Geanna Dane: Are you serious? Have you ever heard of …

Comment on Board requests progress reports from LSU administration by Stephen Vicaro.

Geanna Dane: Are you serious? Have you ever heard of Downs Syndrome? Mmm…I just polished off a Jonagold apple. It was delicious with all those extra chromosomes that arose spontaneously from its ancestor. Some 30-80% of plant species are polyploid, with multiple sets of chromosomes. When they arise, which happens all the time, they dont have just new traits, they’re often enttirely new species. There are also polploid animals swimming and crawling all over the place. Some of them are infertile and can no longer produce offsprig by conventional sex, so guess what, they evolved a new trait- parthenogenetic reproduction,

Well of course I am serious. Downs Syndrome is not caused by a new gene. It’s a flute that takes place during meiosis when an uneven cell division takes place. In meiosis, each of the two gametes produced is suppose to get one chromosome from the original pair. In downs syndrome one gamete gets no “chromosome 21” and the other gets two. During reproduction when the sperm and egg combine, the offspring ends up with three “chromosome 21” in stead of the two that would be normal (one from each parent). Hence the name “Trisome 21” or down’s syndrome. I don’t think that downs syndrome is a survival advantage, do you?

I don’t have any problem with the development of asexual reproduction in some species. But that does not mean that they did not originally possess the genetics to do so. I do have a problem with the idea that a species can “create” its own new programing where the elements were not already present. All changes are produced by the loss of a trait, with the acception of minor variations of the same trait. The loss of one gene may cause another, already present to surface. For instance, blue eyes are recessive and are only revealed in the absence of brown eyes. Tallness is recessive, and is revealed in the absence of short genes.

Also, when I say that something is not based science I mean that in the strictest sense. Science is something that can be measured with consistency and can be repeated by others. For instance, when a “scientist” finds a primate jawbone fossile with no teeth, and speculates that “because the canine pits are small this must mean that his teeth were not sufficient to hunt with, so this primate must have had to hunt with a weapon, which means that he must have walked upright.” That is the kind of garbage that proponants of “ape-man” theory have called science. That is not science. I know you understand that. Science is something we can prove. Neither atheistic evolution or creationism can be “proved.” Either one must be accepted based on a prefered world view. Faith is always necessary.

Stephen Vicaro Also Commented

Board requests progress reports from LSU administration
Acts 5:29

Board requests progress reports from LSU administration
“I was then carried back to the creation, and was shown that the first week, in which God performed the work of creation in six days and rested on the seventh day, was just like every other week. The great God, in his days of creation and day of rest, measured off the first cycle as a sample for successive weeks till the close of time. “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created.” God gives us the productions of his work at the close of each literal day. Each day was accounted of him a generation, because every day he generated or produced some new portion of his work. On the seventh day of the first week God rested from his work, and then blessed the day of his rest, and set it apart for the use of man. The weekly cycle of seven literal days, six for labor and the seventh for rest, which has been preserved and brought down through Bible history, originated in the great facts of the first seven days.” EGW, The Spirit of Prophecy, Volume One, pages 86-87

Board requests progress reports from LSU administration

I have not read your previous comments about the six possible positions you available. For my sake, please repeat them.

Recent Comments by Stephen Vicaro

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine

I believe in creation and I have no iidea what your imaginary circle is and see no relevance whatsoever..

I’m sorry Geanna, but there is no way that your views and arguments reflect that of a creationist!

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine

For years, I have feared that Adventism is intellectually dead. No one has been willing to discuss our lack of scientific evidence for a recent Creation. And, here you are making sure that nothing will change.

Carl, again, we are talking about he Seventh-day Adventist “CHURCH.” We put a higher authority in what God has said, as opposed to what man says. Why do you think that the so called “discoveries” of athiests should be able to persuade Christians to abandon the Bibles clear statements, including the very words of Christ Himself? Should we also believe those same atheists when they tell us, “it is impossible to prove that there is a God, therefore we should assume that He does not exist”? If you want to hang with that crowd then please do! The next thing you might tell us is that God did not know how we came to be!

Student reveals true intent of LSU’s biology seminar class

Were you asleep during this presentation that like Trenchard and Guy FULLY SUPPORTED THE TRADITIONAL BELIEFS OF THE CHURCH? Or did you decide that being highly selective with your examlpses would be more effective to support your claim that LSU is undermining Adventist faith?

I am sorry to say this Geanna, but I think that you were the one who was asleep during those lectures. Those guys spoke right over your head. You completely missed all of the subtleties of their heresy.

Why did you not mention the wonderful lecture by Webster, another religion faculty member who reassured us that every one of the following threats from science to the Adventist church can be met:
1. Threat to propitiation model of atonement – if death is not “the wages of sin”, but necessary to evolution-creation-life, then the whole purpose of salvation is lost. No fall, no Savior.

HOW? Please enlighten us on how these conflicting views, evolutionary origins and the atonement, can be met.

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine

We don’t change our Biblical beliefs on theories based in scientific interpretation. The interpretations change too frequently for that.

If you really find no satisfaction in what the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes, then why are you one? I am certainly NEVER going to join the Masons, the Harry Potter’s Fan Club or the Communist party because I am diametrically opposed to what they stand for. Why would anyone insist on forcing themselves to be a part of an organization that it is fundamentally opposed to at its foundation, and then try to change it? That seems illogical for a group of people who claim to be so logically based.

The SDA Church is founded upon the Bible as the infallible Word of God, the Atonement of Christ as the solution to the death problem that our sins brought upon us, and that God is the Creator of all things Who can make something out of nothing without the necessity of the laps of time. No of these beliefs can cohabitate with theistic evolution.

Carl, please explain to me how we are saved if we are to accept geological interpretations that originated with atheists? Yes, it matters!

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine

Virtually every one of you considers it fact that the speakers are undermining Adventist beliefs. But is your opinion a fact or is it a hypothesis?


I am really trying to understand your view. I mean this as gently as I can possibly state it. It appears that you really don’t know what the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches at all. These professors would not just openly state, “The Bible cannot be trusted” or “Science is superior to the Bible.” However, everything they appear to be standing for undermines what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teach about origins.

Geanna, if you understood the original, you would recognize the counterfeit. You have not gotten a Christian education in the Biology department. And according to Fritz Guy’s demonstration you obviously have not gotten a Christian education in the Theology department either. This is not obvious to you because you do not have the foundation of the truth to guide you. I’m afraid my statements will only anger you more. I am sorry that you can’t see through the deception that LSU has fed you.