Note that the 12th Edition of LYING FOR GOD will …

Comment on Christians and the Sabbath by Kerry Wynne.

Note that the 12th Edition of LYING FOR GOD will be available in a couple of months or less. Our chapter on the lunar Sabbath has some errors that needed to be corrected, and additional research has been done. Also, additional research was needed to evaluate Dr. Pitman’s challenges to it. This chapter is under construction, and you may wish to watch its progress as a rough draft. I will provide a view-only link to it in Google Docs. If you are lucky, you will get to see one of us working on the document in real time. Most of Dr. Pitman’s arguments have already been researched and evaluated by our team. Here is the link:



Kerry Wynne Also Commented

Christians and the Sabbath
For those of you who are interested in a point-by-point, researched evaluation of Dr. Pitman’s analysis of the Sabbath Question, here is a Google Docs link you can go to. The rebuttal of Dr. Pitman’s paper is point-by-point, and it takes over 100 pages. The link will give you read-only access. Thanks!

Kerry Wynne
Primary Author
LYING FOR GOD: What Adventists Knew and When They Knew It!

Christians and the Sabbath
For those of you who wish to study a game-changing refutation of Adventism and Sabbatarian that strikes not only its roots, but the very soil that those roots used to grow in, you can study our book, LYING FOR GOD, 11th EDITION. It has been authored over a period of eleven years, and the team of co-authors and consulting scholars had recently gone world-wide. For example, Dr. Reuven Brauner, the world’s most respected Ancient Hebrew scholar, explains that there is no Sabbath until the time of the Exodus. As the translator of the MISHNAH from the Hebrew into the English, he has provided additional evidence that when the Torah was being studied by the Judges of Israel who, at the time, spoke and read the same language in which the Torah was written, interpreted it to clearly teach that the Sabbath did not exist until the Exodus and that it was for Israel alone. Here is a read-only link to the document at Google Docs. It is over 600 pages. I do not check this website for comments. If wish to contact me about the book, you must read the book completely through and indicate that you have done so in the first sentence of your e-mail to this address: —

Recent Comments by Kerry Wynne

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
@Marie: Marie: would you say the same thing to God when He cut His losses and threw Satan and a third of the Angels out of Heaven? He did this because of love, you know.

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
This, from the “horses mouth”, is quite revealing. Church, let the school go its way, and cut the losses, before more souls are lost. The Church is accountable for the damage being done to itself, and its constituents. Repent, before it is too late. MAKE A DECISION!

La Sierra University gets 3-year AAA Accreditation
@Bill Sorensen: I agree Bill. And certainly anyone who may choose to support a supporting ministry of our church would hopefully only do so as long as that ministry indeed IS, and CONTINUES being a “supporting ministry” of the Church. — That being said, it appears that Adventists themselves no longer have a say in what the church does, or does not do; even though they are members in good standing and pay their T&O (including supporting the World Budget) through their local church. Case in point….. what good has it done to raise our voices to the church leadership regarding NOT accrediting LSU???? They have IGNORED our voice, and accredited LSU (in spite of our objections), who by its (LSU) actions and teachings, DO NOT support the beliefs of the church, at least in so far as Biblical creation is concerned!!! And if that SDA doctrine falls, every other doctrine falls along with it! So it certainly seems LSU is NOT working alongside of church beliefs, but now finds itself working with a power at odds with the Creator! Straight talk? YES. Truthful talk? YES!

Science and Faith Walking Hand in Hand?
I have read each post, and it appears to me that some people like to argue and take a different position simply for the sake of doing so, and not because they are necessarily correct, or even believe themselves to be so. Hmmm, is this a pride issue? “just sayin.” (BTW, I have no issues with the Author’s positions or his responses; but I certainly would take issue with someone that appears to disagree with EGW)!

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
Excellent response Sean!