Let me make something clear. Sean Pitman deserves nothing but …

Comment on WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation by Greg.

Let me make something clear. Sean Pitman deserves nothing but praise for bringing this website to us. I did’nt mean to dis him. As a scientist and medical practictioner he has won my respect. I’m just shocked that Faith, who until this point was very reasonable, has shown disrespect toward the medical profession. I’m a product of Southern’s biology program and they teach with utmost respect for science and medicine (though the teaching itself isn’t very good). If Faith is saying that LSU should discard evidence based medicine from their teachings then she is clearly delusional.

Greg Also Commented

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation
Ervin Taylor, I don’t think you have any business commenting on things here. No one pays much attention to your mini rants.

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation

Faith: Pauluc and his cronies have sold out to the scientific community and put them above God. That is the bone of contention I have with him. Sorry if that isn’t to your taste either.

Look, Faith, I agree with you that Pauluc has gone too far if he has rejected six days in six thousand years, and I do object to that. But you simply cannot dismiss all of science. Your hero, Sean Pitman, for example, has utmost respect for science. Has he sold out to the scientific community as well?

Again, you are the one, not me, who is deluded to insist that science and modern medicine have nothing to offer. After all, you throw about the term “science”, quoting Ellen White, as something that supports a recent creation. You and I agree on that, so why would you be so dismissive of how science relates to medicine? Are you suggesting I put my medicine aside and trust in YOU and YOUR interpretation of Ellen White and see what comes with my bipolar disorder?

Get a grip.

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation

Faith: Of course it is a lot easier to pop a pill to feel better, but EGW makes it plain that the drug medications, while they bring relief, will come back on the patient with a more serious disease. If you have ever looked at a PDR you will see how many of the drugs there have serious side effects–some even cancer-causing.

I can appreciate your vigorous defense of our SDA beliefs, Faith, but now I have lost all respect for you. You remarks I’ve cited here clearly reflect sheer ignorance. You have crossed a line.

I know many people who have benefitted from medications. I myself, and my uncle, are good examples. We have bipolar disorder and without our medications we would be disfunctional in the extreme. Yet we can live fairly normal lives today. Ellen White in no way suggests that we would be better off without our medications. The benefits greatly exceed the side effects and you are simply deluded if you think cancer is a likely result. You don’t know what you are talking about.

I think you need to get a grip on what modern science has to offer. Your total ignorance is no excuse for the way you judge other people. I don’t understand why you are so hard on Pauluc who is expressing legitimate concerns about your attitudes toward natural science.

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Sean Pitman to speak at Loma Linda University
Wish I could have seen it. I’m at the wrong end of the country.