to decide who needs to leave one of Adventism’s best schools, I would say best but PUC is also pretty good. Is this because you’re old enough?


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  19. I am very encouraged that La Sierra is being held accountable by the CCC. Thank you for bolstering our Seventh-day Adventist standards of education. God will reward your faithfulness.


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  20. As an alumnus of LaSierra University, I have been following the evolution discussion permeating in La Sierra University and I fully support the view expressed by the CCC. I am somewhat saddened to see the wrong direction promoted by the La Sierra administration. There is a cover up denying the real issue. It is high time that the evolution issue is addressed publicly and brought to an end as soon as possible. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Praise the Lord.


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  21. Recently while visiting Pacific Union College, I purchased a used textbook in their book store. I understand it was used for a class taught there. The title of the book is ICONS OF EVOLUTION, Science or Myth? (Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong) by Jonathan Wells. The entire book is from the perspective of errors taught and not from a religious viewpoint. The author holds PhD’s from both Yale University and University of California at Berkeley. He takes many of the icons of evolution and points out the fraud and errors related to them. The book then lists the 10 most recent Biology Textbooks and rates them according to honesty and accuracy. Seven of the 10 received F’s, with two D-, and one D+! Incidentally, Phillip Johnson, Prof of Law at UC Berkeley said about this book “This is one of the most important books ever written about the evolution controversy. It shows how devotion to the ideology of Darwinism has led to textbooks which are full of misinformation”. Can’t someone have an honest conversation with the professors at LSU who debunk a literal 6-day creation and ask them to explain how evolution is a science rather than a theory in light of these findings?. Also, I noted in a video of one of LSU’s Biology 101 lectures they quoted Ellen White in STEPS TO CHRIST to support their position. Then if they want to be honest, they also need to quote her entire chapter in PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS entitled, “The Literal Week”.


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  22. Recently while visiting Pacific Union College, I purchased a used textbook in their book store.I understand it was used for a class taught there.The title of the book is ICONS OF EVOLUTION, Science or Myth? (Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong) by Jonathan Wells….

    Wells, Johnson, Behe, and numerous others have written books debunking Darwinian evolution. Some are Christians and some are not, so you don’t have to be SDA or even a bible-believing Christian to see how and why Darwinism is [mistaken].


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  23. Wow, praise the Lord, this affirmation from the CCC is a great encouragement! That’s interesting about the book Icons of Evolution. [edit]

    Dear Adventist in High School, may God bless you and comfort your heart. As a college and high school teacher myself, I am deeply grieved to hear that in your comments that it seems you are having a negative experience with some people in our church, or feeling that things are so divided. Although we have different perspectives on matters, yet still the love of Christ should prevail in our relationships with one another as we are working toward what is best- that’s something I have been learning recently myself, that it seems with time and patience, and with the Lord’s guidance and help, we can work things out and love one another even though there are many differences among us.

    Being young should not be a barrier to being valued for what you have to share, as the Lord’s church was started by young people, Christ’s disciples were very young, and in times of crisis God has even spoken directly through children when the adults were to hard-hearted to hear His voice.

    I pray that you will not be discouraged, and that rather than relying on people who can so easily make mistakes, you may draw closer and closer to Jesus and fall in love with Him. For me, growing up, that’s what has made the biggest difference in my life. Now, I can’t say that I’m very old, because I was in high school and college not so long ago, but I can share with you, that is what made the biggest difference for me. Praying for you 🙂


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  24. @Nanci Williams: Well we are in a new age, are we not? Lemme know if you can find an iPod that’s over 10 years old…I think that’s more true than, “just believe in a literal, unscientific, six day creation week even when it can be interpreted allegorically and you’ll get to heaven”  (Quote)

    Do you have any idea what the new age is?
    Well according to science, creation week didnt happen, the world wide flood was just allegory, science explained the burning bush as Moses was high on drugs, Jesus Christ being born of a virgin…His crucifixion…death and resurrection were just allegory, and science explains the book of Revelation as the ravings of lunatic. If not taking creation week literally then why take the rest of the Bible literally, after all science explains all of it away. Mat 14:31 “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” Why would you doubt God at His word, but take science above Him who made you at creation


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  25. Once again it is good to see that there are still men among God’s people willing to stand firm on God’s Word yet with the gentle kindness of Jesus. May God strengthen His laborers in this time of crisis!


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  26. Thank you Elder Page. This puts light to the already darkened room of confusion happening at LSU. Taking stands are very difficult and what Elder Page did is very encouraging for me to read.


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  27. Adventist in High School,

    As a youth, I liked it when people are polite and “likeable”. However, I also learned through trial and error that nice people aren’t always nice when you begin to question the information they espouse and/or their authority. As a parent of a high school youth, I too felt the “rub” when I read some responses on this site. Youth may not have the answers we do because of experience but their asking questions and stating what happened to them should not be ignored or belittled.

    I believe that you and others in your age group will be the deciding factor when this is all said and done. Yes, we adults can make decisions regarding subsidies and resolutions but you will be the ones most affected by the decisions. I encourage you to learn more about this issue and remember that one “department” does affect the whole.

    As a youth, you have experienced how one friend who wants to do something wrong, can affect the entire group. The rest of you may decide not to participate but his/her decision to continue in the wrong does affect your friendship.

    The same theory applies here. If the biology department is teaching creation incorrectly, then the theology department must change its stance on Genesis to coincide with the biology curriculum. These two departments are really the foundation of our schools (elementary, secondary and university) and if their curriculum is not in harmony with the Bible, then the entire system is unable to effectively support our beliefs and teach our students.

    If I accept the Earth was not created in 6 literal days as stated in Genesis, then how can I trust (accept via faith) the rest of the Bible as being the authentic Word of God in other areas: Sabbath, marriage, death, resurrection, prophecy, 2nd coming.

    During their formative years, my husband and I repeatedly told our children that if you lie to us from the beginning, it will be difficult (if not impossible) for us to trust you down the road. A foundation built on lies will not hold much weight for someone who is seeking truth. It has been a difficult road at time (for partial truths can more so much more appealing) but they are beginning to see the wisdom behind “the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

    If the beginning of the Book cannot be taken at face value, then how do I trust the rest of the book?

    Investigate this issue for yourself. Talk to your parents, mentor, friends, local pastor, and conference leader. Ask your church to hold a special AY so the YOUTH can ask questions regarding this matter. Your salvation is yours to work out. Let no one deceive, discourage or sidetrack you regarding this matter (discussing youth vs. adult; young vs. old). Seek the truth/kingdom of heaven first and all other side matters will be taken care of by God.

    I agree that sometimes we adults have a way of ignoring the youth and their quest for knowledge. Unfortunately, there are times when we belittle the questions you ask forgetting that we too were in our position. Please don’t be like us. Don’t judge us because we are old and may have forgotten how it feels to seek truth and wisdom. Instead use this information as a catalyst for seeking more info.

    Hope this helps. If it didn’t, please let me know.


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  28. I just got back from the CCC campmeeting at Soquel. I thank God we still have leaders like Jerry Page, Dwight Nelson, etc. that still preach God’s Word. The theme was, “His Word My Strength” which is in stark contrast to LSU’s “Man’s Word is Our Guide” humanistic principle that we are dealing with here.


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  29. Praise God that Pastor Jerry Page has taken a stand with CCC executive committee! Just want to encourage the leadership in Central California Conference to move forward with their action. It is my belief that LSU has had ample time to respond. Rebellion against Biblical truth must be met with firm action with a loving approach. Discipline is never easy to administer but the walls need to be restored. Our young people have a tough road to travel and need all the encouragement and support to uphold the pillars of our faith. They also need to be taught to live the lives that will be a true witness to the world. The scientific world needs such men and women of faith!
    Will be continuing to lift our educational institutions in prayer! We need men of courage to clean things up in our schools to honor our God.


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  30. Our young people have a tough road to travel and need all the encouragement andsupport to uphold the pillars of our faith.They also need to be taught tolive the lives that will be a true witness to the world.

    I agree completely. The problem is not just with LSU, however. Richard Osborn, the ex-President of PUC claimed our SDA students need MORE secular humanism taught them, since he claimed that the “pillars” were not working. And he seemed to wonder WHY he was fired!


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