Comment on LSU Board news release and actions by Carol.
I totally agree with the observations thus made of these documents published by the LSU Board of Trustees!
There have been recent articles published bemoaning the fact that although there is an increasing SDA church membership there is a decreasing support for SDA education. There are studies/committees appointed to study why and how this “problem” can be rectified.
My husband and I would support Adventist education whole heartedly if we could be assured that the experience our children received could be one that prepared them to be trusted citizens in the government of heaven!
Of interest, we note that a K-8 public school is planning to use the Apologia Science series, by Dr. Jay Wile, for its science curriculum next school year! The institutions of this world will sooner leave the institutions of the church behind in matters of promoting truth filled science!
Yet we will keep praying and seeking to lift up the standard of righteousness in our local congregations that we be not partakers of this Omega of Apostacy; these evolutionary theories of science so-called being taught in our schools goes right along with the “new” worship styles/music being advocated in many of our congregations. May our eyes, hearts, understanding be enlightened by God’s truth! We have no excuse!
God bless His people on His Sabbath Day!
Table of Contents
Recent Comments by Carol
Conrad Vine Continues to Attack Church Leadership
Respectfully, I share the recent published article below! The field of science is marching on delving into the secrets of God’s creation and dangerously trying to improve upon it. Satan is standing over the shoulders of these scientists directing them to create mechanisms ultimately supporting people to, “do as thou wilt.” There is no need for self restraint which God’s Word clearly calls us to. Eat, drink, dress, and be merry, knowing good and evil, for tomorrow you will not die. Disaster awaits! God will stand up very soon with the pronouncement, “This far and no further!”
I believe God gave me a body with the perfect mechanisms in place to fight disease without participating in something that has the potential to create a pathway for life long chronic conditions which extremely complicate life. The use of whole foods, herbs, water and light therapies provide much better outcomes to prevent and treat severe illness! God will protect His children!
Comes JDG, Pijlman GP, Hick TAH. Rise of the RNA machines – self-amplification in mRNA vaccine design. Trends Biotechnol. 2023 Nov;41(11):1417-1429. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2023.05.007. Epub 2023 Jun 14. PMID: 37328401; PMCID: PMC10266560.
Creationist students find little support from LSU
The narrative above is a good example of what happens to those who don’t go along with “mainstream” ideas – in this case evolutionary science. An atmosphere of tyranny and oppression is created instead of congeniality and liberty of conscience! This is what is being fostered on the LSU campus – Sad to say, by my own brother-in-law. 🙁 Right, his title is “evolutionary biology professor”, what does that tell you? Is he really going to be concerned that students thoroughly understand Creationism?
These professors don’t believe that Jesus is Divine or that the Bible is God’s Revelation to man. Anger was kindled in the one professor when a Bible text was quoted – no wonder! The Bible is not an authority to be consulted in matters of origins. The student is belittled and looked upon as stupid and one of a simple mind, unlearned! Tyranny and oppression! On the other hand, Christianity – belief in Jesus Christ as the Divine Son of God and His Word as His Revelation to man, having relevance in all aspects of life – fosters an atmosphere of liberty, justice and freedom!
Blessings to all this preparation day for Sabbath!
Carol Daul
Adventists are virtually silent
Teaching and believing evolution not only strikes at the very roots of Christianity but also strikes at the very existence of this nation, and the freedoms we have enjoyed!
Creationism is based on “biblical myth” as cited in one high school text book
Calling the Bible a myth, the US Constitution must all have been based upon a myth? The founding fathers were duped, believing in myths?
The belief and teaching of evolution is a child of the devil! This Great Nation, upon whose soil we stand, is being turned into a dragon! The Professors of evolutionary science are in the very forefront of this change of face! Soon, those who persist in standing upon the principles of the Constitution, all based upon principles found in the Bible, will soon feel the ire of the dragon and its hot breath breathing upon them! Bring it on!!, I say!!
La Sierra Academy students weigh in on creation/evolution debate
Interesting to note that these young people took the Mac vs PC ads: http://ww/getamac/ads/ , to style their ad in support of evolution, very “innovative”.
It is a sad day if creation is truly being portrayed in such an unattractive style to our youth in our Seventh-Day Adventist Schools!
I, for one, stand in awe and wonder at the majesty, greatness, intelligence, and power of God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, Who created this world – all things as we see them, even after this earth has gone through thousands of years of sin, by His SPOKEN WORD! Because of this single fact, I rest assured that He will and is taking care of every facet of my life! Therefore, I choose to ever remain in His secret place and thus abide under His shadow, for there I am safe!
The suppositions of man regarding the origin of life, no matter how attractive or popular they are portrayed, are falsehoods to keep us from abiding in the secret place of the Most High! Satan and the many angels with him know their destiny and will do everything in their power to beguile men and women, created in the image of God, to partake of their fate as well! They have studied humanity thousands of years and there is a delusion tailor made for each individual! If we are not abiding in the secret place of God, our Father, we shall not recognize these for what they are, LIES!
May the Lord our Saviour help us today! We are truly nearing the end of the controversy that this world has been in the midst of for thousands of years! God’s people need to avail themselves of this opportunity to make their calling and election sure! Pray and study God’s Word to us as never before!
La Sierra “outraged” over Educate Truth article
The state of our church and the world today is as Jesus stated,”But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matt.24:37.
“Because of his holy integrity and unwavering adherence to God’s commands, Noah was counted singular indeed and made himself an object of contempt and derision by answering to the claims of God without a questioning doubt. What a contrast to the prevailing unbelief and universal disregard of His law!…
Noah was tested and tried thoroughly and yet he preserved his integrity in the face of the world–all, all against him. Thus will it be when the Son of man shall be revealed. The saved will be few, as is represented by Noah and his family…
But the days before the Flood steal silently on as a thief in the night. Noah is now making his last effort in warnings, entreaty, and appeal to the rejecters of God’s message. With tearful eye, trembling lip, and quivering voice he makes his last entreaty for them to believe and secure a refuge in the ark. But they turn from him with impatience and contempt that he should be so egotistical as to suppose his family are the only ones right in the vast population of the earth. They have no patience with his warnings, with his strange work of building an immense boat on dry ground. Noah, they said, was insane.
Reason, science, and philosophy assured them Noah was a fanatic. None of the wise men and honored of the earth believed the testimony of Noah. If these great men were at ease and had no fears, why should they be troubled? –Ms. 5, 1876, pp. 1-4. (“The Days of Noah,” cir. 1876.)
The men of highest intellect in Noah’s day could be heard speaking something like this,”The laws of nature have been fixed; the recurring seasons have come and gone in regular order. Rain has never yet fallen. The rivers and brooks have never passed their boundaries. Fixed decrees have kept the waters from overflowing their banks. Why, to say that a sudden flood will come upon our world is indeed very preposterous! There is no scientifically supportable world-flood model. Furthermore, this man knows nothing of science, he has absolutely no known published scientific research to prove his claims. If Noah has a scientifically supportable world-flood model, we would think that the great scientists at the World Science Research Institute would make us aware of it and provide information so that it could be taught. Noah’s arguments for a great deluge of water flooding this world we live on can be only speculative, not scientific.”
Many today in the scientific community believe that the great flood is simply a fairytale, or if it did happen, it was simply a local event. Many use modern scientific models to prove the Bible, but herein lies the most dangerous error!
As in Noah’s day, men reason today,”The greatest scientists of our day who are well learned in the most extensive studies of the origin of life would enthusiastically teach a short history of life if they could find the evidence. Fact is, they have not been able to re-create a short-history model in their science labs. Therefore, to argue for a six-day creation can be only speculative, not scientific. If someone has a scientifically supportable short-history model, I would think that the science staff at the Geoscience Research Institute would make us aware of it and provide information so that it could be taught. GRI has been funded for more than fifty years to do just that – to provide a scientific basis for a recent creation. Even GRI scientists have essentially admitted that the overwhelming weight of the current scientific evidence and most reasonable interpretation of the current scientific data points to life being very old on this planet. Be not concerned, all things continue on as from the beginning. God does not work outside the bounds of the laws of nature. ”
Woe is man!
Romans 1:18-24
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”